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Jul. 29th, 2014


When the crooks are out and the streets are grey

Who: Erin and Evan
When: Early evening
Where: Erin's place

You know I wouldn't have it any other way. )

Jan. 4th, 2014


This shit ain't cute.

Who: Nick and Erin
When: Morningish
Where: U of M hospital

Erin was getting real used to seeing people die in the most bizarre and horrific ways possible.

She had really, really hoped that she'd go to sleep and wake up in the morning and whatever the barrier had done to her would have worn off and she could be normal again. The second she had hit her alarm clock off, only to see it being used to bludgeon someone to death, she knew this was not the case.

That morning had been a special sort of hell, and Erin had learned early on that she needed to get out of her house while somehow managing to touch as few things as possible. She could handle horror-movie images in her head at all times, but not when they involved her family members. She'd dressed and hauled ass out of the house. By the time she'd driven to work she'd mentally experienced her car being used to run people down no less than three times before she realized she had to keep her hands on the steering wheel at all times and move as little as possible.

At the hospital, the first thing she did was don a pair of plastic gloves. She tried to keep as much of her skin as possible covered. This seemed logical.

She then proceeded to ask every person she encountered to rate the level of trauma in their life on a one to ten scale. This was somewhat less logical, but anytime she got a five or lower, she touched them. Just because she had to keep checking if it wore off. This was the sort of mood she was in when she leaned gently against the elevator wall, needing to go get a coffee. She needed a lot of coffee for this. And then the elevator doors opened and she saw Nick.

"Nick!" Fuck, man. She just couldn't help it. "Perfect. On a scale of one to ten, one being you once had a bad picture day at school and ten being a survivor of the Titanic only to end up dying of cancer after suffering through twenty years of an abusive marriage to someone who routinely made you watch them murder puppies, how traumatic would you say your life has been?"

Dec. 29th, 2013


Aw, fuck it.

Who: Roxy and Erin
When: Evening
Where: The school

Of course Erin had been healing all about Scarlet Oak's latest catastrophe, and of course, the whole thing was driving her insane. She supposed at the end of the day she really was just an insufferable know-it-all, and not having the faintest fucking clue what was going on didn't agree with her. And then the rumors started spreading that touching the barrier was making the powers of various supes act 'funny.'

That was not the kind of thing Erin could just ignore.

She left work that night dressed rather low-key, for her, anyway. She parked the hearse a couple blocks away and walked the rest of the way, slowly but surely making her way to the police barricade. It was quite the sight. Barricades, cop cars, fire trucks and ambulances everywhere. Erin knew a good chunk of the people associated with those things. But there were also the military jeeps and humvees. Gubment's not gonna make this easy for me, Erin thought, wrinkling up her nose as she scanned the scene. Fuck it.

Erin looked around until she spotted someone she knew that she thought might not be totally against her idea. Roxy. Roxy was only a paramedic, but she had a sense of adventure, right? Erin made her way over to Roxy's ambulance, nodding her head in greeting. "Sup, girl. Wanna help me do something stupid?"

Dec. 28th, 2012


next thing you know you're eating hospital food

Who: Nick and Erin
When: Lunch
Where: UofM Hospital

To tell the honest to God truth, Erin had been a little pissy ever since there had been rumors of the actual corpse of an angel in town, and she hadn't been allowed to see it. She'd been called at home and told to go to a different morgue that day, because the government had taken that case over. It was probably a pretty morbid thing to be annoyed over, but as depressing as things had been lately, that really would have been interesting. Her mood was steadily picking up, however. Enough so that the last few days or so she'd been going to the cafeteria for lunch, as opposed to just eating in the morgue (which had a tendency to squick out a lot of the hospital staff).

Honestly, Erin found it easier to eat in the morgue. Every time she ventured into the cafeteria she could guarantee that there'd be at least one person who knew her on sight who would give her the 'oh God, oh God, please tell me she washed her hands' look. She walked into the cafeteria and people tended to give her a wide berth, as if they expected her to reek of death. Sometimes this wasn't a problem. But today, the cafeteria was crowded, and she was having trouble finding an empty table. She was just about to take her tray back to the morgue, when she realized Dr. Bryant was sitting alone. She didn't know him very well, though they'd certainly talked a couple of times. Maybe he wouldn't mind the company. She headed over, standing a healthy distance away in case he was one of the people who found her to be particularly icky. "Hey, are you opposed to company? Everywhere else is full."

Mar. 4th, 2011


What a mess a little time makes to us when time and place collide

Who: Jasper and Erin
When: Late afternoon
Where: Erin’s house

Operator, operator, dial her back. Operator, operator, don't take her too. )

Feb. 15th, 2011


like larva feeding from the kill

Who: Erin, a Legionary of Haures, Jasper, Jameson, and open
When: Early morning
Where: Anywhere But Here

When the demonic waves hit town, Erin always showed her true workaholic colors. After working with the civilian round-up teams all the previous day, she’d headed to the hospital to help out and had worked through the night. She still hadn’t slept. She hadn’t even been home. After leaving the hospital, she headed over to the bar. Once again, the owner had given her a pair of keys, so she could head over early and set up base. She wasn’t sure if they’d even need the civilian groups today, but she’d be there if they did.

Erin unlocked and let herself in the front door, immediately heading over to the bar to check the messages on the phone. Because they’d always used the bar as the base, a lot of times people called the bar itself if they wanted to report a sighting that wasn’t an emergency. Before she got that far, she heard a noise back in the kitchen.

Now, Erin wasn’t stupid. She’d seen more than her fair share of horror movies. And in her humble opinion, anyone that wasn’t a hundred percent on their guard in times like these was just a fucking moron. So no, she did not go to investigate. She paused, staying very still as she pulled her gun from the waistband of her pants. She dropped her bag on the floor, kicked it to the side, and took the safety off. “Who’s back there?” she yelled. She didn’t get an answer, but the noises stopped. In the movies, that was always a bad sign.

Twisting and turning, my insides are burning. )

Feb. 14th, 2011


scarred for life

Who: Erin, Evan, Jasper, and Mrs. Forsythe ((NPC... wait, what?))
Where: Forsythe home
When: Morning

Read more... )

Jan. 26th, 2011


show me what my hands were made for

Who: Erin and Jasper
Where: Random bar in the area
When: Evening
Warning: NSFW (( seriously, who didn’t see this one? ))

Also known as: how Jasper got his groove back. )

Jan. 22nd, 2011


Bitches? Get shit DONE.

Who: Jasper and Erin
When: Early morning
Where: U of M hospital

By morning, Erin was feeling pretty normal again. Also, the second she checked the news, she was feeling like a psychic in a whole new way. Warnings for possible demonic activity tomorrow. Well, great. Yeah, it was a great idea to get Jasper out of the hospital. The place was always a mad house when that happened. She was just full of awesome ideas.

She headed out to the hospital a little earlier than she was due for work, wanting to give Jasper the blood before her shift. She stopped briefly in her office to grab her lab coat and stash her purse, placing the 4oz vial of blood in her coat pocket as she headed to Jasper’s room. She’d looked up how much it would take to heal him, and discovered she could safely divide the blood four ways. Vampire blood seemed like a good thing to hang onto, what with the way that demons seemed to have a hard-on for her house. Yeah, that was a fucking excellent plan.

She was in a mixed mood as she walked down the hall. On one hand, holy shit yay she got to heal Jasper. On the other, it was quite possible the next few days were going to suck anyway. Nuts. Her steps grew softer as she neared his room, not sure if he’d be awake or not. This time, rather than knocking, she peeked her head in the door for a look-see.

Read more... )

Jan. 19th, 2011


blood for blood, nothin' wrong with that

Who: Jezebelle and Erin
When: Evening
Where: Forsythe and Family Funeral Parlor

Sometimes, Erin was astounded by her own awesome.

No, seriously. The way she saw it, most people had a friend (-slash-guy-they-wanted-to-fuck-stupid) in the hospital, and they bought a card, or balloons, or flowers. Erin Fucking Forsythe had hit up Craigslist looking for vampire blood. And actually fucking succeeded. The arrangements made, she’d headed downstairs, drained a pint of her blood, and by the time the sun was setting she was sitting at her kitchen table nibbling cookies and drinking orange juice. She felt a little woozy - being a regular blood donor, she was perhaps pushing this impromptu bloodletting just a smidge - but she was sure it would pass soon. Not bad, considering.

Since Graham had successfully found himself a blood doll on Craigslist, Jezebelle thought it might be worth her while to keep an eye on other vampire related dealings in Scarlet Oak. She was shocked to see Erin’s offer and even more surprised to see that she was the first one to respond. Then again, maybe not every vampire was looking to get high, but with Graham around, it seemed like a good deal. Even better, it was her own type of blood, and fae, so maybe she’d just keep this for herself. At least it would be good to have as back up for when Graham was going through withdraw.

Walking up to the front door of the funeral parlor, Jezebelle glanced up at the sky, putting her hand out for a drop of rain. Drat. She was hoping they’d gotten past this. Plus, she’d forgotten her umbrella and didn’t even want to know what the rain would do to her dress. Hurrying up the rest of the way, Jezebelle knocked on the door, eager to get inside before it really started raining. Read more... )


Because maybe you're gonna be the one that saves me

Who: Jasper and Erin
When: Shortly after 6PM
Where: U of M Hospital

There are many things that I would like to say to you, but I don't know how )

Nov. 29th, 2010



Idk if I'll need this or not, so I'm covering my bases.

Nov. 27th, 2010


It's Chloe's birthday and she'll cry (laughing) if she wants to

Who: Chloe, Erin, Jasper and Jameson
Where: Random, noisy, fun bar
When: Night time!

It was Chloe’s birthday and she was ready to party. And dressed to impress, at least to impress herself, which was all she really cared about. And to think hours earlier she didn’t even know it was her birthday. Hell, she didn’t even know how old she was going to be, let alone when her birthday was. Since Leeloo had been kind enough to let her know, however, and Erin had gone to the planning extent to take the next day off to party properly, this was going to be epic; lack of planning on the birthday girl’s part, or no. Upon entering the bar, Chloe immediately turned to Erin and grinned. “So, first order of business is drinking. Then, we drink some more. Then a little more - I’m thinking shots, hence a little - and then we dance. Sound good?” She sure hoped so. Drinking wasn’t a staple of a fun night out for Chloe, but them cocktails sure tasted great, and she had a sweet tooth.

Twins ahoooy! )

Aug. 27th, 2010


This is why we can't have nice things

Who: Jasper and Erin
When: Midday
Where: Hospital in Ann Arbor, THE MORGUE!!

Let the hilarity begin! )

Jul. 12th, 2010



Who: Evan and Erin (and a bunch of crazy picketing NPCs)
When: Morning
Where: Forsythe and Family Funeral Parlor

With no work on her table for the rest of the morning, Erin finished her paperwork and set her mind to determining what next. Sticking around the house, probably, in case something should come up. First, she knew she needed to pay her respects at the showing upstairs. Very rarely did Erin show to any funeral for someone she’d never met personally, but the death of a local teenager wasn’t something she took lightly. Appearances should be made. And she knew better than to make said appearances looking the way she did now. Knowing poor Claire Korey’s friends and family would be turning up for the first day of her showing any minute now, Erin headed upstairs to change and cast some glamors. First, she headed into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. That was when she heard the noises.

Angry noises, and chanting - most of which she couldn’t quite make out. A thoroughly perplexed look on the medical examiner’s face, she headed over to the window above the sink, and pulled the lace curtain back.

She dropped her coffee mug. “Oh hale no,” she growled, anger boiling up inside of her. Protesters. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Cruel signs proclaiming everything from ‘God hates freaks’ to ‘Burn the Witch!’ Were they fucking serious?

Coming from an official standpoint, it would be a bad idea for the county medical examiner to head outside and shove a picket sign up some bumfuck redneck’s ass. It would reflect poorly. And yet Erin was heading for the door, fists clenched angrily. “EVAN!” she shouted, throwing open the back door. “CALL THE POLICE. SOME TRESPASSERS ARE ABOUT TO BE SHOT.”

Dis gon be good. )

May. 17th, 2010


Keeping Up with the Crazies

Who: The Forsythes!
When: Late afternoon
Where: the Forsythe house

Erin found it a little difficult to get back into work mode after a weekend of, well, vigilantism, and found it was no wonder Bruce Wayne could be such a tool. Putting down the Bat-cape wasn't easy! Thankfully, by mid-morning that day she'd been back to her normal state of being entirely consumed by her work, and she found herself falling back into routine. Even while inwardly determining that any part of this becoming routine was, without a doubt, bugfuck crazy. Demon revolt, death death death, back to work and watching TV for a week, lather, rinse, repeat. Oh well.

She did feel a bit of pride at the fact that the Forsythe and Family Funeral Home was safe and operational through-out it all. Having the place blessed had really done some good.

After finishing up for the day and grabbing a shower, Erin headed back downstairs, finding the door to one of the private grieving rooms ajar. Doors tended to open and close on their own accord in the Forsythe house, but what respectable funeral home wasn't haunted? She just closed the door without a second thought -- just to get an oh so wonderful flash of the widow from the Niemi funeral scoring some hot piece of ass over the weekend. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me." Erin couldn't even remember the last time she got laid in this house! No fair! NO FAIR! Sometimes this touch-know thing really sucked.

Apr. 20th, 2010


Who 'ya gonna call? DEMONBUSTERS!

Who: Erin, Lux, Torque, Fortun
When: Late morning
Where: Random residence in Scarlet Oak

Having met at the bar early that morning, Erin had been pleased to see a mix of both repeat volunteers and new faces alike. It hadn't taken long for groups to be determined - each group had someone with at least basic first aid knowledge, and a high number of volunteers had experienced a demon at least once before.

The group Erin had put herself in consisted of three men she had never met before. One guy simply because he'd been the first one there, another because it was his buddy, and the third she'd picked at random. Hell of a way to meet people. She would have liked to stay with people she knew, but in the end, she knew some damn competent people, and at least this way she could guarantee that each group had at least one person with a double digit IQ. Score.

The first call of the morning was for a middle class residence, and Erin was pretty certain she was pulling into the right driveway. The door was still open, like the family had left in a hurry. "The call said they tried to lock it in the attic and run, but they don't know if it's still in there." She killed the ignition and turned to her male companions, putting her game face on as she did. "Ready, boys?"

Mar. 31st, 2010



Who: Chloe and Erin
When: Late afternoon
Where: Erin's car for starts

After work, Erin had wasted no time in firing off a few texts and hopping in the hearse. She was still endlessly creeped out, and it was the sort of creeped out that could only be solved by friends, and either lots of alcohol or lots of bullets. Seeing as she had to work tomorrow, she was going with the latter option.

Thankfully, the best friend was game. It only took a few minutes to get to Chloe's house, and when she got there, she rolled down the window and screamed in way of greeting. "Well, I feel better. And how are you, Precious?"


Pleased To Meet You, Hope You Guess My Name

Who: Bartleby and Erin
Where: The Forsythe and Family Funeral Parlor
When: A little bit after lunch
Why: Because he's got to meet the competition of course!

Heading over to his chief, well pretty much only, competitor's office with a plate full of freshly baked cookies might have seemed a little odd to anybody else, but to Bartleby it was a perfectly reasonable thing to do. They were in the same little town after all, and just because they had to compete didn't mean they couldn't be friendly about it. It was just business and hey, there were plenty of fresh bodies around for everyone...between him and the demons he was sure of that fact. Supposedly the place had been family owned for quite some time, and the last thing that Bartleby wanted to do was to cast someone out on the street. Still, better them than him would be his final sentiment, and if the Forsythes couldn't handle a little competition, then that was just sad.

Entering the office he looked about, the place seemed like usual funeral home type of fare. Setting was old but well kept to allow for visitors to feel some sort of comfort, but had that air of professionalism that anyone in the death field needed to exude. Standing at the desk he placed his cookies down and began to look around, not entirely sure how one was to get attention here. Were they in a hotel he'd ring a little bell and someone would swoop down to snatch up his bags and help check him in. Sadly in funeral homes little bells were somewhat frowned upon, Bart never really understood why...oh well, standing there politely he began to whistle a cheerful tune as he eyeballed the area further quite sure that someone would show up eventually. I mean, death doesn't exactly take a holiday now does it?

Mar. 12th, 2010


Embalming 101

Who: Evan, Erin and NPC vampire,
When: Early Morning
Where: The Forsythe Funeral home

Evan was back into the swing of things and those things included work. It'd been nice to get a break and get away from Scarlet Oak for a while after his crashed and burned relationship, but now that he was home, he couldn't even figure out why he'd left in the first place. It wasn't worth it, she wasn't worth it, not losing his family and friends and his job over. He'd missed working which might have been strange to some given the fact that he was an embalmer, but Evan did miss actually having a purpose. He still refused to stay at his own home so he'd taken to sleeping at his parents still, but bright and early in the morning, he headed down to check on his first job of the day. A pretty little blonde.

Too bad she was dead.

vampires are undead, not dead dead )

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