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Oct. 12th, 2010


a little bird told me

Who: Gabe and Charlotte
When: Late morning/early afternoon
Where: Gabe's house, around Scarlet Oak

The days since Claire's funeral had been spent researching vampire families for one Charlotte Angel. She'd found that there seemed to be an awful lot of vampire who admitted to having some sort of shape-shifting ability, and even more alleged to have it. While good to have confirmation, it didn't help her at all in the grand scheme of narrowing things down. Trying to pinpoint even a few possible 'suspects' was ruled (to Charlotte's mind) as basically impossible. If she had anything else to go on, anything at all, maybe she would have had a shot. But she did not, and it was back to the drawing board.

It was a daunting task. How could they possibly identify a vampire that Gabe had never seen in a human form? If only someone, anyone had seen him... And that thought was what gave Charlotte her epiphany. Within an hour she was in her car, pulling into the driveway of Gabe's mom's.

This isn't going to be easy. )


I wanna tell your soul before the sun goes down -

Who: Liliya and Via
Where: University of Michigan campus - classical concert
When: Later evening
Warning: Goes NSFW

-how to hold my heart. )


And I'm sure the view from heaven

Who: Imogen and Zeke
Where: Around Scarlet Oak
When: Daytime

Beats the hell out of mine here. )


As I whisper in your ear

Who: Circe, NPCs (her attending, Nurse McKay and doctor at abortion clinic)
Where: U of M hospital > Detroit
When: The following events take place between 2 to 4 in the afternoon
Warning: Well, mature themes such as abortion; some violence

I want to fucking tear you apart. )


Practice makes perfect sense

Who: Elizaveta and Whisper
Where: Whisper’s home
When: Sundown

Darling you have a beautiful smile, you should use it more often. )


Seasons don't fear the Reaper

Who: Élise & Raphael, NPC blood dealer
Where: Around by Town Hall... ish
When: After nightfall, very post-debate
Warnings: A Horseman and a Harbinger of Bedlam... what do you think this warning should say? ;)
Words in italics represent words spoken in French.

Nor do the win, the sun or the rain. )


Leave my door open just a crack

Who: Kajsa and Lumi
Where: Lumi's home
When: Night

'cause I feel like such an insomniac. )


It's like I'm the one you love to hate

Who: Cameron, Liliya & *OPEN* to anyone at the debate
Where: Town Hall
When: 7:30 p.m.ish on, right after this.

Fifteen minutes after her closing statement Liliya felt ready for any questions that the crowd might have for her. Though really, she was more interested in seeing what they threw at Calvert. She had scented several vampires and weres in the crowd and that was not even including the ones who gave off no noticeable odor if they were not cut. She would not have wanted to be in his shoes. And true, hers might be a little tight depending on how intelligent the anti-supernaturals in the crowd were... but the only one she had any degree of recognition for at the current moment was Calvert's fiance. Other than her she had not been exposed to a large number of them and considered herself completely fine with that. She did not need a lesson in bigotry, it always left a bitter taste in her mouth.

"Welcome back," the mediator said to the crowd as they began to settle back down, more than a few holding little plates or cups and Liliya was pleased to see that the vampires had indulged. "Mr. Calvert and Mrs. Kennedy will now be accepting questions from the crowd. But please keep your questions relevant to the topic of supernatural rights and events that tie in with them, direct attacks will not be tolerated on either of them or other members of the audience. Now, first question?" More than a dozen hands shot into the air and Liliya found herself pleased when she realized that at least one vampire was among those with a question. "Yes, you in the second row, what is your question and who is it for?"

Oct. 11th, 2010


There you go - you're always so right

Who: Cameron and Liliya (NPC mediator)
Where: Town Hall
When: 7 o’clock p.m.

It's all a big show it's all about you. )


It's Gonna Be Alright No Matter What They Say

Who: Zhari and open
When: midday around noon
Where: Walking around the streets of Scarlet Oak, enjoying the weather

It's gonna be a good day, just wait and see. )

Nov. 19th, 2010


The Secret's In The Telling

Who: Jasper and Kitty
Where: Police Station
When: Morning

Two things Jasper McQueen took seriously in life - cars and women. Treat both of them with respect and love them like you’re going to die tomorrow. Part of why who took up the human trafficking unit was due to the mistreatment of Elsie and the vast visions he saw. That shit didn’t erase. It was burned in his memory forever. Jasper took sex cases very seriously and the second Jameson handed the file of a certain Miss Kitty on over to his twin, he was all over it. The blonde had skimmed through the information the night before, knowing that Jameson was blabbing on with the TV on the whole time. Always easier to ask first hand anyways.

Always easier to use his hands, period.

He had to remind himself not to get burned again like he did with Elsie, but then again, this wasn’t Elsie. There was no attachment or years of searching. Jasper considered himself fine. So as he rolled on up to the police station, classic rock music blaring out of his car, he killed the engine and hopped on out with a travel mug of coffee in hand. He wasn’t dressed in uniform like the rest of the crew: jeans, a ratty old tshirt, leather jacket, boots, and gloves. Taking a sip from his coffee, he said good morning to a couple of the officers and poked around the corner to spot a tiny redhead sitting by herself in the lobby. “Reckon you might be Miss Kitty McLain, ma’am?”

Read more... )

Oct. 11th, 2010


Hunt you to the ground they will

Who: Ishiko, Madeleine & Zaviar
Where: Town hall
When: Pre-debate

Mannequins with kill appeal. )


That's not a dog it's a Horse!

Who Cheyenne, Jeannie,(NPC) and Her new Familiar Zeus(NPC)
When mid-nighttime around 8 o'clock
WhereWalking home from babysitter's, by the park and Cheyenne's apartment

Hmm a 160 pound dog in a two bedroom apartment....great )


And I clicked my heels

Who: Cameron & Amanda
Where: Hospital --> Home
When: Noon-ish

Three times, just like you said. )


Shine on, you crazy diamond

Who: Linnea, Madeleine & familiars (NPCs)
Where: The park
When: Afternoon

Well, you wore out your welcome with random precision )

Oct. 10th, 2010


You hurt where you sleep

Who: Danica and Jezebelle
Where: Jezebelle’s house
When: evening

And you sleep where you lie )


Hey, Mr. Curiosity

Who: Erika and Eva
Where: outside a video store
When: late afternoon

Is it true what they've been saying about you )


The secretest code of mine

Who: Erika Forsythe and her familiar Petunia
Where: her place
When: early afternoon

It's anyone's, anyone's guess )

Oct. 9th, 2010


So lock the kids up safe tonight

WHO: Treat and Kieron
WHAT: Uhh Random Chance? Meeting.
WHERE: Treat's backyard.
WHEN: Early morning.

Fifteen Blows to your Mind )

Oct. 10th, 2010


You're late - what's wrong today?

Who: Laurent and Odette
Where: Cherryblossom Place
When: Evening

Have you asked of yourself... )

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