April 2015




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Apr. 30th, 2012


going for a walk outside to see what i can find.

Who: Brendan and OPEN.
Where: Scarlet Oak Community Park.
When: Late afternoon.

What else was there to do but wander around town? )

Apr. 29th, 2012



Scene with Elaine and Satu.

Apr. 30th, 2012


we go and go and go in circles.

Who: Jackson.
Where: The Budget Lodge; Jackson's room.
When: Early afternoon.

Full moon in an unfamiliar place was always strange. )

Apr. 29th, 2012


You & I - we were born to die

Who: Cheyenne and Missy
Where: Cheyenne's home
When: Night

Couldn't find all the answers. )


This is madness!

Who: Brenda and Ruthie AND AND AND TWIIIIINS
When: Afternoon
Where: Mall in A2

It was really adorable the way Michiganders thought they were in the middle of a heatwave. Honestly, just precious. The weather was hot and the air was thick, but really, this was the closest thing Ruthie had felt to a temperature her body was used to in a long time. She'd hated to be cooped up inside all day, and when her remaining appointments canceled on her (one of them actually said it was too hot to walk outside to her car, what the fuck), Ruthie had been thrilled for a chance to take off. One of the girls at the spa had told her stores at one of A2's malls were starting to get their fall and winter stocks in, so today seemed like a good day for Ruthie and Brenda to do something they'd absolutely never had to do before.

Shop for cold weather clothing.

After taking a single look around the first store, Ruthie had felt panic rise in her throat. Kapua, her tokay familiar who was sitting on her shoulder, kept laughing maniacally and garnering her odd looks. The only sort of layers Ruthie was used to wearing was a bikini under her shorts and t-shirt. This was... this was... this was just wrong. She stopped in front of a store window and looked at the display mannequins with a look of clear distaste. "I don't understand puffer vests," she announced. "Not even a little. Are my boobs that much more susceptible to frostbite than my arms?" Holy shit, they better not be. If even one nipple looked like it was starting to change colors she was on the first plane back home.


Vagina: the silent killer.

Who: Cole, Bunny, and later Lilith, Niamh, and Issy?
When: Early evening
Where: Cole's house

Bunny did appreciate what Cole did for her. Really, she did. But Bunny wasn't the sort of person who reacted well to secrets. She also wasn't used to people talking badly about her. Oh sure, she'd had her fair share of that when she was younger. A strange little girl with Tourette's Syndrome was a prime target on the playground. Somehow, Bunny had always possessed the confidence and ability necessary to eventually win people over to her side. Those she didn't win over had eventually realized that it wasn't fun picking on someone who only played it up and laughed along with you, and moved on. Bunny's entire high school career had been smooth sailing, popularity-wise. She got along with kids from different social circles, and those that didn't like her usually left her be. Sure, she still got weird looks, but she was the sort of person who liked the weird looks.

Now someone had done something that hadn't happened in years. Someone had been talking smack about her. This was almost a foreign concept. She just had to know what was said, and if it was the sort of thing she'd laugh at or get angry with. She had to know! And Cole was refusing to tell her! So she had threatened him with the thing he feared the most: female nudity.

She really thought that would have worked, but he still hadn't told her. So she had left her house with every intention on making good on her threat.

She arrived at Cole's house maybe an hour before sunset, and she found a tree with enough cover to shift behind. She took off her clothes and piled them neatly, and shifted effortlessly into a tiny, fluffy kitten. The she began the task of climbing the tree.

Apr. 28th, 2012


You and me could write a bad romance

Who: Dominic and Keira
Where: A shady bar of ill repute, of course.
When: Evening

'cause you're a criminal as long as you're mine.  )


I've got a sunset in my veins

Who: Quentin and Orion (and Willie, NPC'd)
Where: Outside Panorama
When: Early afternoon

and I need to take a pill to make this town feel okay. )


sorry for party rocking

Who: Kendal & Antonin
Where: The park
When: Early afternoon

Yeah, so Kendal didn't know how she'd ended up at the park. )

Apr. 27th, 2012


I seem to you to seek a new disaster every day

Who: Keelin & Reggie
Where: Camelot Place
When: Evening

I don't know why you're getting so worked up. It was just one date, not a marriage proposal. )


It was hot.

Who: Telyn and Selena (and their respective familiar(s) - NPCs)
What: Grocery shopping surprises!
Where: The supermarket to start
When: Around noon time

Look, you can stay here but you'll be hot and I don't want to hear you complaining about it when I get back. Plus, someone might arrest me for animal abuse. How's that gonna look? )

Apr. 26th, 2012


the bodies in the streets

Who: Briony & Persephone (& NPC legionaries)
Where: The bridge
When: Early afternoon

& when you're gone we want you all to know we'll carry on. )


Blood's a good business

Who: Derrick and Leif
When: Around two or so
Where: Leif's place

Sunday's had never been special to him. )


What's that make us? Big damn heroes, sir.

Who: Jonas and Regina
Where: The bridge
When: Late morning

Ain't we just? )


I aim to misbehave

Who: Jonas, Selena in passing, a Legionnaire of Eurynome (NPC), and an unfortunate victim (also NPC’d)
Where: Jonas’ apartment → The bridge
When: Early morning

can't stop the signal. )


Tell me that you're alright

Who: Madeleine and Zaviar
Where: Zaviar's home
When: Mid-afternoon

Used to rely on self-medication; guess I still do that from time to time. )

Apr. 24th, 2012


a brightly colored stalker

Who: Jack and Bunny
When: Afternoon
Where: Streets of S.O.

Normally, if one set out with a mission to stalk a person they barely knew, camouflage or low-key clothing might have been thought of as a good way to go for a rational human being. Bunny was not a rational human being. On any given day of the week her clothing guaranteed she’d stand out, and she wasn’t about to change that for anything or anyone. Hell yes she was wearing rainbow shorts, and damn proud of it.

She was indeed stalking. Or rather, trying to. She didn’t actually know where Jack lived, but he had given her permission to take his picture whenever she wanted. Kind of. She was fuzzy on the details, but he’d said something was okay. Bunny had obviously taken this to mean she could try and figure out where he lived without actually asking him first. It only took a little asking around. He was one of two pariahs, and people were happy to tell their stories. Bunny didn’t believe the majority of what people said (she could only imagine what people said about her, after all), but she was able to get a basic area out of it all. So she grabbed her camera bag and set off.

Bunny had been in the trailer park only a handful of times, always to take pictures. Some people gave her strange looks, but she didn’t really let this bother her. She was not in her neighborhood, but she’d never been the sort of person to let that get to her. She went wherever she wanted to go and acted like she owned the place. No problem. It shouldn’t be too hard to pick up Jack’s scent somewhere.

Apr. 22nd, 2012


'cause they never play fair

Who: Cole and Lilith
Where: Landers home
When: Late afternoon

It won't take you away, up out of here. )


The grass is getting greener each day

Who: Daisy, Darklis and Rina
Where: Darklis' home
When: Afternoon

Everybody knows where we're going. )

Apr. 21st, 2012


we may look like children...

Who: Ava and Bubbles
When: Morning
Where: Park playground

But we're older than you, really. )

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