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Mar. 31st, 2014


I'll kick tomorrow, fight back at the pouring rain

Who: Zeke and Holly (and Scooby, NPC'd)
Where: Holly's apartment
When: Early evening

I'll send the weak ends down the drain, down the drain. )

Feb. 2nd, 2014


Every step you take

Who: Holly and Bea
Where: Beginning outside a movie theater in Ann Arbor
When: After midnight

It was a rare occasion at this stage in everyone's lives to have a girls' night out where everyone could make it, so when it happened Holly jumped at the chance - even if she hadn't been feeling too great. Must have been that Starbucks rotten food still. She had met with some friends from high school whom she had reconnected with after moving back, and gone for dinner and a movie. After that, the group had scattered - one had her significant other pick her up, the others were going to a bar, but Holly really just wanted to go home. They had insisted, and insisted, standing outside the theater for a while before Holly convinced them she was in no spirit to 'do the bar thing' tonight. If nothing else, it was how tired she was after a week of secure job hunting and dealing with moving from London more permanently (something that had been cruely interrupted by the building that had fallen on her legs). The dinner had been nice, so had the movie, but she was exhausted.

After saying their goodbyes, and after Holly reassured her friends that she would be fine walking on her own on account of the magic skills she was all but flaunting these days, Holly's friends walked off in one direction while she walked in another. She was almost 100% sure she had cast a protection spell on herself against most attackers. Almost. She had left her car a block away at the cheapest, closest parking lot she could find; It was chilly, so Holly pulled the sleeves of her coat over her hands as she walked, and then lifted the glamour she had cast on herself after running out of time to do her makeup the regular way. Her eyes felt instantly lighter.

Jan. 4th, 2014


the cost of living

Who: Valya, Kahlan & Holly
Where: Starbucks
When: Noon

It was always a bad idea for Valya to take a nap -- and not because someone always died. )

Jan. 23rd, 2013


Lately it's hard to keep the hinges on with all the noise

Who: Adam and Holly
Where: Coffee shop near the UoM campus
When: Afternoon

I'll find my words when there is no one talking. )

Oct. 7th, 2012


I'm gonna leave my body

Who: Zeke and Holly
Where: Holly's home
When: Early evening

I'm gonna lose my mind )


He'll have you later 'cause it's never free

Who: Holly and Lee
Where: Holly’s house
When: Afternoon

Holly had been mulling over the whole idea of drinking vampire blood to heal faster for days now. It was quite evident that she couldn't bear to be immobile for much longer, not for herself nor for her father, pets and boyfriend who needed her. Her father, especially - he couldn't be without her right now, and Holly did not think he had the three months she needed off her feet. It just wasn't an option. Not one to be overly swayed by 'fate' or 'destiny', she did have to admit that meeting a nice vampire just days after the accident - and having that same vampire suggest the very thing she was now contemplating - sounded more and more like it was meant to be. Hen Wen had warned her that this sounded too much like a deal with the devil, and part of Holly couldn't help but agree to some extent; however, rationally speaking, Leland did not sound or look like a devil and Holly preferred to look at the arrangement as more of a business deal than any other type of deal. A deal she had to make for the sake of others more than herself. She would lay out her terms clearly, he would lay down his, and they would come to an agreement that would benefit them both equally.

The day finally came when Holly made the call to Leland, and they settled on meeting at her house. Her father was out, having gone fishing with some friends, and she had the place all to herself; an ideal setup for something like this. She had told Hen Wen to go wait it out with the other pets in the backyard, and sat on her wheelchair right by the door, waiting nervously for the doorbell to ring.

May. 29th, 2012


I wouldn't lie to you, blossom

Who: Holly and Leland
Where: UoM Hospital
When: morning, around 10am

I'm gonna give you all you want and don't you know )

Feb. 13th, 2012


I'll just sit here and regen

Who: Holly and Zeke
When: Mid-morning
Where: Her couch, it's not like she can really go anywhere else

Holly was exhausted. It was amazing how exhausting not moving could be to someone who wasn't used to sitting around, not to mention that she had not stopped performing healing spells on herself and Zeke since the bombing - and that exhausted her too. A day or so ago, while browsing the web, (which was the activity Holly spent more time doing now that having both legs broken stopped her from doing anything else that fun), she had come across an article about vampire blood and its properties. It was on a barely known witches' website she frequented often, and it made all sorts of warnings about how dealing with the stuff was probably illegal. Of course in her situation, Holly couldn't really care less. She had a father with a heart condition who needed to be pushed and prodded - literally - to do some exercise, and being an active young woman, both broken legs just did not sit well with her. Hell, at this point sitting did not sit well with her.

She was perusing that part of the website on her laptop again. It was ideal. Just a few hours at most and she would be like new, which was something her own magic couldn't achieve yet. "Zeke!" She finally called, because she had no idea how to even get the stuff, and for that she would need help. It also crossed Holly's mind that telling Zeke she was thinking of going off her mind on illegal drugs for a miraculous cure might be a good idea. "Zeeeeke!" she tried again. "I need to talk to you!" He was probably succumbing to the charms of all her pets, or something to that effect. Then again she couldn't really complain when he hadn't been that far away from her since the accident. It actually warmed her heart, he was so sweet.

Feb. 12th, 2012


If you believe in me, I might just wanna spend some time with you again

Who: Zeke McMahon and Holly Tremblay (plus familiars, NPC’d)
Where: Holly’s house
When: August 8, 2009

If I stand too close, I might fall in, and if I'm too far gone I'll never win. )

Jan. 2nd, 2012


Seems like these days the whole world's on fire

Who: Holly and Zeke
Where: The street preceding the Broadway Bridge
When: From 11:37am onward

Things keep blowing the hell up )

Nov. 15th, 2011


Boogie boogie hedgehog wachoo gonna do?

Who: Holly and Faith
Where: Faith's place
When: After lunch

As soon as Faith had told Holly she was feeling a little down Holly decided to take herself - and her pet hedgehog Anders - over to Faith's place so she could cheer her friend up and Anders could get some play time with a fellow hedgehog. She had a quick lunch and left right after, Anders sitting comfortably inside his cage on the passenger's seat of her car.

It wasn't that long a drive to Faith's home, but then again nothing was too long a drive in Scarlet Oak. Holly liked that very much; somehow it made her feel even more at home, not having to commute too long to get to most places. She parked the car at the nearest space and, picking up Anders' cage, went to ring Faith's doorbell with the bright smile of someone who wanted to successfully cheer up a friend.

She also brought chocolate, because who doesn't like chocolate when feeling down? And Holly knew about the chemical implications of this: chocolate released endorphins which in turn made people feel better. It was fun for her as a woman of humanities to learn little bits of science here and there after all.

Nov. 2nd, 2011


Je t'aime/Moi non plus

Who: Holly and Jamie (NPC on the phone)
Where: Holly’s home/the phone lines
When: Around 12:45pm

Fin )

Oct. 24th, 2011


All dressed up with some medicine for luck

Who: Zeke and Holly
Where: Holly's house to start
When: Early evening

How I hope that you're still here when I return. )

Apr. 4th, 2011



For Holly and Zeke and a post-party picnic.


To be replaced by giant birthday party thread ASAP.

Mar. 16th, 2011


My hedgehog ate a candy bar

Who: Faith and Holly
Where: The vet
When: Morning

It's a legitimate reason to be concerned! )

Jan. 28th, 2011



For Holly and Zeke pulling their heads out of their asses.

Jan. 10th, 2011



For a solo with Holly and her dad.

Dec. 22nd, 2010



For Holly and Amelia.

Nov. 27th, 2010


I’m afraid I tend to disappear into an anxious state when you draw near

Who: Holly and her boyfriend Jamie (NPC)
Where: over the phone
When: midday

There is no reasoning it’s quite a silly thing But it’s the way I’ve been for years )

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