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May. 7th, 2014


whose crashing down now?

Who: Joseph, Daisy, Aiden and Bandit (NPC)
Where: Meadow on the outskirts of town
When: Afternoon
Warning: Fire elementals?


Mar. 12th, 2014


as the day divides the night, here we are searching for a sign.

Who: Carter and Aiden (plus an NPC vampire).
Where: The backstreets of Scarlet Oak.
When: Night.
Warnings: Violence.

They had worked together on more than one occasion, understandably so given they both hailed from the same country and had worked the same streets and territories for prolonged periods of time, but in recent years their paths had deviated, they had each taken different forks in the road and gone their separate ways. It had been years since they had fought side by side. Tonight would be the first time in more than half a decade. A couple of days ago he had called the bar to find out when he would be free to help him with a job and the night of the full moon had seemed as good an opportunity as any. They had made arrangements, simple as they were, and now here he was awaiting his fellow hunter’s arrival at the rendezvous point.

Carter went over the details in his mind, the facts he had in his possession. He had been raised to be thorough, to have all the facts available and use them wisely, and as he waited for Aiden to arrive he not only mentally checked over his personal inventory but the specifics of the location they would be headed to, the blind spots and points of cover, should they need them. With any luck it would be a quick job, in and out, things didn’t need to get messy. That, of course, usually meant that they would. Life as a hunter so rarely went according to plan.

The sound of a boot sole scuffing against concrete had him turning his head, the muscles through his shoulders, chest, and back tightening a little in preparation should the approaching figure be any kind of threat, his mind already working out which weapon he could put to use in the shortest amount of time. There was no need. Carter recognised Aiden’s gait, the distinct way in which he moved, and he stepped away from the wall against which he had been leaning in order to greet his ally and companion for the evening’s work. “Let’s try not to burn the building down this time, hm?” Carter said as much with the faintest shadow of a smile on his face but it was always a valid concern with Aiden. Carter had learned some time ago that you could never be too careful.

Jan. 22nd, 2014


If you ain't takin' shots get the fuck out the club

Who: Aiden and Emyli
When: the Friday night shift!
Where: Anywhere But Here

If Aiden wasn't usually in a bad mood, the fact that one of his co-workers was stuck in that bloody school would do it. Every time he walked into the bar he was reminded of Rowan's absence and it just did not sit right with him. Yet another thing he was powerless to change. It only added to Aiden's already pretty strong urge to lash out at something - or rather, someone. His fingers twitched with the imminence of flame at the smallest provocation nowadays and he had a feeling it was because he knew that, after what had happened between him and James at the high school, sabotaging what they had was a self-fulfilling prophecy. Nothing he could fight against.

As was customary the Friday night shift wasn't going ahead without some booze for the bartenders. It wasn't a rule, but Aiden at least couldn't do it any other way. The sheer amount of drunken douchebags this place attracted on a night like tonight made it impossible for him to work sober. It was just shy of 10pm and he was already halfway through a bottle of tequila - the cheap stuff. The place was busy, full of varying degrees of greasy smelly customers as well as a bunch of hipsters whose custom was to take to hole in the wall type places that were "out of the norm" and make them "the place to be" over time. Or so he'd heard one of them say to the others.

It made him sick, the whole thing.

Dec. 15th, 2013


When you made me feel joy it made you smile

Who: Aiden and James (and Lee the familiar)
Where: SOHS, Ballard House grounds later
When: Mid-morning

Aiden couldn't remember the last time things had just been normal. Ever since this Light of May thing it was just shit after shit after supernatural shit, and Aiden didn't know just how much more of this he could take. For a long while things had been bad - way, way worse than before he'd found James again, if he was honest. Back then he didn't have to worry about anyone but his familiar; it was easy going from hunt to hunt with the lads, living one day to the next with a backpack to his name. After James, though, and no matter how hard he'd tried to avoid that outcome, he had latched onto her even more than the first time around. He cared, now, he imagined future scenarios, he was open and raw and he was, first and foremost, completely useless. After the bridge things he could only imagine would come rushing back into James' psyche every so often, leaving her a mess and him a useless little blob of a man. At some point, however senseless he knew it was, Aiden had begun resenting James for their deteriorating relationship. And that was the worst, because obviously he knew it wasn't her fault at all. Quite the opposite. But Aiden wasn't good at blaming the invisible, the abstract. He had nothing and no one to lash out on over James' trauma. No one, that was, but her.

But now I feel your stress )

Dec. 20th, 2012



Who: Aiden, his familiar Lee (NPCd) and Carter
Where: Anywhere But Here
When: Late evening/early night

Ever since the bridge bombing things had not been going too well for Aiden. The whole disaster had set James on edge and triggered a whole bunch of traumas Aiden couldn't even begin to be able to help with, which had put him and their relationship in a very bad place. Unable to help her, and with her faithful little lapdog Patrick showing his firm dislike of their relationship whenever he could, Aiden had been going back to his old drinking ways, when since he had found James and gone to live with her this had not happened.

Tonight he was miserable, had been drinking cheap tequila on the sly behind the counter, despite his familiar Lee showing his distinct disapproval all the way from the back room where he was lying down in a makeshift dog bed. Then again it wasn't like this kind of job required you to be too sober, he reckoned. And it wasn't like anything too bad could happen here; Aiden had seen his fair share of bar fights, which meant that another one wouldn't even make him bat an eye. Aiden just went about his job, exchanging the occasional bout of telepathic chatting with his familiar as he went.

Jan. 3rd, 2012


Smoke on the water

Who: Aiden, Quinn and open, why not?
Where: The remnants of the Broadway Bridge
When: After 11:37am

And fire in the sky )

Oct. 28th, 2011


everywhere but here

Who: Aiden, Emyli, and Rowan
When: Late afternoon
Where: Anywhere But Here

Rowan's first day at school as a repeat-senior was nowhere near as bad as she had thought it would be. Of course, it was still absolutely terrible, but she'd managed to get through it with no more permanent damage. There had been lots of jokes in the halls of course, and even more at gym, and at some point in the day someone had managed to fill her entire locker with dozens of boxes of bandaids and bandages of all kinds. That had been kind of a pain to clean up, but actually rather useful as well. It had meant to bother her, but those things did get pricey.

The rain was a massive pain in her ass. By the time she rode her bike from school to the bar she was absolutely drenched, and felt as if she would never be dry again. She was late for her shift, and she just knew she'd catch hell for that, but it couldn't be helped. She ditched her bike near the back dumpster and hurried in the back door, yanking her apron on over her head as she hurried to punch in. Then she hurried out to the bar.

She didn't have a single table. She skidded to a stop and looked around, blinking stupidly at the nothing that awaited her. The bar was never crowded, really - unless the demons were about, then the vigilante groups met here and sometimes she helped out with that. But she'd never come in and had not a single customer. She turned around to see who was working the bar. "Where is everyone?"


the beginning of the end

Who: Aiden and James
When: Winter of 2002
Where: London

Flashbaaaack )

Dec. 10th, 2010


it only hurts when I breathe

Who: Aiden and James
Where: Ballard House
When: mid-afternoon

The solution for Aiden’s motel problem had finally presented itself. And it was about damned time, too, if you asked him. Of course comparatively, living in the Budget Lodge was better than living on the streets...but not by much. Aiden had been eager to get out of there the minute he stepped into one of their rooms, and it had only gotten worse. Even someone who was used to bugs and rats and certain smells felt uncomfortable there for long; sometimes he had to be thankful for Lee, who hunted everything in sight like a good dog. The second he had heard of the William Ballard House, willing to give any sort of aid a supernatural being needed, Aiden thought he had found his solution. It was going to be difficult to ask for help; he was a little proud that way. Given it was fair to say he was becoming desperate, though, Aiden didn’t really care for his pride all that much at the moment.

After grabbing some lunch at Anywhere But Here - shitty burgers, but cheap - Aiden made his way over to the William Ballard House, in hopes to finding a much better place for himself and his familiar to sleep everyday. He hadn’t actually brought Lee with him, but it was as important for Aiden that they accepted familiars as it was that they accepted him. Aiden was obviously not moving anywhere without his dog. Before entering, Aiden stood against the wall next to the door finishing a cigarette, as good a weapon as any to quench his nerves. He never really liked to ask anyone for anything after all; it took some preparation.Read more... )

Oct. 27th, 2010


So I'm waiting until the upper hand is mine

Who: Leon Almasy and Aiden Smith
Where: Anywhere But Here
When: Evening

One minute you're on top, next you're not )