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Dec. 31st, 2014


these simple things are all i live for

Who: Zach and Tori
When: Morning
Where: Zach’s Apartment

Routine was still something that she handled with ease. )

Aug. 23rd, 2014


getting to know this new me

WHO | Quinn & Zach
WHERE | The park
WHEN | Early afternoon

The biggest problem with playing with fire in her own home was quite simply that her house was not fireproof and singe marks were not exactly conducive to getting a security deposit back. )

May. 18th, 2014


this debt will never be paid

WHO | Nora & Zach
WHERE | Outside of the grocery store
WHEN | Afernoon

A choice was made and, as always, Zoie won out.  )

Mar. 10th, 2014


it's rarely what it looks like

Who: Marco and Zach
When: Afternoon
Where: The Court

Arrangements had to be made. )

Mar. 1st, 2014


i used to think take them as they come, without hesitations.

Who: Zachary and Maxine.
Where: Bargain Books.
When: Mid-Morning.

The last few days things had moved swiftly for Zach, he'd thought about finding new premises for his store but hadn't found anywhere suitable so he'd looked into the cost of getting the tree removed and repairs done. Surprisingly the cost of getting that all done wasn't as much as he'd expected so he'd made the necessary arrangements and now the work was being carried out. The last two days had been spent boxing up any stock that might be damaged by the removal of the tree and only once he was sure everything was safely tucked away had he allowed the work to begin.

Normally Zach wouldn't have been at the store with it being closed but he wasn't about to leave the keys to his business in the hands of the contractors. Not only that but he wanted to oversee the work and be on hand just in case they needed his input with anything. It had the bonus of getting him outside as well, fresh air always did the world of good even if it wasn't particularly nice weather at the moment. Zach had never really minded gloomy weather, it tended to reflect how he felt inside most of the time anyway. He might not look gloomy on the outside but Zach carried around a sadness that only the most observant people would ever pick up on. Thankfully most people weren't that observant and they took what they saw on the surface because he didn't want everyone he met to ask him why he looked so sad or what was wrong with him all the time.

Just because he had to be at the store though didn't mean that he had to be inside, he knew if he stayed inside he'd just get in the way and slow the work down so he'd taken a table and chair from inside and set himself up outside the front door. Sampson was asleep by his feet, the dog not bothered by the noise coming from inside but then that hardly surprised Zach, his faithful friend rarely flinched at loud noises. Zach was trying to read a book which he'd found lying on the table and was working on what must have been his tenth cup of coffee for the day. It was a good thing he had a higher than normal tolerance for caffeine or he'd have been buzzing by now.

Jan. 13th, 2014


what i wouldn't give to get some rest.

Who: Zachary.
Where: His apartment.
When: Early morning.

He'd managed about four hours this time but now he was lying in bed wide awake with his mind racing about his options. )

Jul. 3rd, 2013


take a minute, take a look in the mirror by your side.

Who: Jackson and Zachary.
Where: Outside the high school, away from the crowds.
When: Early evening.

There was a big difference between hearing about something like this and seeing it first-hand and after all the rumours and gossip he’d heard floating around, not just around town but also on the radio and news channels, Jackson had decided he had to see it for himself. That was what had brought him all the way from the dojo to the high school though he had made sure not to get too close. Jackson was still keen not to draw too much attention to himself and getting any closer than he was now -- across the street and around to one side of the building instead of towards the front somewhere -- was a risk he wasn’t willing to take. Since arriving in Scarlet Oak he had had more strange encounters than he cared to count. He was in no rush for another one.

With his hands lightly pushed into his pockets he had managed to adopt an air of nonchalance as he looked over at the school across the street, picking up on threads of conversations as they drifted along on the air. People were scared, confused, well and truly thrown by what was going on. Jackson heard the word magic tossed around at least half a dozen times, if not more. He hadn’t been keeping count. It wasn’t something he had had all that much experience with beyond that bizarre encounter in the woods with the girl who hadn’t seemed old enough to be driving her own car let alone practising magic and even then it had been such a confusing meeting that Jackson hadn’t learned much of anything about the craft.

There were a lot of things he didn’t know.

Suddenly his back straightened and the air of nonchalance was marred by the tension that ran down the length of his spine, spreading across his shoulders and through his chest and abdomen. There was another wolf nearby, one whose scent he didn’t recognise, and to make matters worse they seemed to be headed right for him, whether they realised it or not. Slowly, trying not to draw attention to himself, Jackson drew his hands from his pockets, turning his head to the left as casually as he could to try and locate the other wolf before they got too close.

Feb. 7th, 2013


There's so much to say, but no words to convey

Who: Fable and Zachary
Where: Outside Bargain Books to start
When: Late morning

The loneliness building with each passing day. )

Jan. 8th, 2013


one more cup of coffee to go

WHO: Helena & Zachary
WHERE: Coffee shop
WHEN: Early in the morning

One more cup of coffee 'fore I go. )

Jan. 5th, 2013


man's best friend

Who: Zach and Nicci
When: Afternoon
Where: Dog park

Minibar was kind of a running joke in the Normandin pack. Those close enough to the family to have the balls to tease Nicci about her usually did. The maltipoo was so tiny, and so... well, not wolf-like at all. Granted, anyone who teased Nicci about her usually got an earful, but sometimes that just egged them on. The fact was, Nicci saw Mini as the closest she was ever going to get to a baby, so damn right Mini was spoiled. She loved that puppy, possibly even more than she loved herself. And that was saying something.

The dog park made Nicci nervous, but Mini loved it. Honestly, seeing her run around with so many other dogs - most of which were large enough to swallow Mini whole if they wanted to - was not Nicci's idea of a good time. It scared the bejesus out of her, and she hovered around the sidelines in much the same way an overbearing mother would at their kid's first soccer game. Nicci had popped some downers to try and chill her out before coming here, but it didn't feel to her like they were doing anything at all. Maybe she'd built up some sort of immunity. Nicci fidgeted and played with her necklace, and took a deep breath to try and calm herself. And that was when she scented an unfamiliar wolf. Great, what was it with all the newbies these days? In an instant Nicci was standing a little straighter, and she scanned seemingly human faces as she tried to pinpoint the owner of the scent.

Dec. 1st, 2012


Who: Elsie and Zach
When: Early morning
Where: Outskirts of Scarlet Oak
What: Running, other stuff?

It had been a few weeks... )