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Jan. 4th, 2012


"They're dead-dead"

Who: Kat and Otter
When: Awhile after the explosion
Where: One side of the Broadway Bridge

Kat didn't think that she was ever going to be able to stop crying. She hadn't ever seen anyone die before and today she'd seen so many bodies scattered around, not moving even a little bit, that it couldn't mean anything but that they were dead. Horribly dead. Finally dead. The sort of dead that there wasn't any coming back from. This wasn't vampire dead or movie dead, this was really dead and Kat's mind wasn't processing it right. Her mind just wasn't programmed to deal with death on any sort of scale. And the worst part, the absolute worst part, was that she knew other people who'd been at the march. What if one of those people who'd she only met at school was one of the ones lying dead in a pool of their own blood just because they'd come out to this? Or what if something had happened to one of her siblings because this was right up their alley? I knew that I should've stayed with them. I shouldn't have left them. I don't know what's going on! And she couldn't even text any of them because her phone was ten different kinds of busted thanks to the fall she had taken. While others had gone into the river, she'd been knocked forward off the bridge and the fall, though it hadn't really hurt her more than some falls she'd taken while blading, had broken her phone. Otter's wasn't working either. At least Otter was mostly okay.

Speaking of Otter... Kat pushed off the building wall and walked over to where the dark-haired boy was sitting on the ground. She crouched down next to him and, without asking if it was okay, leaned against his side so that she could bury her face in his shoulder. He wasn't her brother or sister or anyone that she really wanted right then, but he was the guy that she'd come with and she needed someone. "My phone isn't working," she told him through her sniffles. "Is yours?" They both had family members somewhere at this thing and needed to find them. It was beyond necessary. Though knowing her sister, Kat was pretty sure that she'd be one of the peoples in the ambulance helping everyone in sight. She was pretty sure that she'd seen Cole's hair too, but she hadn't seen it since everything had knocked her onto her side. The only face she recognized that she'd seen since then was Otter's. "I don't know what to do..." What to think, what to say... nothing made sense and she just kept seeing bloody faces with vacant eyes and burned skin or missing pieces... and she was pretty sure that that was a leg over there, but it wasn't attached to anything else.

Dec. 16th, 2011


She sings 'hey baby hey baby heeey'

Who: Cole and Kat
Where: Skate park
When: After school

'Hey girl hey!' )

Oct. 25th, 2011


Candy woman

Who: Regina and Kat
When: Afternoon
Where: The mall

Regina was a lot happier lately, and she had reasons for it. Although she had not yet seen her son - at least not upclose and personal - she and Clive had been getting things back on track and it felt great. Being the first day of class Clive was at the school, and since Regina had the evening shift at the restaurant she thought she might as well hit the mall to do some shopping - there was only so much clothing from the 80s one could recycle after all - and then hit the candy shop. Unlike most people Regina had about as much sugar when she was happy as when she was depressed, perhaps even more.

With two bags of newly purchased clothes hanging from her wrist, she made her way to the candy shop where she was sure she would spend a long time. There was everything there and Regina had no idea where to begin choosing from. It was with a wide smile and wide eyes that she roamed about the shop, picking up ridiculously big lollipops, gummy creatures of all kinds, shapes and colors, some sugary some not, and all else she could get her hands on. Pretty soon her first bag was full, and she needed another one. It was good to be an angel and not be affected by things such as cholesterol and diabetes, thought Regina. Otherwise her life would be that little bit sadder.

Sep. 6th, 2011


"Grounded" is just a word

Who: Kat and Cole
Where: Skate park
When: 5:30 p.m.

What kinda kid actually listens to it? )

Mar. 30th, 2011


Only listen to the sad, sad songs

Who: Kat and Roxy
Where: Diaz home
When: Early evening

Just wanna tell you that. )

Mar. 7th, 2011


Boredom kills

Who: Niamh and Kat
Where: The park
When: Afternoon

Uncommon though it was, today Niamh was sad that she hadn't been at the park yesterday. It had snowed, only in the park by the looks of it, and, well...it was probably a sight to behold. Sadly she had stayed in her room all day, listening to Echo & The Bunnymen and trying to pretend she could draw meaningful, touching pictures of distraught teenagers, of which she wasn't one, but she liked to pretend.

And makes you do stupid things with pens )

Jan. 3rd, 2011


Making mama so proud, but your voice is still loud

Who: Charlene, Kat, Roxy, and the Diaz family (NPC)
Where: Diaz residence
When: Evening

Take only what you need from it. )

Dec. 18th, 2010


Everyone loves the mall

Who: Otter, Kat and Cole
Where: Briarwood Mall
When: Afternoon

...maybe not all the company. )

Sep. 15th, 2010


Sunshine & Summertime

Who: Kat and Otter
Where: Diaz place
When: Afternoon

It didn't surprise Otter to learn that Kat wasn't allowed to leave the house. He'd only really known the Diaz's during the winter but that'd been for his entire life and their youngest daughter probably qualified as the trouble-maker. Or at least the one who'd get in trouble for not listening and trying to be like the big sister despite being way younger. Ah well, Otter didn't care, he could still go over and visit. Least he hoped that Kat had gotten permission from her parents before she invited him over for an afternoon swim. Last thing he needed was for his mom to get a call about him trying to break a grounded girl out or something. Which I totally already did for her. Thank god mom didn't find out. Bad enough that his brother, Oz, was totally aware of his crush without his mom piecing it together too. He'd never, ever hear the end of it. The Diaz's could move back to California and he would still never hear the end of it.

Pulling up in front of the house Otter parked his car and hopped out, towel slung over his shoulders. Kat'd said they were swimming so he was ready to swim. But he'd kept his shirt on until they got to the pool. Both because he wasn't like his brothers and couldn't just show off muscles (that didn't exist) and because he had a really strong feeling that Linda Diaz would slam the door in his face if he showed up shirtless. Seriously, he believed that. Ringing the bell he shifted around and waited for someone, a someone he really hoped was Kat, to open the door.

Sep. 14th, 2010


Who said penguins can't fly?

Who: Kat and Roxy
Where: Diaz place -> skate park?
When: Not long after 4 p.m.

Sitting at the window - okay, she was actually perched on the ledge, legs swinging - Kat was starting to get impatient. Patience hadn't even been her virtue after all and she hadn't seen Roxy in forever. A week was totally forever when it came to a sister you were used to sharing a room with. Audrey was starting to get on her nerves just because she wasn't Roxy and didn't dye her hair and wouldn't take Kat to get her hair redone and a multitude of other reasons that Kat was occupying herself by chalking up. She was just starting to make up a song about it, toying with recording it and sticking it on YouTube and seeing how long it took Audrey to find it and figure out it was about her when she saw Roxy's car pull up. "Hey!" she called, forgetting for a moment that she wasn't supposed to be there. Whatever, her mom and dad were locked up in their room talking or arguing and she was getting out.

Waiting, Kat tugged at her earrings and beamed when she saw Roxy come walking up. She'd told her that's she catch her if she jumped out the window and Kat was so totally going to do that. A) it sounded like fun and B) Roxy had said she could. Roxy said it was okay and Kat didn't care if it involved sharks, she was doing it. "You'd better catch me," she informed her sister before she pretty much pushed herself off the ledge. Penguins weren't flying birds but hey, that felt pretty cool, all of the air. Damn, why couldn't they fly again? "You know," she informed Roxy, grinning because of course she'd caught her, Kat settled onto her feet. "I totally think that we should like, learn to fly. It'd be awesome."

Jun. 23rd, 2010


I always wanted to know a mermaid

Who: Charlene, Kat & Roxy
Where: Redleaf Lake
When: 3:00 p.m.

Excited? No way, Kat was worlds above excited, she was thrilled and ecstatic and practically bubbling over because she got to see Roxy! It felt like it'd been years since she'd seen her big sister. First she'd been kicked out and then she'd just vanished to god knew where when the demons came. Kat had practically worried herself sick over that but then she'd found out that yeah, Roxy was fine and even better, she got to see her! And her mermaid girlfriend. Hard to really tell what part was more exciting for the moment. Both mixed together, Kat decided as she fiddled with her hair. Way too blonde and natural since her mother had gotten away with bleaching it back, but at least the rest of her outfit made up for it with the black and pink bits she wanted in her hair so much. Luckily she'd manage to slip out of the house without her mom seeing that she wasn't wearing a shit because for whatever reason that was a big deal. Not like it mattered since she was just going to be swimming anyhow. In this god-awful heat there was no way she was staying out of the lake.

"Roxy!" Kat shouted as she reached the edge of the lake, flicking her sunglasses up to peer at the water and then around at the surrounding area. Ugh, she felt like she was going to melt if she stayed in the sun much longer. Shrugging, she kicked off her flip-flops and wriggled out of her shorts before plopping right down in the shallow water, delighted at the cool water that went right up to her stomach. After a moment of relaxing she glanced around. Roxy had to be there somewhere. Unless she was running late. Maybe her make-up had been messed up or something, who knew?

Jun. 11th, 2010


Spin around in a circle

Who: Kat and **open**
Where: Ann Arbor skatepark
When: 2:00 p.m.

Kat was so many levels of not impressed with her hair right then. After they'd gotten back from staying at the high school for the demon attacks Linda Diaz had cornered her youngest daughter with a bottle of bleach and blonde hair dye and it'd all been over. Kat had tried to fight but then her dad had given her one of those looks and she'd just given in. That whole thing with Roxy had left them all in a state of disarray and her mom was dealing with it by being controlling. Kat was one hundred percent certain that the reason all of her nose rings had gone missing was her mother. Oh she denied it but Kat didn't believe her and she felt so naked without one that she'd needed to beg Audrey to take her to Briarwood. Couldn't convince her other big sister to get her the hair dye she needed though.

Stopping off at the skate park after was just plain mandatory after being denied her dye. While Audrey chilled on a bench, soaking up the sun and reading one of those magazines she loved so much, Kat laced up her skates and pulled on her helmet. It had been waaaaay too long since she'd had the chance to hit a ramp and she was going to take full advantage of it. Even if there were a few more people than she was used to there being. Probably because they were all cooped up just like me. Not that the penguin-girl minded at all. More people meant more things to straighten up and as she headed for her favorite ramp she caught herself rearranging bracelets, hats and even one girl's hair. They should've appreciated it because they looked way better with those little fixings.

Apr. 15th, 2010


Now is not the time

Who: Kat, Otter and Snow family NPCs
Where: Snow household - SOHS
When: Noon

Most people aren't me. )

Apr. 9th, 2010


You know the truth... nothing left to face

Who: Kat, Otter and Oz + Mrs. Snow (NPC)
Where: River by Snow home
When: Reeeaaaally late, like 11:40 p.m.
What: Runaway pengu-girl needs a place to crash, even if they do rat her out. Mothers *shakes head*

Nothing left to lose, nothing takes your place. )

Mar. 26th, 2010


Make a wish or just take charge

Who: Kat and Otter; plus Sitala (NPC)
When: 8:00 p.m.ish
Where: Phonelines --> the playground

Like how they cut things out of the fog in those Scooby-Doo cartoons only with tension. )

Mar. 24th, 2010


If you're looking for an accomplice, a confederate, somebody that's helpless

Who: Kat and Roxy
Where: All over Scarlet Oak
When: Noontime

Haven't had a decent meal. My brain is fried. Haven't slept a week for real. My tongue is tied. )

Mar. 15th, 2010


Elementary penguins singing Hare Krishna

Who: Roxy, Diaz family (NPCs), and OPEN to those invited to the party
Where: Party at the Diaz household
When: 9:30pm and on

The full moon wasn't a curse in the eyes of the Diaz household. Instead, it was a night to celebrate the fact that they were different. There was no reason to take shame in this. Then again, they were all penguins, so why not party? Said party had been tradition in the family since who knew when. Usually it involved hanging out by the local beach and indulging in some shrimp platters prepared ahead of time, but seeing that there was no decent beach in the area, the massive pool in the backyard was going to have to do.

Besides, penguins knew how to threw a bad ass party. Traditional Chilean music was blaring from the speakers outside while penguins filled the pool, deck, and even throughout the inside of the house. There were platters of all sorts of raw seafood at every corner along with appetizers for the human types. Not all of the family turned into penguins, namely Roxy's mother and a few of her siblings. Not to mention she invited all of her friends, so they had to eat something while they were there. Regardless if someone was a human or penguin, it didn't matter. It looked like everyone was having fun.

Roxy had just jumped out of the pool, shaking her body in the process. Doing a few laps in the pool with her cousins was making her hungry. Waddling on the deck, she honked on over to her aunt, who was surrounded by at least five fuzzy penguin chicks, all of them bopping their heads to the music. After waving her wing in their direction, she waddled inside the house, which was a bit calmer, in hopes to find something to munch on and maybe even catch up with her friends. Granted that was a bit hard as a penguin, but it was better than nothing.