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Jul. 1st, 2009


Who: Freddie and Rhys
Where: Near the movie set, waiting in line to be extras, like everybody else today
When: Afternoon

Lord bless the protesters and how much fun they are. )

Jun. 30th, 2009


Who Knew?

Who: Cara, Sebastian
Where: Sebastian's penthouse
When: Midnightish

I know better, 'cause you said forever )


A Job

Who: Ezra and Alejandro
Where: Via the phone
When: Late afternoon

As Ezra was walking in his front door after the afternoon out he'd just enjoyed, ready for some rest and dinner, his cell phone rang. He blinked and pulled it out of its holster on his belt, not expecting any calls today, since he almost never got calls about being a medium and he already knew what hunting jobs he might be given. Perhaps the House he worked for had a new member for him to be aware of.

He gave it a glance before he hit the button to take the call; the number was restricted. Interesting.

We'll work something out. )

Jun. 29th, 2009


in bloom

Who: Charlotte and Ransom
When: Evening
Where: Charlotte's house

It had been fun hanging out with Gabe, but when Charlotte got home in the afternoon she was left alone with her thoughts. Valen was working, her mom was at the stables... drat. She knew she could have gone out to the bookstore or visited a friend, but she knew she did need to think about her new bits of knowledge. She'd headed into the backyard to stretch out on the grass by the flower garden, and remained there a long time. It was peaceful.

As soon as Ransom got off work, he ran home and showered, then hurried over to Charlotte's house. He hadn't wanted to come by all sweaty, greasy, and gross, but he didn't doddle either. His hair was still wet when he arrived. Though he knocked at the door, no one answered, and that's when he started listening to the world around him. His feet took him to the backyard, where he saw Charlotte laying in the grass. "Hey beautiful," he smiled, taking a seat beside her and leaning down to give her a kiss.

Deep talks and happy places. )


Wanna Grab a Beer?

Who: Aiden and Dorian
When: Afternoon
Where: Nevermore

Aiden had finished his shift at Weiss's Auto Shop around two, and had washed up and changed his shirt before he drove the short distance to Nevermore. He knew Jules would still be working, so he figured he could take an hour or so to bug Dorian for awhile, given the two of them hadn't gone out for a drink in some time. Tossing his cigarette out the window, Aiden parked, grabbed his hat and cell phone, and got out of the car. He was tugging on his hat as he stepped inside the air conditioned store. He wandered about, looking for Dorian. "You around, Lockwood?"

The weekends were always a little busier than the weekdays at Nevermore, and business had doubled since the Light of May. People that knew nothing about supernaturals came in to ask questions and buy books, while those that thought they might be something came in to do research. And then there were the people who were concerned that they might change at tomorrow's full moon, just because they'd been bitten by a dog, or a cat, or a squirrel. It took poking them with a silver spoon to prove they were paranoid, but it also allowed him the chance to set them straight. He did wonder what a were-squirrel would like like though... "No, I just leave the customers to themselves while I go goof off," Dorian called out as he headed to the front of the store. "What's up? I thought you'd be at the garage today?"

Read more... )


Who: Ezra and Elizabeth
Where: The antique shop
When: Mid-afternoon

With no appointments for the day, and a promise to fulfill, not to mention an avarice for a certain grandfather clock, Ezra finished up his magic for the day-- he was tired of Eduardo, and so attached himself a different spirit-guardian for the time being, this time a disinterested-seeming werecoyote who seemed to prefer her animal form-- and headed over to the antique shop Dorcas had said she worked at. He drove most of the way, then walked about a block from where he'd parked until he reached it and wandered in. He didn't immediately see any of that vibrantly red hair, so he moved further in, looking at the items for sale with interest.

The werecoyote spirit just trotted along at his side, sniffing at this or that without much curiosity. She moved through items as if they weren't there, and seemed to be pretending Ezra wasn't there, either. Responding in kind, Ezra largely ignored her, as well.

And earsplitting wail echoed through the shop. At least, to those who could see and hear into the realm of the spirits. Elizabeth sighed and rung her hands, looking down at the bawling infant ghost in the lying in the antique cradle. The poor thing, all he did was cry and poltergeist really. He'd already knocked over and broken a ceramic figurine. It wasn't his fault, he was just a baby after all.

All of her attempts to soothe him had come to naught, and Dorcas, the poor fragile dear, had fled to avoid the cries. And to go get prepared for her outing with that scoundrel Evan, but Bess was doing her best to ignore that. If he didn't mind his manners, she was going to shut more than his fingers in the cupboard.

She started at the ghost beast that was snuffling through the shop, stepping between it and the cradle instinctively. Not that the creature seemed threatening. That's when she spotted Ezra and was relieved. It was perhaps one of his ghosts. "Good Afternoon, Mr. Ramas," she greeted, then flinched as ghost baby began a new bout of wailing. "Sorry, the poor dear's having a time of it."

The wail actually startled the werecoyote, who stopped short and bristled. "It's all right," Ezra told her, following the sound, and spotting both Elizabeth and, it seemed, the baby in the cradle. Infant ghosts were definitely troublesome, and not terribly common, in his experience. How did you gently lead on a spirit that had no real comprehension of what was going on around it?

"Good afternoon, miss--" He paused. "You know, I don't think we were actually introduced, in the park."

Elizabeth backed closer to the cradle as the beast's hair stood on end. "Oh dear," she murmured, forgetting that she nor the child were really in any danger here.

Her attention was turned to the gentleman Dorcas had encountered in the park. Another medium. And rather a charming and polite gentleman. She smiled faintly and lowered her gaze a bit before replying. "Mrs. Elizabeth Parker," she replied automatically. "Although I suppose it doesn't really matter, seeing as both Mr. Parker and I have been dead quite some time." That was still taking some getting used to. Being dead and knowing everyone you knew were dead. "It's very nice to meet you."

The ghost baby bawled again, making her sigh. "The poor dear, wish there was something to be done," she said, turning her attention to the wailing infant poltergeist. "I'm sure he just wants his mother. Don't you, darling?" Not that the baby even acknowledged her presence or words. But she couldn't help but feel badly for him.


Who: Alejandro and Ava
When: Shortly before dawn
Where: Ava's condo

under here )


Party time!

Who: Teens!
Where: Katie's place
When: 8 pm to whenever

It hadn't taken Katie long to get the house ready for the party, as she'd told Aria - hide the breakables and that was about it. She'd set out drink mixers, chips and brownies she'd baked as well as veggie trays for the more health-conscious (which was to say, no one). She had her iPod hooked up to the rather substantial sound system in the living room, a party mix several hours long cued up and waiting.

Preparations finished, all that was left to put on her cute party clothes, curl her hair and do her makeup, and wait for her former classmates to start arriving.


That's Not What Ties Are For

Who: Dorcas and Evan
When: Shortly before midnight
Where: Evan's house
Warnings: Completely NSFW.

Science talk could be hot, right? )


The Perfect Situation

Who: Claire and Gabe
Where: Dinner, by the river
When: Evening
Warning: NSFW

Even though they weren't going anywhere fancy, Gabe had taken his time to look good for Claire. He'd showered, shaved, and combed his hair. He'd thought about aftershave or cologne, but found that both were still too much for his senses. Then he'd pulled on a clean pair of jeans and a polo shirt, standard fair for him when he wanted to look a tiny bit better than just wearing a t-shirt. There was no way he was going to impress her, but that wasn't really the point. Claire didn't need to be impressed. She just needed to have a good time with him on their first "date". Parking his car out front, he walked up to the door and knocked, hoping she'd be the one to answer. It would make things so much easier.

You don't choose relationships based on what's most convenient. You go with your heart. And you're worth the risk of breaking mine. )


Killing Time

Who: Chris Brammell and OPEN
Where: Walking through town, looking at the shops...
When: Afternoon...?


Carnival Companions.

Who: Dorcas and Evan. Again.
When: Early Evening
Where: Evan's car, Circus-carnival thing!

Work had been awful and she was very stressed out and tired. So Dorcas had come home as soon as she could, cleaned up a little bit and changed to something more appropriate for a carnival. Sorry, but a skin tight rainbow dress was not good for crowds. However the ripped up jeans and cupcake t-shirt she had switched into definitely was. And wasn't nearly as distracting as some of the things in her wardrobe. It was an effort to make herself happy again.

Instead of being inside while she waited for Evan to pull up, she was outside sitting on the curb with her head resting on her knees. Her fingers were curled into her hair, forearms pressed against her ears tightly like she were trying to drown out any and all sound. She hoped they got rid of that cradle tomorrow. If they didn't, she was going to smash it into firewood.

Evan arrived just like he said he would and the girl didn't seem to move from her position, so he got out of the car and walked over to her. He cleared his throat and then when she didn't move, he reached out to touch her, preparing himself for her to pop up and scare the hell out of him and knowing he'd still jump in surprise.

read more )


unconventional birthday party

Who: the birthday girl!! (Erin), Evan, Erika, Dorcas, Kieran, and open!
When: late night
Where: Heme

Deciding you wanted to spend your birthday at the vampire bar was probably weird by a lot of standards, but certainly not by Erin's. She'd been dying to check it out ever since she heard of its existence, before the opening. Unfortunately, work had not allowed it. So tonight was perfect! Plus, she was excited to meet her little brother's new girl and possibly traumatize him to the point of revisiting the night terrors and bedwetting stage.

It was what big sisters were for, after all.

She parked the hearse out front, grinning as she noticed the envious looks of what had to be a few vampire groupies. Fangbangers, freshies, whatever you wanted to call them. The bouncer let her in, and she looked around for her friends and family as she made her way towards the bar.


Just a Touch

Who: Tayne and Salome
Where: Parking lot of cheap bar
When: Night

Tayne really needed to stop doing this. He really did. Alcohol was not a good answer to problems, and he knew it, but when he didn't have any other answers and he generally thought he deserved a nasty hangover in the morning? Well, he went for the alcohol, anyway. He wasn't quite drunk yet, but he was definitely getting there.

The last one had gotten rowdy, though, and Tayne didn't want rowdy, so he had moved over to one down the street, and was heading through the parking lot towards the door right now. It was a lonely looking bar, which served him just fine. Less stupid girls trying to hit on him, making him want to punch someone. Most likely his own stupid self.

It's not like being a movie star. )

Jun. 28th, 2009


What does it do?

Who: Jovie and Ezra
When: Midday
Where: Kalos

It was a slow day, which Jovie was thankful for. That ridiculous movie was casting extras, and it seemed the majority of the town was enamored with the idea of starring in a movie, no matter how terrible it might be. She was at work in her shop, studying the ruby ring she had acquired from Russia. It was gorgeous and would make her a decent amount of money once she sold it. With her hair tied up, and her back to the door, she was busy working her magic on it, figuring it might be nice for whomever might own it to see what it was like if everything in their head came barrelling out of their mouth. She was becoming quite adept at curses, to the point where she rarely had to look at her aunt's spells anymore. The bell over the door would alert her to any potential customers, so she was casting with ease, satisfied with her new piece of inventory.

Sounds like a bar joke waiting to happen. )

Jun. 27th, 2009


Shopping Can be Hazardous to your Health

Who: Bella and Dom
Where: Lenore Bookstore
When: Early evening

If there was one thing Bella loved to buy, it was books. Most of the time she didn't really care about what the book was about, but if it had an interesting cover, she tended to pick it up and give it a try. If she didn't like it, she sold it to the second hand book store and got maybe two dollars for the thing. It was better than nothing, she supposed. She had a couple books in her hand already and she was busy skimming the stacks for more. As she reached for another book, the books in her arm began to slip and in her haste to catch them, she knocked the book she had been reaching for off the shelf. She attempted to catch that one too, but she wasn't terribly coordinated at the moment, and all of the books fell to the floor with soft thumps. Bella cursed under her breath and bent down to pick up the books, figuring that was why they had bags and baskets at the front of the store, for shopping convienence and so this kind of stuff didn't happen. As she knelt, the bag on her shoulder tipped and the contents of her purse began to spill out to join the books. With a sigh, all she could do was snatch her purse back and then flop down onto her knees to try and clean up the mess she'd just made.

Jun. 26th, 2009


How to lose a guy in one easy step.

Who: Tayne and Vivienne
Where: Vivienne's house
When: 3pm, or about ten minutes after

Running late wasn't one of Tayne's favorite things to do, but somehow, it felt like half the time that's what he wound up doing. Like right now, it was about ten minutes after three, when he was supposed to show up at Vivienne's, and he was only just now pulling his battered truck up to her address, parking on the street and collecting the paper grocery bag he'd brought the ingredients for dinner in. Or late lunch. Or whatever you called such a thing.

Vivienne had been ready for the guy to arrive for a while now. She'd left her hair down and tried not to dress up. Tried being the key word there. She ended up in a pair of nice jeans and didn't even bother with shoes. She hardly ever wore them when she was running around the house anyway. Today was no different. Her shirt however, was another halter like the one she'd worn out to the radio station during her first show. This one was tight fitting and a deep crimson color. At least she hadn't gone completely overboard with her make up so she just looked like she'd be going out on date. Which was kind of what this was, without the going out part.

She pulled the door open and gave him a smile, stepping out of the way so he could enter. "Find the place okay?"

Well if he's gay anyway. )


Why do only you understand...

WHO: Annie and Hal
WHAT: Quality visiting time, with some lecturing
WHERE: Ann Arbor hospital
WHEN: Saturday morning

When Annie finally awoke, it was to a charge nurse taking her vitals for what surely was the thousandth time that night. Thankfully, she'd slept through all the other ones, and she could have done the same here, had her mind not immediately awoken with the idea that Michael was still in the room. She halfway sat up and looked around, her eyes finding only weak dawn light coming in through the shades and an indulgent expression from her caretaker.

"You had an exciting night last night, but you're fine now," the nurse said, in the same tone Annie's father would have said, Sure it's a castle, but I bet the floors are hard. "The doctor will be in to check on you in a little bit, and will give you more information."

I need him, he's my family.. )


A lot of Firsts

Who: Christian and Hayden
When: Evening
Where: Christian's

Hayden arrived at the Danui house exactly at eight o'clock. She didn't want to get there early and annoy him, or risk running into Day and annoying him, but she also didn't want to get there too late and waste the night. So she got there at eight and parked in the driveway, grabbing her bag and trying not to rush to the door. She didn't want to feel like an overeager dork. But Christian was her boyfriend now! So maybe she was allowed to be a bit of a dork. Hayden licked her lips before she dug into her purse to grab her lip gloss. She dabbed a bit of the raspberry gloss over her lips before she dropped the glossy tube back into her bag and knocked.

Read more... )

Jun. 25th, 2009


Therapeutic Homocide

Who: Amelie and Mikhail
When: Late Night
Where: Random dark alley in Scarlet Oaks

One of the nice things about Heme being a public place was that identifying the vampires was easier. Mikhail wasn't able to stalk them as easily for a kill, but patience paid off tonight. He was lying in wait when the monster he had scoped out returned to his rather mundane apartment. He was even alone, which meant there'd be no repeats of the incident of the diner the night before.

He was a monster, but he preferred a clean kill. If anything, it was less bodies to deal with. And truly, only monsters themselves deserved death and they were his targets.

Normally he'd be content to pick off this one from his perch on the fire escape, but after last night, he needed a much more visceral, personal kill. So instead, he aimed for the creature's chest, his silenced pistol making only a soft hissing sound as he fired.

As the vampire dropped to the ground from a shot that would have killed a man, Mikhail was moving. He withdrew two silver plated fighting knives from under his jacket.

This was going to be a much better night, he could tell.

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