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Dec. 19th, 2013


bumping into someone new

Who: Halne and Josh
When: Afternoon
Where: Outisde SOHS

I guess I should be more careful with this many people around )

Feb. 12th, 2013


Time is the reason why we fight to stay alive

Who: Athena and Halne
Where: a club in Ann Arbor// streets of Ann Arbor
When: late evening, around 11:30pm
Warnings: TBD, but violence is likely

It's a strive )

Dec. 20th, 2012


we all fall short of glory, lost in ourselves.

Who: Carter and Halne.
Where: A gas station just outside town.
When: Late evening.

Control was important, that was one of the first lessons Bennett children learned when they were set on the path towards becoming hunters and it was one Carter had taken to heart early on and never forgotten, not even for a moment. )

Aug. 28th, 2012


What is this?

Who: Halne and Farren
When: early evening, close to sunset
Where: Scarlet Oak park

Almost immediately she felt a giggle bubbling up from her chest. )


I want to recognize your beauty is not just a mask

Who: Athena and Halne
When: later evening, closer to 9pm
Where: Streets of Scarlet Oak // phonelines to start with

I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart )

Aug. 9th, 2012


Tell me it's nothing, try to convince me that I'm not drowning

Who: Halne, Vivianna & Luke
Where: Halne & Vivianna's apartment
When: early morning, a few hours short of the sunrise
Warnings: Violence

Oh, let me tell you, I am )

Jul. 16th, 2012


If you want to be with me, baby there's a price to pay

Who: Athena and Halne
Where: The library
When: Late afternoon

I'm a genie in a bottle; you gotta rub me the right way. )

Jun. 4th, 2012



For potential Halne and Athena; will delete if this gets moved to a different game day

Mar. 3rd, 2012


And I'm not sleeping now, the dark is too hard to beat

Who: Vivianna and Halne
Where: their townhouse in Camelot Place
When: just after sunset

And I'm not keeping now, the strength I need to push me )

Feb. 22nd, 2012


I wanna stay in love with my sorrow

Who: Halne
Where: her townhouse in Camelot Place
When: evening

Oh, but God, I wanna let it go )

Feb. 6th, 2012


Do what you, what you want

Who: Athena and Halne
Where: Heme
When: Evening, close to dusk

‘til you find what you’re looking for )

Dec. 31st, 2011


I feel so untouched right now, need you so much somehow

Who: Halne and Vivianna
Where: inside Halne’s dream to start with
When: midday, when vampires sleep
Warning: NSFW

I can't forget you, been going crazy from the moment I met you. )

Dec. 19th, 2011


You left me in the dark

Who: Halne
Where: her townhouse in Camelot Place
When: just after sunset

No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight )

Dec. 6th, 2011


The cure for a heart is to move along

Who: Grayson and Halne
Where: Heme
When: full dark, around 8pm

So move along, so move along )