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May. 29th, 2014


lol wut

Who: Ryan and BJ (and possibly familiars)
When: Evening
Where: Byrne house

Liam finally being back to normal meant that Bonnie was finally indulging in a selfish day. It was highly overdue. She'd taken Endellion out for mani/pedis -- her preferred salon no longer batted an eye at being told that yes, her familiar was getting her nails done too, and if no one there was willing to take her money in return for the service there were plenty of places in town that would -- gotten a massage and facial, and then had promptly returned home and commandeered the living room for her own use. She'd changed into her PJs sometime around three in the afternoon, grabbed a soft pink blanket from her room, and collapsed onto the couch in front of some trash television. She'd dozed off a few times and had eventually ordered a pizza, the remains of which had long since gone cold in the box on the coffee table.

She'd eventually fallen asleep again while watching some reality show on the E! network, and when next she opened her eyes, the room was dark but for the glare of the TV. BJ blinked at the television and then closed her eyes, fully prepared to go back to sleep, when she realized she'd woken up for a reason. She could hear footsteps on the porch. One of her brothers was apparently home. Thinking about it only for a moment, BJ grabbed the remote and shoved it in the cushions under her butt, sleepily staking her territory. Then she triumphantly closed her eyes again.

Feb. 12th, 2014


Tell me how anybody thinks under this condition

WHO: Ryan & Kajsa
WHEN: Afternoon
WHERE: The Dollhouse

This night's a perfect shade of dark blue. )

Jan. 22nd, 2014


if I could be a hustler

Who: Mercy & Ryan
Where: ... A bar.
When: Night

Son of a bitch. )

Dec. 20th, 2013


I'll be the one, if you want me to

Who: the Byrnes
Where: their townhouse // SOHS, sort of
When: close to 7pm

Anywhere, I would've followed you )

Sep. 6th, 2013


All the best deceptions

WHO: Kajsa & Ryan
WHERE: Ryan's residence
WHEN: Late morning

I heard about your regrets. )

Oct. 26th, 2012


I wanna heal, I wanna feel what I thought was never real

Who: Ryan and Liam
Where: Byrne house!
When: just after sunrise

I wanna let go of the pain I've felt so long )

Sep. 3rd, 2012


Another day in domestic paradise

Who: the Byrnes
Where: their house
When: early evening, around 5pm

No, Liam was not the best at showing he cared. )

Jul. 19th, 2012



Who: BJ, Ryan, familiars, and hell... open to anyone in the neighborhood who hears the screaming, idgaf
When: Noonish
Where: Byrne's backyard

It really should have been a great day.

Okay, so BJ had had some weird dream about a single dad and an apartment full of plants. He'd had a really fat cat and one of his two daughters had a face like pure evil, but you know. Whatever. She'd had much weirder dreams in her life, and despite the fact that this dream was kind of nagging at her - for some reason she felt like this guy really existed and she needed to meet him - she was able to ignore it. Gorgeous day! Yesterday had been yucky! She was going to go outside. Yup, that was the plan. She'd put on a bikini, grabbed her ipod and a towel, and headed into the backyard to work on her tan. Which was kind of difficult. Redheads didn't really tan well. BJ had two colors: white and red. That was it. But honestly, she was still kind of in denial. She would figure out how to tan, it had to just all be in the lotions. Sure, that was it. Fuck it, either way. She was going outside. End of story.

She spread her towel out on the grass and stretched out, with Endellion mirroring the action in the grass. BJ sighed contentedly and closed her eyes, and for a while just enjoyed doing nothing in the sun.

But then there was that buzzing, and it was really getting on her nerves. She tried to ignore it, but, well... a Byrne not giving in to their annoyances was a rare thing. She turned her head and opened her eyes, just in time to notice a bee land on one of the flowers outside her bedroom window. Wrinkling her nose in distaste, BJ pointed her finger at the bee, and set her mind to blowing the little fucker up.



...That was not what happened. Suddenly the flower was twice the size it had been before, and the bee was buzzing around in confusion.

BJ jerked to a sitting position, and after staring at the flower a moment longer, worked hard at making something - anything catch fire. Absolutely nothing happened. Well, that wasn't strictly true. The flowers were doing really well. But she wasn't lighting anything on fire why wasn't anything catching fire she was supposed to be good at this oh my God oh my God-- BJ began screaming as if the world was ending. Because in her mind, it might as well have been.

Nov. 7th, 2011


Who: Ryan and Lucia
When: Night
Where: Plush

Shenanigans )

Jul. 19th, 2011


I got a heart full of pain, head full of stress

Who: Leon Almasy and Ryan Byrne
When: Late afternoon
Where: Point Blank

Handful of anger held in my chest. )

Mar. 31st, 2011


You know what she is, no doubt about it

Who: Ryan and Viuly
Where: Ryan's place
When: Noon time

She's a bad, bad girlfriend. )

Oct. 29th, 2010


Don't wanna kiss, don't wanna touch

Who: Ryan and Viuly
Where: Random club in Ann Arbor
When: Evening
Warning: NSFW

Just smoke one cigarette and hush. )

Aug. 13th, 2010


He don't live here no more.

Who: the remaining Byrnes
When: Midday
Where: Their house

Bonnie watched from the window as the car carrying Dex sped away down the street, until no trace of it or her oldest brother could be seen anymore. Then she turned around and sank down onto the couch.

It had all happened so fast. She still felt numb with shock.

The cops were onto something Dex had done, though Bonnie couldn't imagine what her brother would have done without the rest of them. They'd be coming for him - but he'd be long-gone. All his younger siblings had gotten up in arms, insisting they'd all go together. But Dex had a point. All of them leaving would only raise suspicions. There was nothing for the remaining Byrnes to do but sit tight and look stunned. Mission fucking accomplished.

Bonnie felt like she should cry. The four of them had never been separated like this. Losing her parents at a young age had been bad enough - she'd always stuck to her older brothers like glue. Now one of them was gone, with no idea when they could possibly all be together again. She felt like she should cry. She didn't, though. Even if she did know how to do that in front of her brothers (she didn't), now was not the time. Bonnie sighed and looked up, gaze flickering back and forth between her remaining brothers. "Now what?"

Jul. 22nd, 2010


He put the mental back in elemental

WHO: Kieron and Ryan
WHEN: Afternoon
WHERE: Random Junkyard

”Two )

Apr. 13th, 2010


Something's not right in Wonderland...er...the Emergency Room

Who: Morrigan, Neil, Ryan, Gabe and an Uphir demon (NPC)
Where: University of Michigan Hospital, Emergency Room
When:  High Noon
What: 'You're Not A Doctor!'

Barely an hour, maybe it was just shy of so, after the numerous announcements, dire warnings of demons and death and violence, and the E.R. was flooded with an intake of people needing help. It looked to be only the beginning, being only an hour, or less, of time since the first attacks had seemed to have occurred. Doctors, residents, nurses, students and interns all rushed and did their best to keep up with the flow of incoming injuries, orderlies busily stocking and restocking the supplies that were needed, that would be needed.

It was near chaos, and far from pretty, all sound and action. Among the others, a petite redheaded nurse threw herself as much into answering the need to help as any other, snatches of remembering in her mind, of wartime hospitals, soldiers and sailors. Here, at least, she consoled herself on the turn of a thought, the facilities were clean, and nearly orderly compared to the first she had ever worked for, the first that had put her off the profession for a good twenty years.

No one yet noticed that there was one more doctor than there should have, someone unknown among the white coated ranks. Someone or something far from human, and far from caring about easing the pain, confusion and worry of patients.

Apr. 4th, 2010


Girls Girls Girls, At the Dollhouse in Scarlet Oak

Who: Ryan and Dante
Where: The Dollhouse (it's the strip club)
When: Night shift!

Night shift. How lucky was Ryan? Usually he had the afternoon shift with all the sad old farts and the one-legged strippers but not tonight. Tonight, he actually had a reason to look around and beyond the bar, and that made him very happy. So happy, in fact, that unlike usual he was serving drinks at the bar with the largest smile he could muster. Which could, at times, look a bit frightening. But Ryan didn't really care.

He was clapping when Desert Rose came on stage, all boobs and strawberry blonde extensions; he whistled loudly when Chardonnay threw her bra at the audience, and he even yelled some lovely words at Candi Jade. She winked at him, and Ryan winked right back. "What a fucking awesome work night!" He'd exclaimed at some point. Hell, he was even dancing to Motley Crue!

Jan. 1st, 2010


Shoot'em in the head!

Who: Ryan and Saundra
Where: Local shooting range
When: Evening-ish

With all the talk on demons going on, Saundra couldn't help but rummage through the drawers in her bedroom for her collection of handguns she had handy. Right then she was happy that her father taught her how to handle one back when she turned eighteen strictly so she could be prepared fend off creeps on the city streets. Well, she had far bigger things to worry about than some creepy stalker. Demons seemed to top that priority by a long stretch. True, she could always shift into her tiger form and probably fuck up some demon pretty hardcore, her animal form wasn't entirely... well, discrete. Several gun shots was easier to explain than a massive tiger that was not indigenous to the area. Not to mention it meant Saundra didn't have to destroy another favorite outfit in the process.

Though it had been a while since she fired one of her guns. Saundra never really had a reason to until now. Sure, she would slip one into her purse when she went out with her girlfriends from time to time, but it was never pulled out on anyone. So that explained why Saundra showed up at the shooting range. A few older guys gave her confused looks, not entirely sure why a woman such as herself was visiting. She wasn't really dressed for the role either, sporting off a pair of jeans, white tshirt, and a Red Sox cap with her red hair flowing down. Though the minute she had her safety glasses on along with a pair of ear muffs, she was going to town on her target. Not as good as she used to be in her youth, but she managed to land all but a couple shots on her target, though sadly none through the head. Sighing, Saundra pouted a bit while reloading her gun. At least it felt good to be shooting again.

Dec. 9th, 2009


Poppin' cheap champagne, we're going down in flames.

Who: Tessa Rogers, Ryan Byrne, and a Haures demon (NPC)
Where: The bar they met at to start
When: Early evening
What: Torchin' a demon, what else would these two do together?

Really, she was just looking for a drink or two before heading back to her apartment and telling Inaki to shut the hell up already. )

Nov. 15th, 2009


Who: Ryan and Ruby Lu
When: Afternoon
Where: The Dollhouse (Strip club in Ann Arbor)

The daylight crowd in strip clubs were always either disgusting or just sad. You'd see business men on their lunch hour who claimed to be here for the wing buffet; these tended to be the more disgusting ones, as they would call you over for a lap dance while stuffing their face with slimy hotwings - hotwings that never stayed in their system if Ruby Lu was the dancer. And then there were the guys that were just plain sad, the lonely looking bastards who just wanted a beer to cry into and someone to talk to. Some strippers didn't like the talkers, but Ruby Lu did. She was a charitable soul. She liked to help.

Today, Ruby Lu found, the place was really quite dead. She was one of two girls who had stage time, and there was very little point in it right now. She sighed and looked down at her super cute vintage 50s bikini, all white and ruffles. What a waste. Making a tiny squeak of a frustrated sound, she headed up front and took another good look around. Total. Waste. Sighing, she set her sights on the bartender. Oooh... he was new. Well, newer. The last bartender had died (heart failure in his early thirties, how ever did something like that happen?) a few weeks ago, and she had not yet had the time to meet the one one. So she bounced on over and took a seat at the empty bar. "Hi! Are you as bored as I am?"

Nov. 12th, 2009


Watch the matches turn to ashes

Who: Tessa Rogers and Ryan Byrne
When: Just after 9pm
Where: Random bar in Scarlet Oak
What: Two fire elementals in one place at the same time :)

Tessa scowled, grabbing her license from her wallet and showing it to him. Because of her size, everyone thought she was 17, not 26. )

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