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Previous 20

Dec. 29th, 2009



Who: Ammo and Torque
Where: A parking lot and Torque's palce
When: Morning, right after the anti-demon meeting

Reunion  )

Dec. 28th, 2009


to new beginnings

Who: Adara and Calista
Where: Phone call & Adara's house
When: Noontime

Being the fire elemental that she is, Adara was going crazy being alone in her house. Which is why a few weeks ago, she posted an ad for a roommate. So far she'd received a few interested people but none of which were right for her place. It was going to take a special person who could put up with Adara.

Adara was cleaning up the house a bit, moving her stuff out of the spare room and into the attic and garage when the phone rang. Running to retrieve her cell from the kitchen counter she said breathlessly, "Hello?"

roommies! )


There's a party goin' on right here

What: A housewarming party!
Where: Bartleby McGruder's lovely suburban domain
Who: Anybody and everybody in the neighborhood who feels like havin' fun!

The flyers he posted all about the neighborhood said that the party ran 'till '?' and Bartleby was all a twitter as he pulled some hors d'oeuvres out of the oven. )


We Know We're Friends at Times Like These

Who: Wally and Ash
Where: Their apartment in Camelot Place
When: Late evening after this scene.

Did I ever tell you about Mark? He's a real corker. )


Don't Need To Know Our Secrets

Who: Wally and Max
When: 9:30 AM
Where: Bargain Books

Wally had left the apartment in a rare, genuinely good mood, the leftovers from what Ash had cooked him the night before packed away in his bag. )


Who: Rowena Scott and Noah Roberts [Caius and Aden]
When: June 27th / 2009 - Afternoon
Where: Their home

He walked the little boy and his mother out of the office, promising no bill for the visit and flipped the lock on the office door )



Who: Lucas Marrok and Ravyn Girnwood
When: Afternoon
Where: Torte di Angeli / The park
Status: Incomplete :(

Ravyn rather liked the way their hands were slightly swinging as they walked... )


mmm fire!

Who: Adara and Graham
When: 9:30pm
Where: Owl's Nest

What do you get when you put two fire elements together? )


Boredom turning to Christmas shopping in June?

Who: Kyle and Wally
When: About 3pm
Where: Bargain Books

Excuse me sir )


Stop! Shimmer Time!

Who: Ada and Hammish
When: 9'ish pm
Where: Shimmer

Hi Ho. Hi Ho. It's Off to Shimmer We go! )


A meeting of... minds.

Who: Ada and K-lee
When: 10:00 p.m.
Where: Shimmer

It'd been a much better day, the best one that K-lee had had yet, and she was hoping that it'd only get better with this little adventure. She had arrived back from the modeling escapade at Whisper's feeling confident in herself and trying her best to not think about the fact that her new employer was a vampire. Not that that was easy, but it'd been achievable once she started getting ready. Malo and his smart remarks hadn't had any effect on how she dressed, she was a model, she liked showing off her body and rather enjoyed the things she had thrown together. Malo had thrown out a remark about being cautious as she left, which K-lee ignored as well. That thing didn't know anything about clubs and dates.

K-lee had driven, pulling into a lot just a little before ten, giving her makeup one final glance over before sliding out of the car and walking to the the front of the club, smiling at the looks that she was given. Flipping her hair when she reached the door, she showed her ID and walked inside, eyes darting around to see if she could find Ada. That was the reason she'd dragged herself out of her room after all.

Ada had arrived at the club earlier in the evening to meet up with Misha so when 10 pm rolled around she already had a drink in her and was starting on number two by the bar. She was enjoying the music and the ambiance more than she thought she would. It helped that Misha had been so kind and inviting though. Now she was just nervous about running into K-Lee. She hadn't dressed up too much as that wasn't her style and she definitely felt out of place because of it. In fact, she was sure she was the most dressed person in the club. Normally this wouldn't bother her but she was going to be meeting up with a really hot model! Shouldn't she have dressed better? She wondered and took a nervous sip of her drink.

Winding her way through the crowd, K-lee would have normally flirted or at least responded to the invitations to dance with some smart reply, but she had remembered how shy she had acted around Ada. The woman had seemed to like that, so K-lee picked it back up like a second skin, her skin heating up when she was stared at, a smile blooming on her face when she spotted Ada over by the bar. "Hey!" she called out, raising a hand in a wave before sliding past a few people to stand near her. "Hi," K-lee said again, a little breathlessly, noting the drink. "Sorry if I'm late... getting through crowds can be a bit of a pain, but hey, you're here! Is it any fun?"

The music was loud and the club full so Ada almost didn't hear K-lee yell in her direction. When Ada heard and then saw the woman she raised hand and waved with a smile. "Hi!" She watched as the model slithered through past people and she had to admit K-Lee looked great in silver and probably just about anything else she wore. "It's no problem." Ada shook her head. "The crowds are a bit of a pain, aren't they? And the club seems to be fun so far. Nice music and oh my god, before I forget, I love your boots!" She looked down to stare at the woman's feet. She'd only gotten a glance through the crowd before but up close she found they were amazing. Then again, most shoes were pretty awesome as far as Ada was concerned.

K-lee smiled and followed the gaze down to her boots, one of her favorite pairs that she doubted she'd ever be able to part with. Or go more than a week without wearing. They had been worth every single penny and all of the admiration. "Thanks, your outfit is very pleasant." Inwardly she winced a little at it, having never seen someone wear something so conservative to a club, but she supposed that whatever worked. She'd dressed nicely enough for the both of them. But K-lee remembered why she'd come, Ada had given off that vibe and she still had it practically radiating for someone like her; innocence. "Aww, I can't buy you a drink, you already have one," K-lee sulked, biting her lip and casting her eyes down for a moment before glancing over at the bar. "But I can get myself one... then... maybe... you'd dance with me?" A blush accompanied the words, probably hard to see in the atmosphere, but K-lee's role was nothing if not completely thorough.

Pleasant. Her outfit was pleasant. Damn it, Ada knew she should have worn something else. She suppressed a sigh and beamed at K-Lee instead. "Thank you and, yeah, already have a drink." She felt a little embarassed, like K-Lee had been planning on buying her a drink. And if K-lee had been planning on buying her a drink then maybe there was more than a casual interest. It made Ada's cheeks blush a little. "Well how about I will buy a drink this time and then you can get me one next time?" She raised an eyebrow, trying to be calm but knew she must seem a little over excited at the idea. "And a dance, well a dance would be nice." She knew that this was a bad idea. Here she was, in a fun club with a hot girl and she was going to dance. Dancing was always bad. Isn't that what the puritans always said? Well there was a reason for it. Still, Ada couldn't help herself. Besides, she deserved fun, didn't she?

Was that a change of color in Ada's cheeks that she was seeing? K-lee grinned inwardly at that. Looked even more like she'd read the woman right. And she was offering to buy her a drink! K-lee acted like she was considering it for a minute before smiling. "I like how that sounds," the model agreed as she stepped closer to order a cosmo, leaning her back against the bar so that she could still see Ada while she waited. "Better than nice," she remarked, raising an eyebrow in response to Ada's. "I'm a very good dancer, trust me, we'll have a lot of fun." She accepted her drink when it came and sipped at it. "Have you danced with anyone yet tonight or do I get the honor of the first one?" Not her best flirting, but it fit much better with the shy persona than K-lee's normal, and usually effective, methods did. She had a feeling those might scare this particular one off.

Ada's shy smile broadened. She wanted to say something flirty like she was sure K-Lee was a good dancer or something like that but it felt far too forward and really Ada was more likely to stumble on her words than for it to come out right anyway. So instead she took a sip from her own drink, taking the last bit of it into her mouth and swallowing. "I think we'll have a lot of fun too. I haven't danced with anyone yet." She said to answer K-Lee's question. "So yes, you'll get the first dance of the night." She laughed. "I did however get a couple of offers but I wasn't so sure about it all." The offers had come from indulgent dancers that she had met during her quick tour of the club. It was obvious Shimmer employed nice people who were not oblivious to her awkward shyness. She was half-tempted to do it but felt even more uncomfortable dancing with a man than a woman.

Good, no one else had stepped in, K-lee was glad for that. She took a long drink from her glass, really there wasn't that much to begin with, and nodded. "Of course you got offers," she remarked, swirling the liquid remaining in the cup. "Pretty girls always do." Her eyes widened as though she was just realizing what she said and a hand came up to cover her mouth as she blushed deeply, looking down at her boots. Nice. Apparently to distract herself she finished off her drink, not even a little buzzed off of it thanks to the sort of parties she usually attended back on the west coast. Coughing as though she had drank too fast, K-lee set her empty glass back on the bar before extending a hand to Ada, bouncing a little to the beat of the song that'd just come on. "So let's dance?"

With comments like these flying her way Ada wasn't sure how she'd manage to stay her normal color. Her cheeks blazed red again and she looked away as it seemed K-Lee herself was surprised at her own words. Ada could relate. If Ada had managed to let her own words slip past her lips she would have been embarrassed to. "You're so sweet." Ada said bashfully. "You're pretty too." The words came out quickly and she grabbed the hand K-Lee extended. "Yes. Please." Better to dance than to say things, Ada decide and stood up and pulled K-Lee toward the dance floor.

Sweet, that was good, exactly what K-lee wanted. But the pretty comment did as always make her beam genuinely and she went willingly when Ada pulled her towards the dance floor. The song was way too fast to keep Ada's hand and, well, K-lee didn't mind. She danced better on her own and the whole point was to show herself off. Wasn't going to get Ada by just standing like a statue and that wasn't fun anyhow. But she had to make that Ada didn't think she was just showing off so she bit her lip, supposed shyness coming back. "Don't laugh, okay? Trying not to make an idiot out of myself in front of you." Her eyes were still shy as she started to dance to the music, though how she was moving was anything but. Dancing came as naturally to her as magic.

Dancing itself didn't embarrass Ada much. She learned that if she swayed to the music, moved her feet a little and just let the music take over her that she did pretty okay. She definitely didn't dance as well as most of the people in the club but she did just fine. She knew that in a more comfortable setting she was a much better dancer and had even practiced a little before coming to the club tonight. When she stood facing K-lee on the dance floor she almost wanted to pinch the woman's cheeks. She was behaving very cute and Ada couldn't help but like it it. "I would never laugh. Don't be silly." It was endearing to think that someone didn't want to look like an idiot in front of her. She certainly didn't want to look stupid either. Without another word she started to dance. She tried to let herself get immersed with the music and just let go but kept getting distracted by the way K-lee moved. Not this was a woman who could dance. "You're a great dancer!" Ada wasn't flirting. She was simply stating the truth.

K-lee's cheeks heated up at Ada's comment. She'd have preferred if it was flirting but hey, she'd take what she could get and make sure it developed into more. "You're not bad yourself," K-lee smiled, stepping a little closer. Dancing could work better than words, experience told her that, but she couldn't be too forward or everything she'd done up to this point would be for nothing. Accidents happened, though... the next time that K-lee turned, partially as part of the dance and a little to avoid a nearby couple, she let her hip brush against Ada. Her eyes widened when they met Ada's and she worked her mouth for a minute, like she was at a loss for words. "Sorry..." No she wasn't, she was delighted with herself. "Maybe you should dance with me and that won't happen again." Her hands strayed to hover above Ada's waist, not coming down. "Intentional, not accidental or something."

Now Ada's cheeks burned, but not with embarrassment. No, this was definitely pleasure and excitement. "Thank you." She smiled and looked down to see K-Lee's hands hovering. The rational part of her mind told her this was a bad idea. Wasn't there a reason she kept to herself all the time? Still, the other part, the lustful excited side told her that she could have a fun dance without anything happening. People danced and hugged and kissed and did all sorts of things without being in relationships didn't they? Not that that was necessarily Ada's bag but right now she didn't particularly care. In a decisive move she grabbed K-lee's hands and pressed them against her waist. "Okay. That sounds good. I mean, the dancing." She smiled and moved her hips to the rhythm of the music before moving her hands up K-Lee's arms and letting them settle on the model's shoulders.

Oh this was delightful! Not just that everything was going like she wanted, but the actual feelings that came with being touched. K-lee'd gone a little longer than she cared to without getting physically close to anyone and that coming to an end sent a real shiver down her spine. Her hands got a better grip on Ada's hips before she started dancing again, eyes sparkling when she noticed a few jealous stares. That only made it better and she stepped it up a notch, moving closer until there was hardly any space between them. A fun dance, that was mostly what it was, a fun dance that had her all sorts of excited. She leaned in a little to whisper in Ada's ear, "People are staring. They're jealous." She giggled shyly at the end, like she didn't understand why people would stare in a club. She caught a glance from one man that spoke volumes for exactly why he was watching and her eyes warned him off before returning to Ada.

Ada let her body sway to the music and enjoyed the contact with K-Lee. It was amazing what a small touch could do to a person. It probably didn't help that she hadn't been touched in any way beyond a hug in a very long time. When K-Lee gripped Ada's hips more firmly Ada's body seemed to hum and she just went with the flow and let her body press against K-Lee's. Ada was oblivious to what was happening around her. They were dancing and enjoying it, what more was there to think about? The whispered words in her ear sent another shiver through her and she blushed. "You think so?" She wondered seriously because she didn't think she'd be the cause of any jealousy. But of course it wasn't her - it was K-Lee. "She smiled widely, "Well no wonder. I get to dance with the prettiest one here, don't I?" And Ada was shocked with herself. She managed to say something flirtatious and not screw it up. This made her all kinds of happy and she wound her arms up and around the model's neck. The hair was soft and at this proximity she could tell it smelled nice. Wonder of wonders, running into a gorgeous lady in the grocery store and ending up like this.

K-lee was naturally good at dancing, but being this close made it different, now it as easy as breathing to let her body sway against Ada's. The feeling was more intoxicating than any of the drinks she could've gotten from the bar. She did laugh pleasantly when Ada declared her the prettiest one there, arms suddenly around her neck. Not the game anymore. No, now it'd shrunk down to dancing and the heat that'd started when Ada had let the close dancing start. Her body felt so good against K-lee's that she almost forgot she was supposed to be shy. "Two pretty girls always make people jealous." It was another whisper, she'd felt the way Ada shivered at the last and wanted to feel it again. Ada's body told a complete story that her mouth didn't, same as most people. "Could make it worse for them, kinda want to." K-lee's lips 'slipped' against Ada's ear as she pulled back a little to look at the darker woman. Her voice shook, "could kiss you." Her shy persona never would've done it without saying.

When Ada had agreed to meet up with K-lee at Shimmer this was not something she had imagined would happen. Not in a million years. In fact, it wasn't even something she would allow herself to fantasize about. Why would she even contemplate something so unlikely? She couldn't help but feel extremely lucky. Well, after completely locking away the nagging part of her brain anyway. "I guess so." Ada agreed with a whisper of her own, still uncertain. "I still think it's you they're more jealous of." She laughed, though it was a lower, more husky version of her normal laugh. Her fingers seemed to have a mind of their own and wound their way up into K-lee's hair, playing idly. K-lee's suggestion for making the watchers more jealous was surprising but not at all unpleasant. "Kiss?" She blushed shyly. "I... sure. That'd be," She looked down at the model's lips. "that'd be nice." Her tongue came out to moisten her lips unconsciously.

Ada was probably right, but K-lee didn't need to agree with that out loud. Her body had opinions of it own on the matter at hand and it'd be far too vain for the shy guise she was using to have that much pride in herself. Besides, people were probably staring more because of how they were moving together. Alternative club or not, she'd been in enough to know that not everyone had those inclinations. She wasn't really able to think of things as clearly as normal though, because Ada's fingers were playing with her hair and that'd always been one of her favorite things for people to do. She wasn't too surprised when she felt a desire to purr building up in her throat. "Nice," K-lee agreed, her own voice lower than before in response to Ada's different laugh. Right all along. One of her hands slid up along Ada's side and around, coming up to cup her cheek gently as she leaned in to kiss her as gently as she could with her senses demanding something less soft.

The moment between them was probably too intimate to be happening on the floor of a dance club, gay and were or not. Ada didn't particularly care. She was caught up in the moment. She enjoyed the sight of K-lee, the smell of K-lee and the sound of K-lee. She hoped she'd enjoy her taste too. Ada fought the urge to simply lean forward and take the kiss. She'd always been affectionate so it wasn't something that Ada found difficult to do. But she couldn't help but be a little intimidated by K-lee, which meant she was definitely attracted to the model. She continued dancing and started to lean forward when K-lee's hand reached up to cup her cheek. She leaned in to the kiss that was gentle and impossibly romantic as far as Ada was concerned. She wanted to kiss K-lee harder, her body yearning to pull her head forward but instead she did her best to keep her grip on K-lee's head gentle, her fingers curving in response.

K-lee smiled into the kiss, feeling how Ada responded and reading what she wanted. K-lee'd spent so longer vying for attention and getting it that she almost had a sixth sense for things like this, made so much easier by the fact that her body yearned for it too. She broke contact just for a moment, drawing in a slightly ragged breath before pressing her lips back against Ada's, harder this time and a little insistent. Her hand slid down against the other woman's neck, stroking the skin with feather-soft touches. As good as she was at dancing the model was even better at this and her heart was almost behaving... right until she tugged at Ada's lower lip and she tasted her lip gloss. Then her heart was racing because she'd tasted what she wanted and the purr she'd just kept back before sounded low in her throat, her cheeks heating in keeping with the shyness that was doing it's best to stop existing at all and she had to pull away, much as she didn't want to, looking down at her feet. "Didn't mean t-to be so forward..."

It was all nearly too much for Ada. She hadn't known a kiss could be so good. She completely ignored the fact that it may have had something to do with her long break from having kisses. Ada was far too romantic to let something practical slip in. Instead she relished the kiss as if it was the best she'd ever had. When K-Lee broke away her own breath was ragged and she barely suppressed a whine of disappointed at the kisses ending. So when K-Lee kissed her again Ada was ecstatic. K-lee's hand down her neck felt so good and then the tug on her lip made Ada draw in a sharp intake of breath. The purr she barely heard seemed to resonate through her and she longed to push herself closer to K-Lee, if that was possible. When the kiss ended she felt disappointed and couldn't help looking that way. Ada gave herself a little shake and shook her head to pull herself together. "Umm no. Don't.. don't say that. That was..." She brought a hand to her lower lip idly. "that was a great kiss."

The model flushed with delight, eyes shining at what Ada said. Without thought her hand came up and caught Ada's, brushing her lips against the back before twining their fingers together. Just the sort of thing that'd she seen make girls melt time and time again. "It was," K-lee agreed with a little sigh, leaning her forehead against Ada's and closing her eyes for a moment. Ada'd moved so well against her, tasted even better, and the model had to keep her eyes closed or she'd have been unable to stop kissing her. Shy and romantic, come on girl, you know this dance. She wants you to be that way. "I'd just imagined our first kiss being more... private." K-lee bit her lip, embarrassed like she'd just let out a big secret. Maybe she should just kiss her again, speaking wasn't always her strong suit when she wanted something... someone.

It was true. Girls fell for the same things because the gesture was too romantic not to fall for. Ada was no exception. The feel of K-lee's lips on her hand sent Ada's heart into flip flops. She just couldn't help it. She pushed her forehead against K-Lee's, enjoying the pressure and the closeness. She mimicked K-Lee, keeping her eyes close. She wasn't sure she could handle looking her in the eyes at that level. She'd certain kiss her back and then they'd be right back to where they started, kissing in public. There were worse things she supposed. It was unsettling to just meet a person and click like this but there it was. Some things were kind of like fate, she knew. Maybe it was in this case too? She opened her mouth to say something because she felt she should, though she didn't know what when K-lee spoke. "You.. you thought about kissing me?" That was surprising and wonderful. Her lips bloomed into a wide smile. "I wish I could say I had to but I generally don't think of things like that. Only because I figured I'd not even stand a chance." She squeezed K-Lee's hand. "I'm glad I was wrong."

From the way that Ada pressed her forehead against K-lee's to the way that she stayed just as close even without being encouraged to screamed that this was going exactly right. It wasn't even feasible right then for her to move away or break the contact because that'd ruin the moment and really, she was enjoying herself. Just because it was a game didn't mean that it wasn't fun or that it couldn't make her feel good, K-lee always enjoyed these little relationships. "Oh yes," K-lee admitted with a quiet giggle, running her thumb over the back of Ada's hand. "Very much wrong." Even if she didn't quite like the fact that Ada hadn't thought about it. My appeal needs to be worked on, apparently. Though it was quite clear Ada was thinking just the way she wanted her to. Her body was starting to sway to the music again and she finally forced herself to open her eyes, content that she'd be able to keep from jumping on Ada now. Possibly. "How about that drink on me? Cool down a bit..."

Ada smiled, her eyes open now. "A drink sounds good." And a cool down even better. Ada felt on fire. She didn't want to move away from K-lee but she knew it would be foolish not to. She wanted to keep feeling the way K-lee moved her thumb across her hand and their heads and bodies touching. Still, Ada broke the moment, taking a step back with a shaking breath and a firm nod. "Yeah, I think a drink sounds very good." She laughed and pulled her hand away from K-lee. It was very foreign to her, to make a connection like this so quickly and Ada could only imagine it was because she hadn't been physical with another person in a long time. She sincerely hoped it was more than that though. A drink and conversation would help clarify she thought. "Shall we?" She nodded to the bar.

She may have stepped back, but K-lee heard the shake in Ada's breath and had to hide a smile. Physical reactions were absolutely the best, almost like oxygen, and she had a feeling that Ada was the sort of girl to give them in spades. "Yes we shall," K-lee agreed, smiling as she turned and walked easily through the crowd, swaying like she was still dancing because the music was still playing. Once back at the bar she hopped up on one of the stools, rearranging her shirt and ordering her drink with an added, "And whatever she's having." Sipping at the fruity, and wisely low alcoholic content, drink her fingers toyed almost nervously with the edge of her shirt. The drink was an added cover, she could blame anything that was too forward on having drank just a little too much. "Not stealing you from anyone am I?" the model blurted out, eyes fixed very firmly on a light fixture a little above and to the left of Ada's head. Wouldn't that just be rich if I was? "Didn't really think... to ask..."

Ada followed K-lee through the crowd to the bar. She couldn't help but watch K-lee move and she moved herself, though more awkwardly. She wasn't paying attention to herself, but the woman in front of her. When they reached the bar Ada sat next to K-lee. She couldn't help but check out the models legs. She looked away quickly and gave her order to the bartender. When drink came she sipped it slowly. It was stronger than she thought it would be and tasted good. With her heart pumping and blood flowing she knew she'd get tipsy quick so she tried to pace herself. "Stealing from me?" Ada cocked her head to the side. "Well I told Misha I would introduce you to him but I got kind of distracted." She blushed slightly. "Anyway, I didn't have plans with anyone else or anything. So nope." She thought it would be terribly rude to make plans with K-lee and then make plans with someone else, or vice versa.

Distracted was one way of putting it, K-lee supposed, and she wouldn't have minded another distraction. Focus, that's not focusing. Well, it was, but not on what she needed to be focused on. Damn her hormones. Though it was almost comical the way Ada replied to her question. She didn't answer it exactly, but K-lee was pretty sure that she knew the answer anyway. She wasn't taken and she was drinking something rather strong. "That's okay, I don't mind having you to myself for the night," K-lee smiled, looking back down at Ada instead of the wall. "So, uhhh..." Small talk, small talk was a very good way to keep from kissing her again. Maybe. Better than staring for sure. "I know it's going to sound ridiculous, but what do you do? Just little things a girl likes to know, I guess." She was really starting to not like acting so clueless, it was going to take forever to get anything done... but it did seem to be working.

Another large gulp of her drink had Ada's head spinning just a little. She didn't drink a lot. It was not nearly the same as when she ate dreams but it was a pleasant sensation all the same. "I don't mind it either." And of course, she blushed again but was happy when the conversation moved to something more regular. She needed to get these urges out of her or else she'd embarrass herself and K-lee too. "I'm so sorry I didn't say anything earlier. Probably not good meeting up with a virtual stranger like this is it?" She laughed and took another drink. "Well I am actually a graphics designer. I mostly do UI work right now." She shrugged. "Not nearly as exciting as being a model." Which was exactly why shew as happy with her job. Ada generally liked her life excitement free. "So I know you're new to the area but are you still liking it okay?"

K-lee could've kept trying to behave herself, was perfectly capable of doing it in fact, but she really didn't want to. A little bit of polite conversation was almost too much for her right then... but Ada was reacting well. Damnit. "Graphics design? That's really cool... I've worked with some of them before, for editing pictures." Not because there was anything wrong with her but because of the background. Not every model could go around in a swimsuit in a snowy field without getting frostbite in some very undesirable places. "And yes... I'm liking it quite a bit." She bit her lip in a shy smile as she looked at Ada. No reason to bring up all the unpleasant things that had happened to her, they would only ruin things. "I'm really glad that I ran into you the other night, so far you're my favorite part." Cheesy, maybe, but it sounded good.

"Thanks. I like it too. I haven't done photo editing in a long time." Well except for that time a couple weeks ago when she pasted Ian's face on a porcupine because he was being snippy and it amused her but that didn't really count at all. "I bet they like the job." She grinned. "Hanging around beautiful women all day. Not a bad gig." She shrugged as she loosened up and took another large drink. She looked at the glass with widened eyes. "Woah, I better take it easy on the drinks. Geeze. Anyway, I'm glad you're liking it. Scarlet Oak is nothing like Los Angeles." Which is why she liked it so much. "But I'm sure you'll get to see the beautiful and wonder of living here." And who would have thought two of her online friends could be living in the same place? Thinking about Ari and Ian put a bit of a frown on her face though so she pushed the thought away. "I'm glad you think so." And again. She blushed. This was starting to get ridiculous. "You're definitely the most interesting thing I've seen in Scarlet Oak in a very long time."

"No, it's really quite the job. Even if a lot of said beautiful women can be a bit vain and snappy." Typically, K-lee was right there among them, if not the worst, but she didn't think voicing that out loud would've been her best-ever idea. Wasn't her fault that half the time photographers didn't know what they were doing and the designers themselves weren't quite sure about how to pick who was best for which design... yeah, it was usually a big mess, people didn't even look much at anyone. And, though her mind was saying something completely else, K-lee made herself agree. "Yes, please don't drink too much, Ada." She touched her hand, eyes concerned. "Don't want you doing anything you don't want to because of the alcohol going to your brain." All of the blushing was making her feel quite good about anything though and it showed in her smile, her fingers resting against Ada's wrist. She couldn't help herself. "Glad I caught your interest. I'd tell my friends who need dates to go looking for fruit but I wouldn't want them to try their luck with you." And her eyes widened and her cheeks blazed like she'd said something wrong for the second time that night. "Ahh, words aren't filtering so well anymore."


Go on, show it off

Who: K-lee, Kikuya, Rowan, Whisper
When: 9:30 a.m.
Where: Whisper’s house

The previous day had left Whisper in quite a good mood, a feat that was hard to accomplish when she did not have Karine or another regular around for her attention-fixes. What she did have, though, was Ad Gustum and that was proving to be a very valuable place for someone like her. She was even humming a little tune as she flitted around her workroom, putting a few more touches on the designs she had finished specifically for today while allowing her assistant – who she had asked to come in and help her – to start work on something else entirely.

Of course, Whisper was completely ready for everyone to arrive an hour early. Fashionably late was something she understood only when she was the one who was going to be late. Not that she precisely expected her models to be on time… maybe Rowan. She seemed a little more skittish than the rest since she was new and still unsure of herself. Kikuya might be on time if only to show that she still knew how to be and this K-lee, well, Whisper had only worked with her the one time and she was not sure how she would be acting around the others. “Should be interesting,” Whisper murmured to herself as she settled into the couch nearest the door and waited for the three to arrive. She had told them all nine-thirty.


No one ever said this was going to be easy

Who: Torque and Ammo
When: 2005
Where: Kane'ohe Bay, Hawaii
What: First Impressions

No one's going to hold your hand. )


This dance ain't for everybody

Who:Eric the ghost and OPEN
Where: Near the park
When: Mid-afternoon

Only the dead people )


Help I'm alive

Who: Monica
Where: Ad Gustum
When: Morning, maybe. She doesn't know.

My heart keeps beating like a hammer )

Dec. 27th, 2009



Who: Kiley & Morgan
Where: Woods a bit out of town
When: Saturday, late afternoon/early evening

Happy places can't always remain happy places. Not even if they're Disneyland. No, seriously, replacing the Stitch breakfast with MICKEY? What the hell!?! I call shenanigans! )


Better than a midnight snack

Who: Aetheria and Galen
Where: Ad Gustum
When: Late evening

Ice cream is nom nom )

Dec. 26th, 2009


We should look for someone to eat and drink with before looking for something to eat and drink.

Who: Raina and Isaiah
When: Early afternoon
Where: His Apartment
What: Keeping Isaiah's feet from sticking

The majority of her time since she'd talked to Isaiah on the phone, seated under the Japanese red maple tree in the Green Room, had been spent in her garden. One way or another. Although she had gone to a nursery in order to add even more to it, in her desire to work in the winter garden section of the internal greenhouse.

Thinking of Isaiah, injured as he was, however, she'd spent the morning using the fruit tart recipe he'd given her not long before. The entire time, she likely hadn't stopped smiling, despite everything else, because the recipe was tied not only to the joy of cooking, but the happiness and balance she found with being around him. He'd cooked for her twice, including the delicious dish on her birthday, this was her turn to make something just for him.

Holding the travel container holding two of the brightly colored tarts she had made, Raina knocked on the door to Isaiah's apartment, really hoping she'd remembered the right number.


They gave me a life that's not so easy to live

Who: Jacob and Delilah
When: Early Evening
Where: Revere, Massachusetts

Dec. 24th, 2009


This isn't the open mic place...

Who: Calista and Hamish
Where: Shimmer
When: Evening

When her friends had mentioned to Calista that the new club in Scarlet Oak was looking for some singers for the open mic gigs, she didn't realize that they were pulling her leg by any means. It was quite common for them to lead the poor girl in one direction hopelessly while they sat back and cracked up. The one time where they convinced her she could buy candy at the firearms shop was quite priceless, but this was about to top them. Having spent most of the night dressing herself for this place, Shimmer, Calista was quite excited about this opportunity, even though her friends never dropped the fact it was a gay club that probably wasn't the place for a rockgirl like her to find a gig of any sort.

Though upon arriving to her destination, she still didn't seem phased by that. Well, not yet anyways. Calista was determined to find out more information, but before she did that she headed directly for the bar. Some alcohol seemed to be in order for boosting her confidence in asking around for the gig. After the bartender handed her a bottle of imported beer, Calista tilted her head in their direction and asked oh-so innocently, "Do you know who I can talk to about the open mic thing?" The bartender merely bit his lip, trying not to laugh at the poor girl and shook his head before heading on off to the next customer. Pouting softly, she wondered who could help her out with the situation and not once did it hit her that perhaps her friends were merely pulling yet another joke on her.

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