April 2015




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Apr. 12th, 2015


we only have one planet

Who: Russel and Sarah
Where: Sarah's Place
When: Lunch time

You put that in the wrong place, rockstar. )

Feb. 22nd, 2015


the truth hurts, the truth hurts, just open your eyes and take a look.

Who: The Normandin Pack.
Where: The Normandin house.
When: Mid-afternoon.

No one was going to be happy about this. None of his siblings, not the uncles who would filter in from their various residences, and certainly not his parents. That certainty was a constant presence in the back of Mason’s mind as he got out of his car and swung the door shut behind him, palming his keys as he headed for the house’s front door and let himself in without knocking or ringing the bell. Long gone were the days when he would have done either as a simple courtesy, Robert Normandin had to have those constant reminders that his position of Alpha was long gone and belonged to his eldest son now and Mason picked out his father’s scent nearby as he crossed through the house to the kitchen.

Coffee. He needed coffee.

It wasn’t long after his arrival that others started to trickle in, gathering in one of the house’s large reception rooms with refreshments of various types arranged by Linda because she had nothing else to do with her time other than give the help instructions to put together plates and make sure everyone had a drink. Mason let his mother busy herself and waited until everyone was present before he made a start on what needed to be done.

“I know this was last minute,” he said, standing in front of the grand fireplace so that all eyes were turned his way, the seating arranged in such a way that he was their natural focal point, “but thank you all for coming.” That was a simple courtesy he was going to extend, albeit in a level firm tone that did nothing to invite any sort of discussion or retort from those gathered. The energy in the room was tense, uncertain. They knew something was coming but weren’t sure what. “I’m sure you all felt the effects of what we can only assume was some sort of magic the last few days,” he went on. “What the point of it was I can’t even begin to guess and I don’t care to. I brought you all here to inform you of a change in the state of things that came to pass during those few days.” No time like the present. Mason just had to say it, get it out in the open so they could react and then move past it. They were going to hate it, hate him very possibly, certainly the redhead to whom he was now permanently attached and bonded, but that was too bad.

“Kiley Ricks and I are now mates.” There it was. Plain and simple, the information now theirs to deal with as they saw fit. Within reason, of course.

Jan. 21st, 2015


the same thing done the same old way

Who: Max and Russel
Where: SOHS lunchroom
When: Lunchtime

He was not above stealing off his brother's plate. )