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Mar. 31st, 2014


I am what I am

Who: Luke and Gabriel
Where: Bubba's Sulky Lounge
When: Evening

Most motherfuckers don't give a damn. )
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Dec. 9th, 2013


My, grandma, what big ears you have.

WHO: Daphne & Gabriel
WHERE: Hotel di Sei Ali
WHEN: Morning

The better to...something, something...who are you? )

Jun. 1st, 2013


You got a gypsy soul to blame

WHO: Gabriel & Victoria
WHERE: Hotel di sei Ali
WHEN: Late evening

And you were born for leaving. )

Feb. 19th, 2013


All drinks are free

WHO: Gabriel & Livia
WHEN: Late evening

Perhaps a bar was not the typical first stop for a person just arriving into town. Or perhaps it was. One supposes it all depends on your priorities in life. For Gabriel, he'd had a little nip of some live blood a day or two ago (how is anyone supposed to keep time when traveling, really?) and needed a little more to keep himself going. He'd taken the train from New Orleans as far as it would take him and then there was a bus. He was in the city his searching had led him to, and while he wasn't excited for his grandson to see him, he wasn't unhappy about it either. Gabriel was in no hurry to get staked or beheaded (whatever hunters did nowadays) so he was planning to keep his distance. For a while, at least. Time being, Gabriel had no plans as far as where he was going to live or what he was going to do, but a bar with drunk humans sounded like a lovely meal. He'd heard of Heme and it seemed like the perfect place to taste test for an air elemental or a psychic, at the very least.

Bottles up; let's go round two. )