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Jun. 15th, 2014



placeholder for a solo, while nysa tries to not kill her brother

Jun. 6th, 2014


i doubt we'll ever be seeing eye to eye

Who: Camilla and Savvy
When: Early Afternoon
Where: An Internet Cafe in town

Camilla was in a sour mood. )

Jun. 5th, 2014


dark wings they are descending, see shadows gathering around.

Who: Sam.
Where: The Summers House; the backyard.
When: Late afternoon.

Reading in the garden had become one of Sam’s favourite things to do, tucked onto one of the steps leading down from the porch to the yard itself, his back rested against the railing. It might not have been comfortable for most people but Sam was self-aware enough to understand he wasn’t most people, and he didn’t have the same gauge on comfort as most people. What he found acceptable others would not and what others expected he would never even dream of for himself. It was just one more of those things that he might have found sad if he had realised what it really said about him but instead he just accepted it as the way things were. There was no need to change it and no drive to do so on his part. Why would there be?

So he sat in his spot, turning the page where the book was rested gently against his legs, bent upwards towards his chest as they were, his eyes down on the words laid out before him, the story unravelling. It was a fiction, one of the ones that had been recommended to him by any one of the pack, a respectable pile that he was working his way through fairly quickly. With very few other hobbies to occupy his time Sam spent most of his time reading, it had gotten to the point where he was rarely seen around the house without a book in his hands, and any period of quiet was spent settling himself down somewhere and cracking it open to read on from where he had gotten up to.

It was just starting to get dark, dusk was on its way, but there was enough natural light left in the day that he didn’t have to worry about going inside yet. Dinner would be a way off and Sam never liked to be the first to the table anyway, he always waited to be invited to any meal as was natural to him, as was right. There was plenty of time left to read, uninterrupted, minding his own business.

That was, at least, until something made the hairs on the back of his neck rise. Slowly but surely. His skin tingled, like a cold creeping over him, and his mind stopped processing what the words on the page meant. Blinking once, Sam lifted his gaze from the book, slowly, cautiously, like an animal not wanting to make a sudden move and startle a predator. Swallowing against his suddenly dry throat he turned his head, warily, fear starting to creep up from the pit of his stomach, to look towards the trees at the end of the garden.

Nothing. No watching eyes, no flash of fur as something darted away. Yet the feeling persisted, not fading away as he had thought it might, working its way deeper now, beneath the surface. Sam swallowed again, his eyes carefully scanning the trees, looking for something he could feel but not see. There was something there, he was sure of it. Something still and quiet. Something dangerous.

Maybe it was time to go back inside. With trembling fingers Sam tucked the loaned bookmark back between the pages and closed it, holding it tightly in his grasp, fighting off the urge to hug it against his chest as he rose from his seat, backing gingerly up the steps to the porch. It felt important not to turn his back on the yard and the trees beyond it. There was something out there that might be waiting for that very opportunity and Sam didn’t want to give it to them. Only when he backed up to the house to the point that his shoulders brushed the wall did he do so, ducking back inside the door and closing it behind him.

Even when he was inside, behind that barrier keeping the outside world at bay, Sam kept on looking out to the trees. There was something out there. Watching. Waiting. Just because he couldn’t see it, that didn’t mean it wasn’t there.

May. 29th, 2014


lol wut

Who: Ryan and BJ (and possibly familiars)
When: Evening
Where: Byrne house

Liam finally being back to normal meant that Bonnie was finally indulging in a selfish day. It was highly overdue. She'd taken Endellion out for mani/pedis -- her preferred salon no longer batted an eye at being told that yes, her familiar was getting her nails done too, and if no one there was willing to take her money in return for the service there were plenty of places in town that would -- gotten a massage and facial, and then had promptly returned home and commandeered the living room for her own use. She'd changed into her PJs sometime around three in the afternoon, grabbed a soft pink blanket from her room, and collapsed onto the couch in front of some trash television. She'd dozed off a few times and had eventually ordered a pizza, the remains of which had long since gone cold in the box on the coffee table.

She'd eventually fallen asleep again while watching some reality show on the E! network, and when next she opened her eyes, the room was dark but for the glare of the TV. BJ blinked at the television and then closed her eyes, fully prepared to go back to sleep, when she realized she'd woken up for a reason. She could hear footsteps on the porch. One of her brothers was apparently home. Thinking about it only for a moment, BJ grabbed the remote and shoved it in the cushions under her butt, sleepily staking her territory. Then she triumphantly closed her eyes again.

May. 30th, 2014


Are you here to stay?

Who: Keelin, Reggie and various NPC's
Where: Camelot Place
When: Morning

Keelin, tell dad that it's insane to try and keep me cooped up in here. )

May. 29th, 2014


this isn't submission

Who: Mason and Nicci
When: Morning
Where: Mason's place

Nicci was trying not to be annoyed with Mason. No, really! He and the twins had just been through an ordeal, and they were all going to probably have pretty different ways of dealing with that. Hell, the whole family had to deal. Nicci's method of dealing had been hovering back and forth between the twins' hospital rooms and threatening anyone who tried to stop her in the most explicit way possible. When all of her brothers were released, Nicci had even gone back to the family home and slept in her old bedroom. She had not fought with either of her parents. She was doing her part. And Mason should have been, too. She'd asked around, and the rumors were all that he'd been strictly staying in the company of the redhead mutt. Nicci's rampage of anger was only overruled by her overwhelming concern for the twins. She tried to tell herself it wasn't true. As alpha, he had other responsibilities first. He should have checked on the twins, and asked about the pack, and... I'm not thinking about this, Nicci told herself, as she pulled in front of Mason's apartment building. She could give a little for once, only because she was worried about him, too. Didn't that selfish bastard realize there were other people in the world who gave a shit about him?

No matter. She'd go to him. She could do that. It killed her a little on the inside, but a lot of things she did on a daily basis had that effect on her. What was another crack in her shell in the long run? Getting out of the car, Nicci headed inside and went straight up to Mason's door, giving it a slightly softer version of her patented 'open this door and bow before me' knock. Softer because of the recent trauma, not because he was her brother and technically, her alpha. Because before anything else could be done, she had to give him back the pack. And take another crack in her shell.


Now my stomach is sick

Who: Faith and Frankie
Where: Their home
When: Early evening

Oh you had better have a really good reason for what you're doing right now or this is going to be a baaaaaaaaaad night. )


no one seems to hear a thing

Who: Star and Venus
Where: Venus's car
When: Little after five p.m.

Which was why she was sitting on top of Venus's car in the parking lot, toying around with her glamours. )


Blinded by the white light

Who: Cheyenne and Missy
Where: Cheyenne's home
When: Hour before sunset

I won't even bare my fangs at her. )


Don't expect an easy answer

Who: Madeleine and Zaviar + NPC familiars
Where: Zaviar's home
When: After noon

You know how to feel guilty? Now I've seen everything. )

May. 28th, 2014


Living in a crazy world

Who: Nora and Zoie
Where: UofM hospital --> their apartment
When: Early afternoon

We can go right? No one stopped you and said I had to stay? )


nowhere to go but going outta my mind

Who: Emilia and Nysa
Where: Nysa’s home
When: Veeeeery early morning

& I need you. )


bake me a little something sweet

WHO | Kahlan & Harper
WHERE | Sherry's Bakery
WHEN | Evening

All was right with the world. Except it wasn't. )

May. 27th, 2014



DATE: Wednesday, October 7, 2009


WEATHER: No changes.

EVENTS: There's a lot of speculation about just what the hell happened at the school, but no real answers are being offered to the public. The school grounds and immediate areas surrounding it are under quarantine while being investigated. A statement is issued to the press stating that there were no injuries or fatalities, all those who were trapped inside are alive and physically unharmed, and to please respect their privacy in this strange and difficult time. That's it. No word when school will resume.

May. 9th, 2014


Back to Black

Who: Angeline and Domina
Where: The Moriarty mansion (Angeline's room)
When: Night time

It did not escape Angeline that, considering what she had recently been through, she ought to be feeling a lot happier, lighter and more relieved than she was presently. And she would have been, if not for recent events gnawing at her mind, making her face twist into a cruel sneer and a million different ways to cruelly murder a few people pass in front of her eyes like a movie. It also did not help that from the second she had stepped foot outside of the hospital her parents - more so her mother - had not left her alone. There had been questions, hugs, promises of payback, all perfectly unnecessary displays that did her current mood no favors. Once they had finally gotten it all out of their systems and left her to 'rest' in her room, resting against a veritable mountain of fluffy pillows, Angeline had felt more relief than she had felt overall about the experience.

She was weary, that was for sure, but that was decidedly not what was bothering her. In seeing the seeds for betrayal in those despicable little people - and in showing some of her own true colors, for her sins - Angeline had awakened something very dire within herself. Worst of all, she had no qualms about letting it run free. It did not take her long after being left alone to decide that she would focus on magic - black magic, magic to hurt - more than she had ever focused on anything else. Her main goal at this time was going to be forcing those petty little things into their place, or make them suffer for not complying. Dramatic? Oh, absolutely.

They had seen nothing yet.