April 2015




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Apr. 20th, 2015


you said i'll never let you go

Who: Jesse and Zoie
Where: Street near the police station
When: Late afternoon

Zoie had not wanted to go to the police office. )

Apr. 19th, 2015


I'm on the hunt I'm after you

Who: Jesse
Where: The hotel
When: Around 9am

Hungry like the wolf )

Mar. 9th, 2015


Everyone knows I'm in over my head

Who: Kiley and Jesse
Where: Starbucks
When: Late morning

With eight seconds left in overtime. )

Feb. 6th, 2015


without worldwide belief, you step up to the mic and blow it off.

Who: Harrison and Jesse.
Where: A local takeout.
When: Evening.

It was chilly enough outside to warrant a jacket and a coat over the top and Harrison had made sure to pull both on over the t-shirt he’d been wearing before stepping out of his apartment and heading down to the lobby so he could step out to grab some dinner. There was enough in his kitchen to make himself something to eat but none of it had grabbed his fancy and when he’d opened a drawer and found a couple of menus there -- had he put them there or had they already been there when he’d moved in? -- he’d decided to brave the elements to grab the food himself instead of making someone else bring it to him. There was no sense in being lazy, after all.

Besides, it would give him time to think about all the messages and emails he kept getting that didn’t make much sense to him. Why people he didn’t even know -- or did he? they seemed to know him well enough -- were contacting him about vampires and werewolves and witches and God only knew what else he couldn’t even begin to imagine. If it was important for some reason he couldn’t remember why no matter how hard he’d tried and that was bothering him more and more. So he wanted to get out for a while and get some fresh air, kill two birds with one stone by picking up some food at the same time.

The phone went off in his pocket again -- again, it seemed to go off once every ten minutes at least -- and pulled his attention down and to the right as he drew it out to look at it, approaching the takeout place without really watching where he was going. At the last second he realised someone else was doing much the same and pulled himself up short, his free hand halfway to the door handle as he said, “Oh, sorry. After you.” To his credit he grabbed the handle and pulled the door open for the woman, giving her a smile as he did so, just as apologetic as the words that had come before the gesture.

Feb. 4th, 2015


Meet the angel in a cemetery

Who: Jesse, Rina and Trouble (NPC)
Where: The SO cemetery!
When: around 11am

Just before flying out to the States Jesse had gotten herself the brand new iPhone, and she had been appropriately delighted with it. Since going on her recon trips around Scarlet Oak Jesse had taken to using its lovely camera to take pictures of landmarks and interesting things around town, in an effort to get better acquainted with it. She had planned to do this today as well, like yesterday and the day before. Only today...it was different. Ever since she had woken up Jesse had been consistently thinking of a name. Devon. It came to her in the shower as she saw the ages old knee scar (I told you not to jump Jay my legs are taller I can make it but you're tiny still, I could have picked you up!), then as she brushed her teeth in the mirror, as she got dressed...Who was Devon? Jesse didn't know anyone by that name that she could remember right away.

Did she? Now, after a very confused and quick breakfast, she was no longer sure. If she got distracted she would see a face, a smiling face with a grin that lit up the cloudiest day - but every time she did, Jesse was invaded by an immense sense of dread, almost like loss but not quite. Because whoever he was, he was not dead. Jesse knew that now, as sure as she was standing in front of the entrance to the local cemetery. Why couldn't she remember him properly, though? It felt tightly connected to why she was here, Jesse now realized, but that still told her nothing.

It was with a very disturbed spirit that she snapped another picture of the gate before making her way inside. Call her morbid, but cemeteries could be aesthetically pleasing - not to mention quiet as nowhere else in any town. Jesse needed to think, it was only right.

Jan. 30th, 2015


then it walks with my legs

Who: Jesse, Farren and August
Where: Scarlet Oak Community Park
When: Late Afternoon

These walks had become a daily occurrence now. Jesse would get dressed, leave the hotel and wander aimlessly through the town she barely knew. She was getting to know it, no fear of getting lost, and each day she would find something worthy of adding to her mental map. She had not found that yet today, but there was hope. She vaguely recalled having been cooped up in her hotel room for a while, but couldn't remember why. And she certainly did not know what exactly she was doing here, seeing no tangible purpose for having relocated so far from home.

She was fine with it, however. Maybe she had closed her eyes and pointed somewhere on the map and just...gone. It was nice not having to worry about leaving anyone behind. Jesse's time, her life, was her own. Whatever she made of it. It was nice.

Stopping to admire the wind rustling through the trees, Jesse leaned against one, smiling. This autumn was different than that of home, no less beautiful for it. Maybe more, because she wasn't used to it. A new song started on her iPod as the girl closed her eyes, allowing the wind to mess up her hair and ruffle up her skirt. Sometimes, at the very back of her mind, Jesse thought of how she felt almost too weightless, too free. But those thoughts never lasted long. There was so much out there to discover, and Jesse did not want to miss a thing. Although she appeared to be missing how she had gone from singing along to the song in her ears to humming it out loud.