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Jul. 18th, 2012


i want to fight this kind of war

Who: Amanda and Bubbles
When: Six p.m.
Where: Calvert's home
Warning: Violence of some degree? It's Bubbles, okay, and she has a dog.

'I want you to meet Cujo!' )


when the world crumbles down

Who: Daisy and Joseph
Where: Their house
When: Early Evening, after this
Warning: Definite violence and general bad things. It's not good to make a unbalanced fire elemental upset.

Daisy couldn't decide what was worse about what had happened: the fact that she had done it or the fact that she couldn't understand why it had seemed okay to do so. )

Jul. 17th, 2012


Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?

Who: Charlene and Roxy
Where: Down by the river
When: Afternoon

I've got whoosits and whatsits galore - you want thingamabobs? I got twenty. )


Who: TJ and Mason
Where: A random bar
When: Evening
What: Guys night

This was definitely needed. TJ had a long week, but he really couldn't complain about it. He'd been able to invite Andy over for a cooking lesson. It had gone well despite their little kitchen disaster. And now his new pet was named, so that was something. Shaking his head, he parked his car and got out, locking it behind him as he headed into the bar. Like Isaiah, he was picky when it came to eating out. It came from being a chef. But he had chosen the place for his guys night with Mason and at least they had good pub food here. That was something.

Mason wasn't there yet, but TJ got them a couple of beers and found a table in the line of sight from the entrance. He sipped and thought back to his evening with Andy. She was incredible, her curiosity causing him to smile. There was an innocence there. And he really liked when he got to kiss her at the end of the night. It was in that moment of remembrance that he pulled out his phone and shot her a quick text. Cheesy, yes, but he didn't care. He took a sip of his beer and waited for Mason to arrive.


Let's make it something experimental

Who: Liliya and Naoki
When: Early evening
Where: Home

I'm not sentimental. )

Jul. 16th, 2012


Who: Camilla and Castel
Where: Her apartment to start
When: Evening
What: A proper date.

A proper date. That's what he'd called it. Now that Castel was back in her life and they were once again on the same page, Camilla felt more like her old self than she had in years. Her arm was even feeling better, which is why the sling was not an accessory that evening. She sat at her vanity, her familiar napping under it as she finished her make up. Her heart was full and, though she would never admit it, she was happy he was there for her. Dom seemed more pleased that he was in town for Camilla, that the Spaniard wasn't leaving any time soon. It was a good feeling. She knew he and her brother had drinks the night before and she was curious what they spoke about. But that was for later.

There was a knock and she couldn't keep the smile that bloomed on her face in if she wanted to do so. One quick spritz of her favorite perfume and she stood. The woman in the mirror was like a long lost friend and she touched a soft wave, tucking it behind her ear as she turned, the long sleeve of her dress flowing out around her as she moved out of her bedroom. She licked her lips before taking a breath and opening the door to reveal her handsome boyfriend? Lover? Titles were unimportant. He was hers. That was what mattered. "Cas," she purred, looking up at him.

Jul. 17th, 2012


we built these walls from the inside and we want out.

Who: Jackson and Troy.
Where: A pay phone in town? To be decided from there!
When: Mid-afternoon.

It had taken him this long to decide whether or not to make the call at all. )

Jul. 16th, 2012


If you want to be with me, baby there's a price to pay

Who: Athena and Halne
Where: The library
When: Late afternoon

I'm a genie in a bottle; you gotta rub me the right way. )

Jul. 15th, 2012


Time won't change this damage anymore

Who: Tessa and Langston
When: late afternoon, around 5pm
Where: Streets of Scarlet Oak // Bubba's

Work today had done almost nothing for Langston in terms of distracting him. )

Jul. 14th, 2012


Would you mind if I hurt you?

Who: Briony, Airla NPC'd & NPC legionaries & an unfortunate
Where: Streets of S.O.
When: Evening
Warning: Briony. Death?

Understand that I need to. )

Jul. 12th, 2012


If you die, I'm killing your cats.

Who: Treat and Tanith (and Eztli and God knows what other furry creatures)
When: LATE at night/early in the morning (depending on perspective)
Where: Ending up at Treat’s house

Tanith was going to kill Treat. She was probably going to have an easy time of it as well, since it sounded like he was already dying. He’d called her and told her to meet him at the usual, and he’d certainly sounded like he was at Death’s door. But Treat wasn’t at ‘the usual’ – the place they’d designated to meet up for this kind of call. Tanith sighed as she headed outside and back to her motorcycle. She was able to put two and two together. Very likely that Treat had gone after his mark, and just as likely that something had gone horribly wrong. She needed to find him and find out what happened. She needed to make sure their tracks were covered. She needed to make sure nothing could link back to her.

And she should probably make sure he didn’t die, if she had the time. )

Jul. 11th, 2012


i am the white in the walls that soak up all the sound

Who: Kristen and Nikita
When: Late at night
Where: Nikita's

I'll always find all of you in my dreams. )


& i'm killing them all on my own little mission

Who: Persephone and OPEN
Where: Heme
When: Late at night
Warning: Persephone is in a place with alcohol

Necromancers in a vampire bar, wouldn't that be just the thing? Okay, so Bianca was still a little baby necro who didn't even know how to animate a whole big dead dog, but Delta did and there wasn't a better way to learn than to jump right in and start pushing the buttons. )

Jul. 10th, 2012


We are born like this

Who: Madeleine and Zaviar + familiars
Where: Out in the woods
When: Dusk

It was hard for his mind to accept that there was a three-month-old something in her when he could not see it. )

Jul. 9th, 2012


forgive me, fa-- on second thought, never mind

Who: Daisy and Daniel
Where: Amazing Grace Church
When: Late Morning
Warning: Demon of Dependence meets the most dependent girl on the planet >.< needless to say, things get a little disturbing.

She took another long drag of the cigarette and prayed that she wouldn't suddenly be struck by lightening )

Jul. 8th, 2012


hell on wheels in a black dress

Who: Delta & Eileen
Where: Community Park
When: Evening

She was just going to ignore the fact that her ribs still kind of hurt from when Persephone decided she wanted a hug. )

Jul. 6th, 2012


If you can't sleep, is it really a sleepover?

Who: Abrielle (NPC), Dalila and Darklis
Where: Palminteri home
When: Eight p.m.

'Pale white skin, two big pearly fangs and drinks blood out of a Power Rangers thermos every lunch period.' )


i remember when, i remember, i remember when i lost my mind

Who: Gretel + Zhari
Where: Downtown, unspecific.
When: Early, early morning.
What: Gretel eats granola, talks to birds, considers the entertainment value of an identity crisis. It's been a hard week.

There was quite probably, if not certainly, a word for the experience of sitting outside at four AM, too tired to sleep and too sleepy to hide it, eating homemade granola out of a paper cone you rolled out of a newspaper that referenced you getting stabbed during lunch at school.

Gretel was fairly certain it wasn't a *happy* word, like 'giraffe.' )


strangeness & charm

Who: Eilidh and Layla
Where: Just outside Layla's house
When: After work

A pattern to to pattern oh can you see it? )

Jul. 5th, 2012



DATE: Saturday, September 12th, 2009


WEATHER: The heatwave seems to have snapped with temperatures dropping overnight and staying that way; maybe reaching the lower 70s in some areas but sticking closer to the upper 60s for most of the day. A cover of clouds has rolled in, but there's no rain. Just a chilly September day.

EVENTS: Early on in the day the weather's the biggest news, but a little before noon there's breaking news that no one seems to know quite how to react to. On the outskirts of Scarlet Oak a jogger stumbled across a bloody scene: half a dozen twisted bodies belong to demon legionaires (identified as the Andras type), a winged being that has been guessed to be an actual angel... as disturbing as all of that is, it's not even touching on the fact that the angel is stretched out towards the still body of a child no more than seven. Right now the child is still unidentified, but they're working on it. (What not even the reporters have the heart to say is that identification is going so slow because the body is horribly mangled.) What is for certain is that this angel was killed trying to save that child... and failed. The real question is: were there more of those legionaires?


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