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Jul. 12th, 2010


Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Who: Valen and Gabe
Where: Gabe’s house
When: Mid-Afternoon

The bodies were really starting to pile up lately. Despite the fact that the demons had stopped their assault, people seemed to be obsessed with ending each other’s lives. With a shrug, Valen stomped out his cigarette as he got out of his car and headed to the young man’s door. Perhaps it was the heat that made people crazy, and if that was the case, then he was in for a long damn summer. Whatever had done in this kid’s girl had certainly been something that could be classified as an “interesting specimen” and Valen was chomping at the bit to head back over to Erin’s and see what else she found out.

As it was, the need to put on a professional face kept his mind somewhat occupied. He was a pillar of the community after all, and it wouldn’t do if he wasn’t sympathetic to this poor lil’ bastard. Having one’s girlfriend broken before your eyes like that...well, there was no really good way to take it. Clearing his throat momentarily, he knocked on the door and put on his best, ‘I’m here to help’ face and braced himself for the plaintive sobs of someone foolishly demanding justice for something they probably deserved anyway.

Read more... )

Jun. 9th, 2010


I don't have a student ID, but does this badge get me a discount?

Who: Valen and Kiara
Where: Kiara's current place of employ, namely: The Museum
When: Around mid afternoon
Why: Investigatin'

Putting out his cigarette outside the museum he gave the place a quick eyeball before heading in. Frankly he was beginning to get a little tired of these murders popping up all over the place of late, sure a score of them could be traced back to demons but demons tended to leave corpses in big messy chunks rather than drained, desiccated husks. Vampires tended to not be so neat in their draining as these bodies, and of course there was no telltale fangmarks anywhere on 'em. This left Valen to believe that somewhere within his town was a practitioner of blood magic who was getting just a bit too ambitious, a fact which rather excited him. It would be interesting to capture a practitioner, maybe gun him down in self defense if he caught them himself, oh it was a good time to be a witch hunter. Either way, the lead he'd received for this current person of interest was almost too obvious for him to take any credit for.

The woman had taken out an ad in the paper asking for students. I mean seriously, it's quite possibly some of the darkest magics available which can only be practiced if one has blood on hand. Perhaps one could find a better place to advertise one's skills than the Pennysaver. Heading into the museum and flashing his badge and a polite smile to one of the security guards got him the directions he needed to one Kiara O'Neill's office and within a moment he was rapping on her door lightly.

"Miss O'Neill, a moment of your time please?"

May. 4th, 2010


Tonight I dine on turtle soup

Who: Valen, Charlie, Ransom, and Isadora (NPC)
Where: The DRAGANI (none of that hyphenated bullshit, thank you very much) Household
When: Around 7ish, totally casual
Why: Because a stepfather should get to know the boy his stepdaughter is interested in

Isadora had insisted upon something. That fact alone was beginning to irk him, the fact that she thought she could stomp her little foot, hold her breath, and think she could get her way. Still, it was one evening and Valen was more than willing to allow for a calculated win on his loving wife's part...there was no way he wouldn't be able to leverage it into something useful later. So with that in mind he made sure he left the station early today, putting aside that Tommy Welsen case for now. The boy was definitely dead at this point, having turned up only insomuch that his hands and a few of his bones have been located, it's not like he was going to get any deader.

The drive home was fairly uneventful, merely Valen mentally bracing himself for the evening ahead. His profession was one where he not only inspected and studied the most depraved and gory acts of humanity, he often found himself walking in the shoes of sociopaths and STILL it was more preferable to what Isadora wanted to do this evening. Sitting down and having a family dinner, honestly what could be more gag inducing? The answer was obvious, sitting down and having a family dinner with that irritating, halo smuggling little bitch and her idiotic boyfriend. Valen's face already turned into a smug little grin as he walked into his door, already coming up with the appropriate "leverage". It was going to be so much fun sticking it to that dead angel by doing something absolutely depraved to his widow in their bedroom tonight, and who knows? The hallways tend to carry sound, maybe he'd leave the door open a crack and let the little one hear "accidentally". She did so love it when her mother was happy and all.

Those thoughts alone supplied him with enough of a reason to smile as he snuck up behind his wife and slipped her into a loving embrace before cooing into her ear, "Honey, I'm home."

Apr. 20th, 2010


A-hunting we will go

Who: Valen, Jameson, Missy, Tanith
Where: The 7-11 on South Broadway
When: High Noon
Why: Because somebody's gotta do it

Standing outside the 7-11, Valen waited for the others to arrive. They'd decided upon this location shortly after getting grouped together by Erin, and quite frankly, Valen was more than ready to start clearing this place out. There was one thing to be said for wanton destruction as that was just good ol' fashioned fun, but these demons had invaded his town. Valen had been working quite a while to get Scarlet Oak under his control, and he didn't need some idiotic demon to show up out of nowhere and inadvertently kill someone he needed to use or even worse: lower the nearby property values. No, Valen was quite content to leave global domination to the religious nuts and the Republicans thank you very much, all he wanted was this little town. Heart, soul, and utterly without question.

Lighting a cigarette as he waited outside, he went over his current equipment. Not being completely at a loss considering this was hardly the first demonic onslaught on his town, he had a few items that surprisingly went over with very few raised eyebrows. He rather enjoyed playing up the part of the hero, and who was the more heroic lawman than the sheriff in a western? With that in mind he actually had a belt holster hanging on his right hand side, and a shotgun in his left hand. Strapped to his back and looking very out of context against his trench coat was something that he'd actually worked over himself...not that he'd tell anyone that anyway. Sheathed in a scabbard strapped to his back was a shortsword with a blessed holy blade, and a hilt made to negate such disgusting magics. If Valen was going to be brandishing something so disturbingly filled with white magic he damn sure wasn't going to actually touch it. The thing did have a lovely effect on demons though, clearly aggravating the damage caused by the actual slices of the weapon itself.

He grinned.

His vorpal blade was aching to go snicker snack upside some creatures abominable head, and Valen felt no need to deny it. Between all of his weapons he felt like Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, and Saint George the Dragon Slayer all rolled up into one. It was a good day to be the law in this town.

Aug. 24th, 2009


Old 'Friends'

Who: Valen and Tobias
When: Very late
Where: A bar

Work was much more... enthusiastic than usual. With seven missing teenagers, the entire department was doing what they could to track the kids down. Which wasn't much of anything. At least nothing effective. Blood hunters knew how to cover their tracks, and if they were selling the teenagers to private buyers. Good luck. Valen didn't much care whatsoever. Maybe a body or two would be found, and he could finally get his hands on the case. He wanted to know who was responsible. A part of him felt like they were intruding on his turf.

silence is just as rewarding )

Aug. 13th, 2009


Seeds of Doubt

Who: Valen and Charlotte
When: Afternoon
Where: Their house

It had been a tense day or so, dealing with reporters and police officers out of Valen's jurisdiction. Isadora had been a bundle of nerves since they received that first phone call, and like a caring, dutiful husband, he had accompanied her to St. Mary's Hospital, where his wicked step-daughter had been admitted. His name pulled some weight, even in Saginaw, and Valen had managed to get a few details from the assigned police officers that had avoided answering most of the parents questions. As inconvenient as it was, they had stayed over night, and once Charlotte was well enough to be released, Isadora signed the proper papers, and the three of them were on their way home. He remained silent, and did what he could to distract himself. Being in the same vicinity as Charlotte for more than a few minutes tended to grate on his nerves, and by the time they entered Scarlet Oak, his knuckles were white with tension around the steering wheel.

Once they were home, Valen unlocked the door to let the two women inside. He had been thinking about who was responsible for the attack, and he had his guesses, but no one had made Valen aware of what was going to go down, and that wasn't pleasing to him at all. "You'll probably have to answer more questions once you feel up to it," Valen informed Charlotte as he shut the door behind him.

The blame game. )