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Aug. 7th, 2010


Saturday 12th July 2008

Who: Pearl, Will and James
What: Pearl brings the boys breakfast
Where: James' apartment
When: Saturday morning

Pearl had been awake for a couple of hours before she started looking around James' kitchen. The witch had got in sometime during the middle of the night and been let in by James. After the day she'd had, with the car breaking down and her being stuck in some town until it was fixed, she'd fallen asleep almost as soon as she was left alone, but after a few hours she woke up again and just couldn't get back to sleep.

At about nine she was too bored to care if the boys were still trying to sleep so she made french toast and three cups of tea and crept into their bedroom. Setting the stuff down on the nearest surface Pearl crawled onto the bed and then pounced Will to wake him up.
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Aug. 3rd, 2010


Thursday - July 10th, 2008

Who: James and Will
When: Afternoon
Where: NYC
What: Apartment Viewing - AIM scene
Rated: TBD
Status: In Progress

What can you tell me about our potential new neighbors? )
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Jul. 21st, 2010


Sunday - June 29th, 2008

Who: James and Will
When: Sunday Afternoon
Where: James' Apartment - NYC
What: Hell hath no fury.

Pissed wasn't even the right word. Livid was more like it. James had been in his office, working on a few things for after the summer was done, to further his education so that he could be a better partner for Will, and there he was, being downright explicit with that.. that.. fucking dog! And then for him to throw it in his face and act like what he was doing wasn't wrong was the last straw.

Screw him, huh? Well fucking screw Will right about now.

His laptop nearly ended up smashed against the wall, but he threw a nearby vase instead before he was on his feet and storming out of the room and into the bedroom, stalking through the living room in a blur. Shoes were slid on his feet and he did a check for things important, wallet, keys, and cellphone, before he stormed out of the bedroom and back through the living room, heading toward the front door.

He needed to get out of here. He was pissed to the point of being dangerous and he didn't care to have that around his son. And as for Will, if he had to look at him right now, he might hurt him. And, as pissed off as he was, he was still rational enough to know that he wouldn't want that either.
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Jul. 5th, 2010


Sunday 15th June

Who: Will and James
Where: LAX - then the city.
When: Sunday night.
What: Will needs support when he thought he could handle it alone.
Rating: R for swearing an some minor sexiness
Note: In Progress

Will hated airports. Big, vacant, huge buildings with engine noise and lots of people with their stuff. Airports were supposed to represent escape and freedom but what they actually represented was stress and sadness. Goodbyes, bustling security, losing luggage, delays, air con, silly little shops that sold overpriced things they deemed “necessities”. As Will brooded like his better half, arms folded as his eyes scanned the crowds from beneath his oversized shades, he awaited the notification that James’ plane had landed. He stood apart from those awaiting their loved ones like a sore thumb. Or at least a glamorous one. Tall, glammed up to the nines. Hair was slicked back. Still - he looked natural to LA.

The plane status changed to arrived - then that the passengers should be in baggage claim. A thought ran through Will’s head that both of them had a huge amount of baggage but rather than being amused he was anxious. And excited. He wanted to see James. But nobody would be able to tell from beneath his stoic demeanor.

I’m kind of a selfish asshole. )

Jun. 22nd, 2010


Saturday 7th June

Who: Will and James
When: Saturday 7th June
Where: L'Apartment
What: Will's leaving for LA. James leaving for the Magic Kingdom. Goodbyes and worries surface.
Rating: who the hell knows with these two.

Will wasn't a nail biter - until today. His bag was packed - only one, he didn't want to travel with much stuff. He'd be picking up far more on his travels this summer. The rest of his belongings remained in both James' apartment and his own room back on campus, awaiting his return, and he was now sitting on James' sofa, wondering whether he should ring a taxi to take him to the airport.

Part of him didn't want to. He turned his mobile over in his hand, frowning. He knew he had to go. There was shit he had to do and he couldn't put it off any more, but at the same time... despite his hatred for Disney he didn't want to leave James. He'd happily go along right now and play with Minnie Friggin Mouse. Even part of him thought he'd miss Devon...

And then it was the panic. What if James had such a great time without him he didn't want to resume this when they got back? Would James even come back? Would Will turn up to New York only to be dismissed as not wanted anymore?

The angel had gone from confident to a worrying fucking mess all too soon and all because of a man named James Fucking McCafferty - and as much as Will wanted to hate him for it, he loved him even more. Sickening.

Jun. 10th, 2010


Saturday May 31st 2008

Who: Fisher, Devon and James
What: Saying goodbye to the McCafferty boys
Where: James' apartment
When: Saturday Morning
Rating: PG
[note: It's an AIM scene. It was 2 in the morning!]

Behave yourself, broody. Don't forget that you do know how to smile. )


Friday - May 30th, 2008

Who: James and Will
When: Friday Night
Where: James' Apartment
What: Stuff and Things!
Rated: Cover Your Eyes!!!

James wanted tonight to be special. He and Will had been fighting a lot here lately and he felt bad about it. He wasn't really sure what to do to fix it aside from try harder to have a little more faith in the fact that Will loved him, which the proposition of a trip to Hawaii over the summer certainly helped with that. But their time together was growing limited. The semester was coming to an end and Will would be going to LA and James would be going to Florida and then New York and he had no idea how long it would be before he'd see him again. So tonight was important. It could be one of the last nights they had alone together for a while.

Devon was spending the night with one of his friends. He'd met the boy's mother and he trusted her fairly well with his son. He'd taken him over as soon as he picked him up from daycare and had had the rest of the afternoon to prepare things at the apartment. He'd cleaned the place up from head to toe first and foremost, after going to the store to get some supplies. And then he'd showered, cleaning himself up from the sweat he'd worked up working on the house so that he was nice and clean and smelling good as he waited for Will to come home.

James wasn't in the living room, his usual spot when Will got back to the apartment in the evening, but instead, he was waiting in the bedroom. And he had made sure that Will would know this by the path of blue rose petals that led the way. It was there that Will would find James waiting on the bed, propped up on a mound of pillows dressed in a pair of black silk pajama pants and nothing else.
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May. 13th, 2010


Thursday - May 15th, 2008

Who: James, Will, and Devon
When: After Classes
What: Will's decided to do something sweet
Where: James' Apartment
Rated: NC-17

Your son is hungry. And going deaf. Let's get dinner, yeah? )
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May. 2nd, 2010


Sunday 11th May

WHO: Lloyd and James
WHERE: Meridian Hotel, Boston, followed by a car.
WHEN: Early Sunday morning, 5amish
WHAT: James is being the responsible one and coming to take the shrink home
RATING: probably R for swearing.

Humiliating. That's what this was. Lloyd had phoned James in his happy drunken stupor only to realise how right the younger demon was being about the whole thing: if Lloyd was really into this whole sex with a few blind dates game then he wouldn't have snuck out of the hotel room at an unholy hour, only to ring James for a 'chat'. If he allowed his psycho-analyzing brain to work on himself he'd have known he was far from satisfied with it. But now, James was coming to save him from further shame and drive him back to the school like a parent.

The last time this had happened was when Lloyd was 20 and his mother had driven 30 miles to get him from the countryside after he'd gone to an impromptu gay party in the middle of nowhere. Lloyd had a suspicion that James would be slightly worse than his mother, though... as he sat in the foyer of the hotel, avoiding the sideways looks of the hotel staff, Lloyd shrank into himself and played a game on his phone to pass the time. It'd be a whole lot better if his hair wasn't rumpled to fuck and a hickey wasn't blaring red on his neck.
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Apr. 25th, 2010


Thursday 8th May

Who: William and James
Where: James' apartment
When: Thursday night.
What: Will said he was going to show James' something.

There was something in Will's gut that wasn't too sure about this. For years he'd kept his treasures safe and now he was about to show them to James. It was like he was going to reveal his very soul to be accepted or rejected. He'd told other people more about his past than James knew and seeing as the guy was wanting to build a relationship with him (something the angel still couldn't get his head around) then he had the right to know what exactly he was letting himself in for.

Or rather, who he was letting himself in for.

With a sharp knock on James' apartment door Will clutched the little wooden box in his other hand and tried to build up the backbone it'd take to actually do this. Talking about torture, dead parents was one thing. Talking about a past he hadn't really let go of was quite another.

Apr. 12th, 2010


Saturday 3rd MAY

Who: Will and James
Where: James' apartment.
When: Saturday evening
What: There's only so much weight one person's shoulders can take
Rating: ?

Will's week had sucked; apart from spending time with people he cared about and being alive. Even then some of the people he cared about - Fisher, mostly - seemed pissed at him and he never knew how to make that right. He couldn't blame him, he'd behaved terribly about James but... Will's nerves were all over the place. He didn't want to lose Fisher when he'd only just got him back, didn't want to fuck things up. He couldn't even say fuck. Every night when he went to sleep he didn't rest, dreaming of furnaces and water, Haddon, dead friends, destruction, blood... he was tortured even without his parents being around.

Not that he told James about it. The only person he'd told now didn't want to talk to him at all and there was no way that he was going to divulge all that crap onto him. The poor demon had enough to deal with. Exhausted, shoulders slumped, completely at a loss, Will merely busied himself around James' apartment. He'd leeched off him too long now and he was going to give something back.

By washing dishes.

Apr. 10th, 2010


Tuesday - April 29th, 2008

Who: James and Will
When: Early Tuesday Morning
What: James is waiting up for Will to come home.
Where: James' apartment

The text messages between he and Will had James a bit worried, at least the last few they'd sent did. So of course he couldn't sleep. He had been sleeping, sort of, on the couch, earlier, but now... He was sitting on the sofa, anxiously awaiting the angel's return so they could talk through whatever it was that was bothering him so much. He hated this feeling though, the one that came with waiting, the anxious knots tight in the pit of his stomach. It was... sickening.

Hands clasped in front of him, on the edge of the cushion, James was sort of rocking back and forth as he waited, looking at the clock every couple of minutes to find that only a few minutes had gone by. Finally, after what felt like hours, he heard the familiar sound of footsteps leading towards his door. So he closed his eyes, took a breath, and tried to wipe the anxiety from his features. He didn't want Will to know that he had worried him.

"Hey." He said once Will had stepped inside, keeping his voice soft so as not to startle him seeing as how he had been sitting, which he just now consciously realized, in the dark of the living room. He frowned a little, clearly taken back by said realization, and then stood to flip on a lamp which shone a dim light into the room.
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Mar. 20th, 2010


Sunday - April 20th, 2009

Who: James and Rez
When: Sunday Afternoon
Where: The Cafeteria
What: The demon and the lycan meet in the wrong place at the wrong time.

James was in a shit mood. He hadn't resigned himself to freaking out just yet, because there was still a chance that Will was just too stubborn to come and meet him the night before. Or maybe he was too upset or he'd been too busy to come. Maybe he'd not even checked his email yet and James would hear from him later. Whatever the case, James was in a bad fucking mood and was only really going through the motions today. His mood was so foul that he'd even left Devon with the daycare on campus just so he wouldn't be tempted to be an ass to his son.

And part of the motion of the day was to have a bite to eat for lunch, not that he was really hungry, but he'd lost enough weight lately and he couldn't afford to get much thinner so he was going to force himself to grab a bite even though he didn't particularly have a taste for much of anything. His head clearly wasn't in it, and it was his lack of awareness that led to eventual disaster.

Right place, wrong time. )
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Mar. 12th, 2010


Tuesday - April 15th

Who: James and Lloyd
When: Late Tuesday Night
Where: James' Apartment
What: James is in need of a friend and Lloyd comes to the rescue.

Ham and Swiss on white with mustard, lettuce, and tomato. That's what Lloyd ended up with. And James was having the same minus the lettuce and tomato, add pickle. It wasn't until he'd started on the sandwich for the other demon that he'd decided he was hungry as well. He'd not eaten dinner. Point in fact, he'd hardly eaten for days, but he was going to eat tonight. He was even going to have some chips, or crisps as Lloyd liked to call them, and a glass of milk to go with it. The sandwiches were done, plated, and sat upon the coffee table, James sitting on the sofa, the room lit by the dim light of a nearby table lamp, the TV set to a random station for the sake of background noise as he waited.

In addition to the sandwiches on the table, the stack of photographs from St Lucia were on one side, and on the other side were the items that Will had returned to James, the suit neatly folded with the earrings and the chocolate bar sat on top of them. He kept staring at them. He kept putting them away and then taking them out again only to put them in the same exact spot where he could see them. Why, he didn't really know. Perhaps he was just a glutton for punishment. Or maybe he just needed something that had belonged to the angel nearby, even if it only made him miss him more.

Clad in only a pair of plaid pajama pants and a white t-shirt, James leaned back on the couch, moving his arms up to fold them over his face as he closed his eyes, exhaled a sigh, and waited exactly like that for the other man to arrive. He'd unlocked the door so that Lloyd could let himself in. And though he'd sworn to himself that he wasn't tired, he'd nearly dozed off that way before he finally heard the doorknob turn.
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Mar. 9th, 2010


Tuesday 15th April

Who: Will & James
Where: James' apartment
When: Tues night
What: James wanted the holiday snaps from St Lucia

Will couldn't believe he'd agreed to take round James' copy of holiday snaps. He should have just lied and said yeah, he'd burnt both copies but like the dumb ass he was he'd decided to be honest and now he was walking the familiar path to James' apartment. He didn't understand why James wanted them anyway. He had Fisher, he shouldn't want a constant reminder of a lost time with Will. Fisher wouldn't like knowing there were romantic, happy pictures of James and Will's vacation in paradise. The first time Will had really, properly told James he loved him...

Stop that thought right now, pocket it away. Focus instead on the fact that he'd said he'd like James to die and all that other shit he didn't mean but felt easier to say. If possible it was colder in Danvers than it had been in the depth of winter, but maybe that was just Will's nerves making him feel that way. He had nothing to worry about really though. All he'd do was knock on the door, give James the photos then leave. Simple as.

It took him five minutes to actually work up the courage to knock at the door, waiting for James to answer. He'd looked as made-up as possible so James might forget that muted look he always said he loved to see. He trained his features to look disinterested but all of that failed as soon as James opened the door.
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Mar. 2nd, 2010


Thursday - April 10th, 2008

Who: James and Will
When: Early Afternoon
What: They have some things to talk about.
Where: Will's room
Rated: There will most likely be some language.

James was not looking forward to this. Sure, Fisher had already talked to Will, told him what he was going to do and had gotten the go ahead from the angel, but Will deserved more than just a conversation from Fisher with his intentions. He deserved to hear from James as well. And while it would have been easier and probably wiser to do this on the phone, James felt the least he could do was talk to him face to face, give him the chance to lash out at him or whatever he wanted to do. He deserved it.

Last night had been wonderful and brilliant but the guilt today was heavy and it showed. The demon looked even more sullen than usual as he made his way through the boys' dormitories to the door that he had stood outside of forever that one night just waiting on Will to take the bar of chocolate and the bag of chips. The memory made him smile though the smile immediately turned to a frown. There would be no more of that from now on. There would be no more James and Will.

Swallowing down any hesitations, any possible regrets for the decision that had been made, James lifted a hand to knock loudly on the door. And then he waited, trying not to think about the nearly electrical sparks and the way Will looked first thing in the morning and his smile, which he was sure he wouldn't see again for a very long time. He'd not expected this to be so hard and yet he'd barely even started.
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Mar. 1st, 2010


Wednesday April 9th 2008

Who: Fisher, James and Devon
What: Taking back his man
When: Wednesday Night
Where: James' Apartment
Rating: R

Again with his backpack and laptop bag, Fisher went to James' apartment. He'd needed to tear through his bedroom first, then pace around nervously for awhile, then wait until it was late enough to show up. He knew James didn't expect him to ever come back, even though Minerva was still there. At least, he hoped Minerva was still there. But When Fisher got there, it would be explained and James would forgive him for making him worry. He'd have to.

Standing outside James' door for a moment, Fisher tried to calm the butterflies in his stomach. He felt guilty and sad and anxious and really, really hoped James didn't shut the door in his face. After taking a deep breath, he lifted his fist and knocked sharply. It was almost eight thirty, so James and Devon were more then likely watching a movie.

Feb. 28th, 2010


Sunday 6th April

WHO: James and Will
WHERE: James' apartment
WHEN: Sunday morning
WHAT: James wanted Will to come over... usual rollercoaster ensues.
RATING: swearing only.

Though James had everything else to deal with - Devon, Lloyd, unpacking - Will found himself giving in to his resolve and walking to the demon's apartment about an hour and a half since he hung up. Yeah he was 30 minutes late but James would wait, Will knew that much. Besides he needed to get rid of the shrink dude first, and seeing as he was having a lie-in the angel figures that could take a while.

Dressed as a toned-down version of himself Will walked across campus to James' place at a slow pace. It was fucking freezing compared to St Lucia and he wasn't yet used to this climate. He'd even slept in his sweater. Still tired from the long journey home when Will arrived outside James' door he paused until his yawns had ceased before knocking the door.

"Pizza delivery," he called, using the voice of a teenager whose voice hadn't yet broken.

You are such an ass sometimes. )
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Feb. 24th, 2010


Tuesday - April 8th, 2008

Who: James, Fisher and Devon
When: Tuesday Evening
Where: James' Apartment
What: Fisher needs a place to stay for a while.

James was just getting started on dinner when he heard the knock on the door. The water was boiling for the noodles, the sauce simmering on the stove, and the over was preheating so that he could put the meatballs in once he got them composed. He was just about to start mixing them up when he heard the knock and turned to head towards the door, but someone else beat him to it.

"I'll get it!" Devon was pretty excited that Fisher was coming over. He liked Fisher a lot, which was ironic. But James was trying hard not to think too much on that topic. It'd only make him even more irritated with things than he already had been and he'd only just gotten himself into a semi-decent place after the talk with Lloyd the night before.

"If it's not Fisher, yell for me, okay?" Anyone else, and James would go see. Devon knew only to open the door when his father gave him permission, and that was only ever given when he was expecting someone, like now or like last night for example.

"HI!" The little boy spoke in greeting as the door to the apartment was pulled open wide. "Daddy tolded me you were coming!" From the other room, his grammar was corrected, "Told." Glancing towards the kitchen, Devon rolled his eyes. "Told. Daddy told me. Do you wanna come in?"

Feb. 21st, 2010


Monday - April 7th, 2008

Who: James, Lloyd and Devon
When: Monday Night
Where: James' Apartment
What: James needs some professional insight.
Rated: TBD

The past two days had been terrible. Fisher was angry at him, for one, which was probably for the best. If he kept pushing, then maybe he'd run the man off completely. Then he wouldn't have to worry about something else happening between the two of them that shouldn't. His sister hadn't even spoken to him since he got back, hadn't spoken to him since they'd had that terrible fight while he was in St Lucia. He felt guilty about what he'd told Will, about what he was feeling, and that only seemed to stab him in the gut like a knife each and every time he looked at his son. And Will... he was back to his normal self, like James should have known he would be but had hoped he wouldn't. It really got to him, the flirting, even if he wouldn't admit it. It was just another thing to add to the list of things he was unhappy about right now, a list which was constantly growing.

James was just... miserable and confused ever since he'd stepped foot back on TJS grounds and he had no idea what to do about it. So he'd called in the professional even if the man couldn't really give him an unbiased opinion. But maybe unbiased wasn't really what he needed at all.

It was promptly at seven when James heard the knocking on the door. Of course someone knew how to be on time. "Devon, can you get that?" He yelled from the bathroom where he was busy washing his hands. The patter of little feet could be heard running to the door which was promptly swung open, a pair of striking blue eyes (just like his father) staring up at the man on the other side.

"Hello." He said, and smiled, showing off his missing two front teeth which still hadn't grown back from where they'd fallen out several weeks back. "Are you Lloyd?" His daddy had told him that one of his friends was coming over tonight, one he'd never met before. And he'd never met this man before so he could only assume that this was the friend he was talking about. "Would you please come inside?" He asked, as polite as could be, taking a step the side to make room for him. "Daddy's in the bathroom."
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