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Dec. 30th, 2010


Sunday 21st September 08

Who: Lu and Xander (Turning into Lu/Bucky with mention of Kim)
What: The pixie has a boo boo.
Where: Starting in X's car on the way back to school
When: Sunday, early evening.

Well, she couldn't say Xander hadn't warned her... )

Oct. 21st, 2010


Friday: August/22/08

Who: Starbuck, Kim and Kamea
When: Friday night
Where: in the car
What: heading home from their night out

As expected, Kamea failed to make it through the entire movie, though to be fair, she gave it a good try. She laughed and babbled as she saw things on the screen that she liked, but a trip to the theater is a bit much for most toddlers. A little more than halfway through the film, Kamea passed out in Starbuck's arms. At least she was sleeping and not squirming/screaming. This allowed Starbuck and Kim to enjoy the rest of the movie in peace.

When it was over, Starbuck carried his sleeping daughter out to the car and managed to strap her in without waking her up. It appeared as though she was going to remain comatose until morning. "We'll have to buy the movie when it comes out on DVD, maybe then she could see the second half."

Starbuck put the car in gear and opted for the scenic route since they were in no hurry to get back to the school. "It's such a relief that the damn inspections are over... but it got me thinking about the fact that if Kamea was older she might have said something she shouldn't have. I know we talked about how it's better for her to be here with other supernaturals, but maybe she needs to be playing with human kids too? If she says crazy shit now, people will just think she has a big imagination. Maybe we should get her enrolled in preschool."
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Oct. 14th, 2010


Wednesday August 20th 2008

Who: Blue and Kim
What: A "fight" being broken up
Where: The Rec Room
When: Wednesday afternoon
Rating: R for language

For some reason, one of the inspectors had decided to question Blue about the activities going on at the "detention facility". Maybe it was because she was reading a Nancy Drew mystery novel, sitting curled up in a chair, unassuming. Maybe it was because she didn't look old enough to have a criminal record. Maybe it was because she looked sweet and innocent. The guy talking to her was fat, but not because of glands, from obvious overindulgence and laziness. He was fat on his own greed, she could tell. His hair was combed over his bald spot most unattractively, and he smiled too much. He thought that he smelled bullshit, like something was wrong with this place and he was going to sniff it out. How could the inmates be so placid unless the staff was doing illegal, unspeakable things to them? Or worse, what if the inmates ran the show? Blue was cooperative, because the guy was clearly dumb. He'd never discover the truth.

Apparently she had been placed in here for arson, and her interviewer was trying to see if she actually knew what arson was. Blue smiled at him sweetly, telling him nonsense about catalysts and making it look like an electrical malfunction, all the while wishing she could take that pen of his and scribble all over his head, giving him a more believeable sense of hair. "Miss Bergeron," the man said, his tone suddenly dropping to an almost whisper, "you seem very content with your situation."

"Uh huh," she nodded helpfully. "They're nice here."

"In all my years in this line of work, I've never met a truly content prisoner. Surely you harbor at least some resentment for being here?"

Blue shrugged. "Maybe I deserve to be in here. It could be worse, you know."

The man raised a dubious eyebrow, scribbling something on his clip board. "If, um... Blue, if the staff here are being too harsh, or unfair, or if something isn't right, you can tell me about it. You don't have to pretend to be happy for me like you do with them." He licked his lips. "Is something bad happening to you?"

Panic flashed in Blue's mind. Oh no! She was being too nice, and she seemed too happy, and now they thought the school was doing something wrong. But she was supposed to be nice, be a good girl, because daddy told her to be. But the school needed her to be naughty, and if the school shut down all because of her, daddy would be furious! But what to do? Maybe she could be a good girl by being a bad girl. Glaring at the man, Blue grabbed his pen from his hand and slapped the clip board to the ground, lunging for him with a shrill primal scream. "What NEEDS to be happening," she growled, jamming the point of the pen against his throat, pining him to the floor, "is for you to get the FUCK out of my face!!"
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Oct. 12th, 2010


Tuesday: August/19/08

Who: Starbuck and Kim
When: Tuesday night
Where: their apartment
What: a potentially awkward conversation arguing!

The idea of playing donor to vampires had been discussed before, and Kim didn't seem too thrilled about the idea, but Starbuck was hopeful she would change her mind. The healer in him wanted to help others, and having several good friends who were vampires, Starbuck felt he could really do some good by letting them feed on him. It was going to be in a classroom setting, so there was nothing sexual about it. It was all for the sake of learning, and it could teach Starbuck a thing or two about what a donor goes through physically, making it easier for him to heal them afterward. Would Kim see the rationality in all this? Starbuck had no idea.

He waited until their day came to a close before addressing the subject. Having just crawled into bed together, the late news on softly in the background, Starbuck propped his pillow up against the headboard and leaned against it. "I need to ask you something," he started seriously. "I was talking to Ava earlier... and they really need volunteers to act as donors in the Responsible Feeding class. Would you be upset if I did it?"
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Sep. 29th, 2010


Wednesday, August 13th, 2008

Who: Starbuck and Kim (with appearances by NPC Lauren and Charlie)
Where: Starbuck and Kim's staff apartment on campus
When: Wednesday afternoon
What: Kim reveals her biggest secret to her best friend

It was hard saying who was more nervous about Lauren’s pending arrival. Considering Ed’s absolute hatred of Starbuck, it was so very important that Starbuck impress the other most important person in Kim’s life. Lauren was like a sister to Kim. Starbuck needed to win her over. Not that he’d ever had trouble doing that in the past. Most parents loved him, hell, other girlfriends’ brothers loved him! He was hoping Ed was simply a fluke. A fucking crazy fluke.

Kim had much more reason to worry though, even if Starbuck had done all he could to reassure her. What if Lauren freaked out upon learning that her dearest friend was a werewolf? That was part of Starbuck’s reasoning for inviting Lauren to visit them on campus. Maybe then she’d see how common supernaturals were. She could see first hand that they led normal lives.

You want me to come with you to get her.. or wait here? )

Sep. 14th, 2010


Tuesday: August/5/08

Who: Starbuck and Kim
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Maui
What: Starbuck is PISSED after his AIM convo with Fisher

On Fisher's end, it simply read [offline], but Starbuck didn't actually log out of the program. Instead, he threw his laptop across the room, breaking the machine. It was the first time in a very long time that Starbuck had taken out his rage on an inanimate object. Fisher's words cut deep, not because Starbuck believed them, but because it infuriated him to have anyone talk ill of Kim, and he was still on edge from the fight with Ed and Luke. Kim wasn't stupid, and Starbuck knew with every ounce of his being that she loved him more than anyone else in existence. How could Fisher say such things? It made Starbuck wonder if he'd made a mistake in befriending the guy, and maybe that was what hurt the most. Starbuck hated when he was wrong about someone, and it just dredged up the hurt he'd felt upon realizing that Kat wasn't who he thought she was.

Not bothering to explain his outburst, Starbuck stormed out of the house and toward the beach. He needed to cool off, and water was the only thing that helped in such situations. He'd feel better when the ocean was licking at his limbs.
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Sep. 12th, 2010


Monday: August/4/08

Who: Kim and Kai (Starbuck's mom)
When: Monday morning
Where: Kai's house in Maui
What: talking over breakfast

((placeholder for Kim and Kai to chat... so we don't forget to finish it and post it!))

Sep. 1st, 2010


Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

Who: Kim, Starbuck, Kamea, Ed and Luke
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Kim and Starbuck's apartment
What: All hell finally breaks loose.

Opening the sliding door from the balcony, Kim stepped back inside as she hung up her phone. Closing the door behind her, she flopped onto the couch beside Starbuck and faced him, pulling her legs up underneath her. “Lauren says hi. And she really wants us to visit sometime soon. You think you’d be up for a weekend trip down to New York?” she asked, propping her elbow on the headrest and her head in her palm. It had been way too long since she had seen her best friend. She missed her so much and now Kim was finally starting to summon up the courage to tell Lauren the truth about what she was. Maybe if they took a trip to see her, Kim would finally be able to share this side of her life with her.

What are you doing here? )
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Aug. 25th, 2010


Tuesday: July/22/08

Who: Frankie and Kim (Starbuck and Kamea later)
When: Thursday evening
Where: Boston, ending up at Kim and Starbuck's apartment
What: a distracted sprite gets jumped... and a toddler stuns everyone!
Rating: some smexin' later

Frankie was all flustered from stupid journaling and her phone conversation with Fox. She knew she probably should just drop the whole thing with Arc's rant about vampires, but Frankie simply couldn't. It still infuriated her, and she still couldn't understand how Cassie could let that sort of racist bullshit go on. How could you be friends with someone so vile? Worst of all, how could the people Frankie cared about like someone who was okay with that shit? Frankie didn't like the idea of Fox being friends with Cassie, and now it was all made even worse by the fact that they'd kissed before.

She had to go for a run to clear her head. That was the only way Frankie could really get rid of her frustrations short of bursting into flames for a bit, but that was hard to do in her apartment with the fire alarms and everything. Running would wear her out and help calm her down.

But when Frankie was in moods like this while running, she wasn't the sort to pay attention to her surroundings. Bad guys tended to notice that sort of stuff. Cute, petite girl in short shorts and a little t-shirt who looked like she couldn't put up much of a fight. Yeah, she was a tempting target.

Too tempting for a man leaning up against the brick just along the side of an alley. As Frankie jogged past him, he reached out and grabbed her roughly. One arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her back to his chest, while his free hand tightened around her throat. "Scream and I'll snap your neck," he warned.

Frankie wasn't good at listening though. She never had been. So as the guy started dragging her toward a car, the hand around her waist trying to push into her shorts, Frankie screamed and emitted more than enough heat to burn him. The guy yelled and let her go, seeming stunned by this development. Frankie was free of his grasp, and she turned around to throw a fireball at him before bolting out of the alley and back to the street. She ran as fast as her feet would carry her, wishing it was dark so she could fly instead and get as far away from that bastard as possible.

Too far from home, and scared to go there anyway, Frankie ran toward Kim and Starbuck's place. When she arrived, she was sweating, panting for air, and crying as she banged on the door.

Jul. 30th, 2010


Tuesday, July 8th, 2008

Who: Kim and Starbuck
When Late Tuesday night
Where: Their apartment in Boston
What: Kim has a nightmare and finally reveals her past.

After eluding her for so long, sleep came easily to Kim now. There was still a nagging fear in the back of her head, telling her that it was possible that her parents or eldest brother could find her one day, but if they hadn’t by now, would they ever? After all, the scout from Australia had found her after only a few months and now here she was... a couple of years removed from her old life. If they really wanted to find her, wouldn’t they have already shown up? She didn’t want to think about it, but those thoughts, along with reminders of her old life still swam around her subconscious, waiting for a time to come out.

Kim fell into REM sleep and those reminders sought the opportunity to show themselves again. )
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Jul. 4th, 2010


Sunday, June 15th, 2008

Who: Kim and Starbuck (and some Kai and Kamea too)
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Their apartment in Boston
What: Celebrating Father's Day
Rating: He's a DILF.. what do you think? ;)

Kim knew that Father's Day was a rough day for Starbuck, but she wanted to change that. His father may not be around anymore, but his presence still remained. She understood that it hurt to not have him physically present, but the fact that Starbuck could still communicate with him had to ease some of the pain. And Starbuck was now a father himself and he had the gift of love from the most beautiful baby girl. Kim was glad that Kai was also around to share in this day. The three women in his life just wanted him to feel loved.

Part of that plan involved finding Starbuck the right present. Kim had helped Kamea make her present for him, but she had to go out and find the perfect one for her to give him. It had taken her a few weeks, but she managed to find something that she thought he'd like.

Coming out of the bedroom with Kamea in her arms, Kim held his present behind her back while Kamea held hers in her tiny hands. "Wanna give Daddy his present now?" Kamea nodded happily as she was set down on Starbuck's lap, holding out the card she had made.
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Jun. 18th, 2010


Wednesday, June 4

Who: Ada and Kim
Where: Student lounge
What: Lost track of time
When: 10:45 p.m.
Rating/Status: TBD/Incomplete

Ada had her Lycan Lore book open in front of her for some last-minute cramming, but there wasn't a lot of focus going on. She hadn't even stopped to consider that the reason the lounge had emptied of students was because curfew had come almost an hour ago. Things were strained between she and her fiance, and it seemed to have come on so suddenly. Looking back, though, there had been signs. It wasn't a case of wrongdoing or deliberate sabotage from what she could tell, but more of a slow unraveling that could be traced back to distance. They had thought they could handle it. After all, both of them were on the road regularly, they had never been together in the flesh for much longer than a couple of months at a run, and sometimes went weeks without a face-to-face meeting when both of them were on tour, but she had been at TJS for six weeks now, and the strain was evident in their short and somewhat rushed phone conversations. There was plenty to say, both of their lives were in a cycle of change – Jace chasing down the bright lights and fame in a serious manner for the first time in his life, Ada trying to reconcile her lycanthropy with her future plans – but their talks were nonetheless halting and awkward.

She wanted it to work. There was no situation in which she could conceive not loving him, not after pouring so much of herself into this relationship. She had let her guard down with him more than she ever had with anyone else, and as a result was more vulnerable than in relationships past. When her string of failed romances had fallen apart, it had hurt but the hurt had been manageable. Her investment in this relationship was so extensive that she feared watching it crumble would bankrupt her emotionally.

continued... )
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Jun. 15th, 2010


Tuesday: June/3/08

Who: Starbuck and Kim
When: early Tuesday morning
Where: their room
What: snuggle time!

Eyes moving quickly, back and forth, back and forth under his eyelids, Starbuck was lost in a dream. He was on a beach with his dad, but unlike nightmares in the past which had focused on Bardsley's death, this was a good dream. Starbuck was maybe ten years old. He stormed the waves, his dad right by his side, both men throwing down their boards and beginning to paddle out. It was so vivid. Starbuck could feel the ocean spray on his face. The salty smell filled his senses, making him close his eyes. Unfortunately, when Starbuck opened them in the dream and spotted his father smiling back at him, the nymph opened them in real life as well.

Light was just beginning to filter in through the little gap between the drapes, forming a beam that stretched across the length of the room. Starbuck rolled toward Kim, wrapping his arms around her, his feet trying to find space to move with two dogs taking up a great deal of room at the foot of the bed. They were so big now, and they were also passed out cold.

Starbuck kissed Kim's collarbone, trying to tempt her into waking up. It was rare that they got this alone time in the morning, because Kamea was usually up with the sun, but he didn't hear a peep from the baby monitor.
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May. 30th, 2010


Wednesday, May 28th, 2008

Who: Kim and Mikhail
When: Wednesday afternoon, after Advanced Beast Control
Where: Inner Beast Control classroom
What: Kim has some questions for the elder lycan.

So much was going through Kim's mind lately that it was hard to keep focus in her classes. Add in the fact that this was the last week of class, and her mind had already gone into vacation mode. But she wouldn't quite be on vacation this summer, though. She would be taking two classes at Boston College to continue working toward her Bachelor's. It would be nice to get back on a real college campus again. She kind of missed it.

Kim didn't snap out of it until Professor Dmitriv had apparently dismissed everyone. People were getting up and gathering things around her before she realized class was over. Shaking her head at herself, she shut her notebook and put it away in her bookbag. Slinging the bag's strap over her shoulder, she walked up to the professor's desk and gave him a tentative smile. Yes, she had been in his class for months now, but she still couldn't get much of a read on his mood from his facial expressions. Maybe it was a Russian thing..

"Professor Dmitriv? I was wondering if I could ask you something.."
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May. 4th, 2010


Sunday: May/11/08

Who: Starbuck and Kim
When: Sunday night, 11:30ish
Where: his apartment
What: dealing with the dead

It had been a long day, and not because all hell had broken loose. Starbuck wasn't treating severed limbs or anything, just the normal bumps, bruises, and belly aches that walked into the infirmary. But he'd been there a long time, and even when napping, Wes still managed to be a bit of a whiner. It also bummed Starbuck out that he couldn't be spending a perfectly good Sunday with his favorite girls, especially this Sunday. He'd been planning on Skyping with his mother so she could fawn all over Kamea (by far her favorite thing to do). Starbuck had also planned to spend a little time reminding Kamea about her own mother, by looking at the few photos he had of her and telling Kamea all he knew about the woman. Mother's Day was sure to be a rough time for Kamea when she eventually understood the significance, just as Father's Day was hard on Starbuck.

The clock was inching toward midnight when Starbuck finally shuffled his feet through the front door. He poked his head into Kamea's room first, making sure she was all tucked in. She looked as beautiful as ever, and he couldn't resist just watching her for a few moments. But it wasn't long after that he was flopping into his own bed beside Kim, all too eager to pass out. "You know that doctors work like... thirty hour shifts? Fuck that's a long time." He snuggled up beside his sexy girlfriend and glanced at the TV to see that she was watching Conan.. one of their favorites. "Missed you," he mumbled, kissing her shoulder.
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May. 3rd, 2010


Sunday, May 11th, 2008

Who: Kim and Kamea (narrative)
When: Sunday night
Where: A supermarket in Danvers
What: Grocery shopping with a bit of freaking out mixed in.

After she stopped by the infirmary to pick up Kamea and give Starbuck a quick hello, Kim and the little girl were off to the supermarket. Starbuck had to stay in the infirmary since Wes was exhausted, but having Kamea there made his job more difficult. Kim didn't mind taking the little girl off his hands for a while. Over the past few months, she had gotten to spend a lot of time with Kamea and she had come to care a lot for her.

A short drive later, Kim parked Starbuck's car in the parking lot of a small shopping center in Danvers. Getting out of the car, she opened the back door and proceeded to unbuckle Kamea from her car seat. "All ready to help me with the grocery shopping?" she asked the little girl as she picked her up and shut the car door, walking toward the store with her. "Mmhm," Kamea nodded. "I can help with cookies." Kim laughed at that as she grabbed a shopping cart and settled her gently into the seat. "Ok, you can help with cookies."
... )

Apr. 12th, 2010


Friday 2nd May 08

Who: Lu, Kim, Starbuck, Matt (and Kamea?)
What: Taking over Bucky's place for movies.
Where: Starbuck's apartment.
When: Friday night, starting aboooout 6:15?

It was about ten minutes before she'd told Kim to be there and a little longer until Matt was meant to be joining them. Lu was standing outside Bucky's door with a bag slung across her body that contained the films and some munchies of both the healthy and totally unhealthy varieties. She'd aimed a little earlier than the others so she had time to inform Bucky of what they were doing and talk him into it if he wasn't so keen. She was hoping he'd be fine with it though. Hanging out with him in his place sounded perfect right now.

Knocking on the door she waited until it was opened and breezed past him with a grin. "Hey! Thanks for hosting movie night so Kim can be introduced to the combination of surfing, aliens and Disney!" She said in greeting.
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Apr. 1st, 2010


Saturday, April 26th, 2008

Who: Kim and Starbuck
When: Saturday morning
Where: The Mandarin Oriental hotel in Boston
What: 6 month anniversary fun!
Rating: It's their anniversary.. what do you think? ;)

Six months ago, Kim never would've imagined that she'd be where she was now: completely and pretty much hopelessly in love with Starbuck. She never would've guessed in a million years that trying to jump his bones all those months ago would result in such an amazing relationship. It was really funny how things ended up working out so well. That wasn't to say that the past six months were perfect. They had gone through many ups and downs, but they always managed to get past them and they became stronger because of it.

Going away to celebrate their six months together was definitely exciting. Not that Kim needed to go anywhere. Just getting to spend time with Starbuck was good enough for her, but he had planned a weekend for them in Boston, including the very hotel suite where he first asked her to be his girlfriend. Yes, it was sappy, but Kim kinda liked it. So Friday evening, they arrived at the Mandarin Oriental with no plans to leave their suite that night.

Saturday morning, a few rays of sun peeked through the curtains in their room, landing on the two lovebirds that were sleeping all tangled up in each other. Kim's eyes fluttered open and her lips formed into a smile at the feel of Starbuck's arm around her bare torso. Moving around to turn and face him, her right hand gently rubbed his side. "Starbuck," she whispered as she placed a gentle kiss on his lips to rouse him from his sleep.
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Mar. 25th, 2010


Sunday, April 20th, 2008

((Save spot.))

Mar. 13th, 2010


Tuesday, April 15th, 2008

Who: Kim and Starbuck
When: Tuesday, around 8pm
Where: Starbuck's apartment
What: Kim's finally ready to talk.

The past two days had felt like complete hell for Kim. On Sunday morning, her mind had ceased to function properly the moment Fisher told her that Kat was here and he had seen Starbuck walk off with her to her room. After the initial shock wore off, fear was the first emotion to surface. She had seen what kind of hold Kat had had over Starbuck while they were at Halcyon and she was scared that if she was back, it would continue. But then when Starbuck had called Kim later on that Sunday, anger was the feeling that was most present. Kim didn't really know what to think, even after Starbuck had explained that it wasn't Kat, but instead some new girl named Addie who looked eerily similar to the bitch in question. Kim still felt like shit and his apologies only made her hurt worse. Her instincts took over and she shut down, telling him that she needed to be alone. She just couldn't handle talking about it anymore.

Needless to say, the rest of her Sunday was miserable. )
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