September 30th, 2012

[info]hopehasit in [info]tiberiusswann

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Who: Hope and Wes
When: Afternoon
Where: Infirmary
What: Hope is a clutz.

Experimenting with Holy Water was bad enough for a vampire, but not taking proper precautions when handling it was just ridiculous. )
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[info]fireme_up in [info]tiberiusswann

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Who: Lloyd & Brad
Where: Out.
When: Tuesday evening
What: Lloyd is taking Brad on a date
Rating: TBD

After checking his breath smelled nice, that his hair was just so and his smart-casual attire was just enough free to be date-y but not smart enough to scare Brad off, Lloyd told his driver for the evening where to take him. He'd neglected to say it was the BGH, though the man would have known where it was having driven Lloyd everywhere for the last eight years or so. It was perhaps natural to feel but Lloyd was nervous; nervous enough that he'd changed around ten times before he'd settled on his original outfit and forced himself out of the door. Brad was a young man and though Lloyd was barely into the infancy of his years as a Demon he felt the need to appear youthful yet mature, the qualities Brad appeared to like in him.

He rolled up to the house with a deep breath and peered out of the darkened windows to see if Brad was already waiting and at the same time he wondered what he'd do exactly should Brad not be outside. Go to call on him? Beep the horn? No that would be tacky. Maybe he'd send the driver, he was nice looking...

January 2013



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