August 30th, 2012

[info]cant_touchthis in [info]tiberiusswann

Friday September 27th 2019

Who: Rorie and Garret
What: The fever has claimed Rorie's brain
Where: Garret's office
When: Late afternoon
Rating: PG

Rorie had been sick all week. Unlike what he had though originally, it kept getting worse and worse till he finally was seeing things. At least, he didn't know he was. Running a fever and sweating like he was in the desert, he had gotten up to get some water. His hands were twitching wildly here and there as well as the rest of his body when he was laying down. The bites and scratches look disgusting and very infected. He'd gone into a fit of rage at one point and smashed his table because he thought he saw Liam, his DEAD father, sitting at it. Just smirking as he watched his son deteriorate. He shouted at him and glared, but nothing worked. Then it became worse. Which was saying something. Liam was trying to kill him. Rorie had seent he knife, had seen it glinting in the dim light.

Going from furious to panicked, Rorie didn't know what to do. His fingers wouldn't work to call anyone and he couldn't focus with his powers. If he stayed in his apartment he'd be killed for sure. So, he did the best thing he thought he could. Barefoot and in his boxers and sleeping shirt, he struck out and walked quickly across campus to Garret's office. He was attracting stares and he was scared security would be called, so he hurried up. Getting into the floor Garret was on, he was about to just go to his door when the secretary stopped him.

Okay, so Rorie had gone off the deep end. That much was confirmed. )
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[info]cant_touchthis in [info]tiberiusswann

Tuesday September 24th 2019

Who: Garret and Luca
What: A first meeting
Where: Garret's office
When: Midmorning
Rating: PG

Luca had no real reason to go see Garret other than he needed to see this man in person, a human that his father cared for enough to marry...something he still couldn't wrap his brain around. But maybe meeting the infamous Garret would help him understand, because meeting Rorie had not.

The young hound made his way down the hall, carrying the other man's favourite coffee, to Garret's office, trying to think of a cover story that made any type of sense at all other than he just wanted to introduce himself...or hi you know my father....who I haven't told I'm here yet even though he probably already knows. Fuck Luca was terrible at this shit. He stopped in front of Garret's office door and then knocked waiting for him to say come in.

The coffee was a surprise, as was his calm confidence as he sat down. )
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January 2013



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