July 19th, 2012

[info]cant_touchthis in [info]tiberiusswann

Friday September 6th 2019

Who: Garret and Mal
What: Running into one another
Where: On campus
When: Morning
Rating: PG most likely
Status: In Progress

Pais was the biggest pain in the butt in the entire universe. Even though Friday was the day that Garret was supposed to be in his office all day, Pais had decided that he was lonely, and that he needed a walk just as Garret was trying to run out the door. It might've had something to do with eating Garret's entire bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, something else that made the boxer mix the biggest pain in the butt in the entire world.

Leash in hand, grumbling, Garret put on his jacket and his running shoes and headed out into the day, grumbling the entire time as Pais tugged on the leash and sniffed all around. "You've smelled and peed on everything on campus a hundred thousand times," Garret mumbled, annoyed. Today was not a good day to annoy him because thinking about tonight was making him all out of sorts. "Why are you pulling so hard, just find a spot and HEY!" Standing a moment, staring as Pais tore off across the lawn with his leash dragging behind, Garret growled and then took off running behind him. Stupid mutt.

And what were you expecting? Something different? )

[info]cant_touchthis in [info]tiberiusswann

Friday September 6th 2019

Who: Garret and Rorie
What: Drinks and putting an interesting spin on Rorie's life
Where: Steakhouse in Danvers
When: Evening
Rating: PG 13

Nervous was an understatement. All of Friday, Rorie worked and couldn't stop thinking about the drink he was going to have with Garret. He got off at 3 that day because he was meeting Mandy half way to drop Eileen off for the weekend. Next weekend, Eileen was staying with either Wesley or Mandy again. It was all up in the air at the moment, so he had that as well. He needed a good run. Getting back from dropping Eileen off, he went to work out for an hour to try and work his nerves out. It helped and coming back to the apartment and taking a hot shower helped even more. He would have to keep his cool if he didn't want to freak Garret out. It had been so long though and he was wondering what this meant, but for the last 20 minutes before he had to go meet Garret, Rorie meditated. He'd do it every night with Eileen and it helped with her power control.

Taking deep breaths and letting them out, he calmed himself and centered himself before he went and got dressed. He'd dug around his closet before the shower and picked out his clothes, an old tee that used to be loose on him that now stretched across his now broader chest. It was his skeleton tee, the one that he'd worn with Garret numerous times, portraying the bones of the human anatomy. A pair of jeans that he thought fit nicely. Not too baggy and not too tight. Slipping on a pair of converse he used for just running out real quick, still full of holes slightly, he felt he was ready. He'd let his hair be as it swayed in a slight breeze like a bird's downy coat. His phone and wallet and keys were all in his pockets as he headed out to meet Garret, feeling a bit more sturdy.

It was amazing how much thought Garret was putting into not putting thought into this outing. )
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[info]fireme_up in [info]tiberiusswann

Saturday 7th September

Who: Lloyd & Garret
Where: Boston
When: Saturday afternoon
What: Shopping!!

Lloyd didn't like shopping for Feather's clothes because that meant going into girl shops, but if a drag queen worth her salt was to keep up with the fashions and look fabulous, the very awkward Welsh boy would have to suck up his pride and try on the new things without a care. Except he did care. Mostly because the fashions were so iddy biddy it made him feel huge.

Luckily - or not so luckily - he had asked Garret with him. Sort of a 'I got promoted!' thank you as he was going to buy him dinner as a surprise, and as an excuse to go out. Now he was out he was getting cold feet, though the moment he stepped into the mall Feather reared her gorgeous head and made him bee-line for a large store.

"Oh my days... that would go so lovely with my shoes," Lloyd breathed, looking at the blue dress in the window. But people were staring and the demon stepped back, shy. "I mean... you know. Never mind."

January 2013



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