June 11th, 2012

[info]charlieburghard in [info]tiberiusswann

Sunday: June/1/09

Who: Charlie, Maggie, Ava, and Ana
When: Monday evening
Where: Ava's apartment
What: they need some family time

Charlie was still angry with Ava, and he figured he might always be, but his rage had been quenched for the time being by killing her sire. Saul was primarily to blame for what happened to Maggie. Charlie knew that. But that didn't make it any easier to cope with the fact that she'd been turned against her will by Ava. Logic couldn't heal the hurt he felt. It also couldn't ease the pain now felt by the twins and his niece now that their bloodline had been severed.

Maggie wasn't in as much pain as Ava and Ana, but she did suffer, and she was growing more upset as the reality of her new lot in life settled in. After talking with Ava, he packed up some things for himself and Maggie, along with Cassius and Edelweiss, and the group headed over to Ava's campus apartment for a sleep over.

"You're not gonna fight more, are you?" Maggie asked as she dragged her feet. She felt somewhat weak.

"I can't promise that, Maggie."

"Can you try," she pleaded as she hugged Edelweiss' furry body to her chest.

Charlie nodded. "I can try. We're going over there because it will make you all feel better. I don't want them suffering any more than I want you suffering.. angry or not."

Maggie was quiet then, and she let Charlie knock on the door lightly when they arrived. Ava said the door would be open, so he turned the knob a second later and let Cassius run inside. The dog seemed to know that he was expected to be calm and quickly find a place to settle, so he did. He got comfortable on a rug under the dining table. Maggie didn't let go of Edelweiss. Now that the cat wasn't afraid of her anymore, she carried the furball around as a security blanket of sorts. "Go find Ava," Charlie told Maggie as he leaned in to kiss the top of her head and send her on his way. When she was off, he went to see Ana.

He found her in the spare room curled up in bed. "Hey," Charlie said softly as he sat on the edge of the bed and put his hand on her gently.

January 2013



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