April 8th, 2012

[info]rezidentsk8er in [info]tiberiusswann

Sunday - April 26th, 2009

Who: Rez and River
When: Night
Where: The apartment
What: Settling in and making plans
Rated: NSFW

Tits trump. )
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[info]thrice_charmed in [info]tiberiusswann

Monday - April 27th, 2009

Who: Estrella and Riley
When: Morning
Where: Riley's office
What: a job interview

I also carry a stuffed sea turtle in my pocket. )

[info]smartassets in [info]tiberiusswann

Thursday April 30th, 2009

Who: Lyle and Nico
What: A surprise.
Where: Outside the outdoor pool
When: Just after sunset
Rating: TBD

Go outside to the pool. I have a surprise for you.

That's all the note that Lyle left on the table said. He knew Nico wasn't big on surprises, but... well too bad. This was a good one. He was pretty sure there wouldn't be a complaint, since this surprise was wicked sweet and it wasn't crowding up the apartment. And it was fun! And as much as Nico liked to sulk and scowl and "be busy", Lyle knew that he wasn't opposed to fun. It kind of sucked, though, that it had to stay outside so Lyle could only use it at night, but that was better than never he supposed. The grounds staff had seemed a little less than thrilled by its presence, but that didn't deter Lyle any.

Now if only Nico would hurry up and get there. Sitting on the edge, Lyle swung his feet and waited as patiently as possible. Finally, when he saw his roommate, a huge grin spread over his face. "I wanted it!" he declared, standing up on his sweet new trampoline. "And I thought, who deserves a trampoline? My boy. So I got you a trampoline. Come bounce with me, it's wicked fun!"
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[info]cant_touchthis in [info]tiberiusswann

Monday April 27th 2009

Who: Mal and Garret
What: Husband Loving
Where: Mal's house
When: Evening
Status: In Progress
Rating: NSFW [Violent/Abusive content]

When Mal came home, he would discover that the lights in his house (almost all of them) had been left on. He would find his fridge emptied of several of his beers and filled with a veggie supreme pizza and half a cheeseburger. He would find a pair of running shoes in the middle of the kitchen (standing perfectly as though the wearer had just vanished while waiting for the microwave to ding). He would find his television on, and too loud, and he would find a forty year old man child husband shouting obscenities at it.

"You German piece of SHIT!" Garret screamed, looking ready to throw the controller at the screen. "Camp bitch!!!"

You know what I really want? )

January 2013



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