February 5th, 2012

[info]shy_vamp in [info]tiberiusswann

Friday April 3rd 2009

Who: Godric and Wesley
What: Pacing
Where: All over the house
When: About 1am
Rating: TBD

So, Godric thought as he made his ninetieth lap around the kitchen, this must be what addiction feels like. The effects of the potion had worn off a few hours ago, and after laying in bed for forty minutes overthinking about all the things he'd done that day, Godric had gotten up and just started pacing the house. He had cleaned the play room, checked in on children, swept the kitchen, made a batch of hard boiled eggs, read a chapter in a book, went over his leson plan (again), and even made Blake lunch for the following day. While his hands had been busy, his mind had been racing. This potion was dangerous because it made him careless, it made him allow the students to speak to him in a way that he normally wouldn't, it made him stray from his lesson plan, it made him act completely unlike himself.

But, at the same time, he wanted it. He wanted to just be the person that the potion turned him into. He wanted to not care what anyone thought about him, he wanted to just let things go, to not have worry and guilt cloud up his head. He wanted to be okay with Hope and Wesley and not think about all the ways it could and probbaly would go wrong. He wanted to be fine with kissing Blake in public and holding his hand. But his brain overcomplicated everything and the potion simplised it, and it was impossible not to be addicted to that.

He knew it was bad, though, so he was trying to resist driving to the school and just getting it, drinking it down before anyone woke up and could see him like he was now, dishevelled and frantic and pacing like a man with a guilty conscience. He knew that he should give it up now, while he still could. While he still had the self control to do it. But every minute that passed felt like an eternity, and Godric couldn't keep his eyes from going back to his car keys that were hanging on the peg by the door.
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[info]hellsmessenger in [info]tiberiusswann

Saturday, April 4

Who: Finn, Mal and Riley
When: Afternoon
Where: The tunnels
What: Riley and Mal

Mal had hung up the phone, leaving the papers to be graded on his desk in the pile he'd left them in. So much for getting work done, but this was slightly more important. What the hell was Finn thinking? He showed up at Riley's door as promising, knocking and poking his head in. "You alright? I've already picked up his trail if you want to go now."

[info]wesleythewise in [info]tiberiusswann

Saturday 4th April 2009

Who: Wesley & Hope
Where: Flamingo's - Lloyd's club
When: Saturday Night
What: a Date!

Wearing a rather dashing outfit for his evening with hope Wesley had so far booked the VIP table at Lloyd's club, organised a very lavish meal with champagne and extra vampire delicacies. He had been sweet, attentive, and very Wesley like with stupid jokes and clumsiness.

He was nervous, because he'd not done what he was about to do in a long long time, and he was also not as confident as he was. Hope might laugh at him and walk out. Others might laugh at him and walk out. Mandy might be somewhere, hell even Garret might be, and he knew Lloyd was gonna watch. Who knew who else was gonna turn up just to see him make an ass of himself. He'd die if Ric was there....

Wesley tapped his fingers on the table, looking at the stage where some girls were doing the cancan. "I can see right up their skirts."
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January 2013



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