January 8th, 2012

[info]jaylovesit in [info]tiberiusswann

Saturday - March 21st, 2009

Who: Jay, Rocky and perhaps a bit of Ikon
When: Saturday Night
Where: Rocky's dorm
What: The truth comes crashing down

Jay had been a bit edgy all week. It was probably due in large part to the fact that it was that time of the month, but she was sure there was more to it. She had finally been filled in on several of the dirty little secrets that were tangled up with her fucked up, secondary family tree and she wasn't exactly pleased with what she'd discovered. But it seemed that things had taken a turn this week in particular so she'd done her best to let it go. Still, the weight of carrying this secret was starting to get to her.

All week long, Jay would spot Raquel out and about and she would see an expression on her face and notice her mannerisms and see so much of their father, their siblings, in her. She was pretty sure that other woman thought she was a crazy stalker by now, or that she had eyes for that skinny demon that was always with her, and she kind of expected her to confront her pretty much any day now. But the waiting was killing her. And she wasn't sure how much more of it she could take.

All it took was a bottle and a half of wine and a killer buzz to put things into motion. Jay hadn't intended to do things this way, but she had a slight issue with impulse control when she was drinking, at least when she was drinking heavily, and didn't always make the best choices. And this, showing up at Rocky's door and knocking on it with the intent of telling her everything, was probably not the best decision. But there she was, waiting for the girl to open up, her photo album tucked under one arm and the rest of the second bottle of wine in the had of the other.
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January 2013



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