MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'yuuki+kuran'

Aug. 15th, 2016



Day 389 | Angry/Sobbing Action

[It might not be too difficult to spot this guy...

Between the lingering expression of anger resting on his face -- as well as the way his jawline is completely tense -- it might be clear to some that he's new to this place. Of course, if those aren't telling signs, there's always the weird thing attached to his ankle (but mostly the fact that he's still wearing the hideous outfit he woke up in). Yoon is, without a doubt, frustrated and completely worried about the idiots people he'd last been with. On top of the fact that they're notorious for drawing attention to themselves, there's... the matter of him... actually caring a lot about their safety.

Damn it... are they even here?!

He can honestly be found all over the place. Due to the fact that he's trying to cover as much ground as quickly as possible... he's not going to be lingering in one place for very long, however. He will trek through every Sector if he's able to, refusing to let weariness stop him from ensuring that he actually is... all alone in this place.

While swallowing down a painful lump, he eventually does take a break. It's at this point, he can be found in a corner, doing everything to keep his face hidden. He doesn't like people seeing or even knowing when he's crying. All around him are strangers, too, so like hell he's going to let them witness this!!!

Damn it...!

[The words slip out through clenched teeth as one hand balls into a hard fist. It will be after the tears finally stop coming, that he furiously wipes at his face and begins the search yet again. In spite of the heaviness of his legs, in spite of the weight resting on his chest, seemingly making it difficult to breath... he can't -- he won't give up on his search...]

Aug. 3rd, 2016



Day 387 - Open Action

[Around the Dome]

[The worst thing about this prison—besides, obviously, being stuck in a universe without all of his friends and family—is all of the free time. Felix likes working. Loves it, in fact, and the lack of time that he devotes to having fun has made him the butt of any number of jokes on the Sphaira, not that he cares. He's excellent at what he does, and his recent promotion to captain makes all of the crap he gets from his peers worthwhile. Who needs friends when you can have inferiors?

Except he hasn't entirely bought into that and, without work to do and jerks to feel superior to, MarinaNova is getting kind of lonely. He's met a few people, sure, but what he needs to do is get out there and try to have fun. Fun people attract company, and he'd like company.

And so Felix, armed with a camera, spends a good part of the day taking a leisurely stroll through the dome's streets and parks. Wandering around and pausing to snap the occasional photo might not be the kind of madcap adventure that his peers at home might find amusing, but it's different enough from work to make him think that it falls within the realm of fun. As long as he's enjoying himself, it feels like it must count.

And he is enjoying himself. Photography was one of his many hobbies before he devoted himself to science and the Colonial Fleet. He doesn't know if he's any good at it, but there's something satisfying about looking for exciting angles and plays of light and trying to frame things just so. Although Felix focuses on architecture (another interest that fell by the wayside), he does try to get the odd inmate into his shots.]

I'm sorry, but could you hold still for a moment?


[Evening—or what passes as evening in an underwater dome where days are delineated by dimming and brightening artificial light—sets and Felix has tasked himself with finding a new kind of fun. This workless wasteland has presented him with an unparalleled opportunity to explore all of the hobbies that he stopped having time for at home. Hobbies like singing.

And that is why he is at Lyrical. Felix has skipped the drinking part of the karaoke bar (he'd like to keep his wits about him while he's enjoying himself) and is going through the selection of songs to find something he knows. Singing in front of strangers is fun, right? Right?

He might need encouragement.]



387 | Action & Video | Open

[ Video ]

[There's a short gasp as the feed comes on. Nico just, stares a second, before tipping his head side to side, then reaching out with his hand and waving it around. If anyone is watching, the image shifts around as he takes his earpiece off to examine it.]

Wow. I wish Bianca could see this. She would never believe me.

Ah, buongiorno! This goes both ways? I've been hearing some interesting things over this ear ... device? ... that don't quite seem right. Troubling, maybe, is the word...?

Also, it's my understanding this a prison? There must be a mistake. I'm only fourteen. There must be laws against this?

Also, what is a dimensional stabilizer?

[ Action ]

[Nico is confused. And excited. And also nervous. (Why is he here? He's not a bad person! Not... not really. Mama will worry.) He's nothing special, just a regular teenage boy. He goes to a boarding school and he doesn't really know his father, but his mama is beautiful and amazing, just like his older sister. His family migrated to America from Italy a few years ago, when the war started taking over Europe. His English is pretty good, even if his accent is still strong. He's a good student. A little hyper. He likes comic books more than book books, and wishes he had super powers (he doesn't). He has a crush on Jimmy Langly - but he'll tell you it's Jenny he's got the crush on.

Is that why he's here?

This is very new and strange, so no matter where you find him, he's likely to be gaping in wide-eyed wonder, and touching everything.]

Aug. 1st, 2016



Day 387

[Option 1; Action]

[This... is a disaster.

Slumped on the ground in defeat, Yuuki can't believe her luck at all. On the day she sets out to attend a school. An actual school for the first time, with other people her age, with other vampires and even humans alike, she gets kidnapped. How can this be her luck!? Dismayed, she stares at the device she's slipped off her ear, as though the words 'just kidding' will be written on it somewhere. Of course there's no such thing. For a moment, she can't help but wonder if her father is the one responsible. He had been the one most nervous regarding her introduction to society, and about attending school. In fact, she's only allowed to attend because her brother is going to join her.

After this, though, she has to wonder if her parents might just go back on their word and make her go home.

Which only leaves her one option....!]

I have to find a way out of here myself...

[Before her brother, mother, or father even know something has happened.]

[Option 2, Video]

[Luckily, this weird communication device is pretty easy to use. She's fiddled with it a little, and decides to try and test it out.]

Hello...? People can hear me, right? [Can they see her, too?]

It's a pleasure to meet everyone. [Friendly, and with a smile] I'm new here, and I was wondering if people could answer a few questions for me. First- has anyone heard of Kurosu Academy?

[Option 3; Pick your own adventure]

[Find Yuuki anywhere! Stopping to get snacks, exploring the school, lingering outside of the Blood Shack, or anywhere else public you might think of. She has no memories of Marina. Her event info can be found here! She also has a Permissions Post which is always up regarding her vamprism and abilities! Feel free to fill that out so that I don't step on any toes. ♥]

Jul. 10th, 2016



[Day 383] action / open

[ And it was going so well.

He shared an apartment with them for several days, a room with Euphie for some of that, and keeping that -- particular -- area of his chest hidden wasn't terribly difficult. He's always been on the modest side. Pajamas to bed, typical enough; avoiding the pool and the ocean, perfectly in keeping with his preferences to minimize any form of physical activity; shirt on through the heatwave... he was hardly the only one.

But Botani has been relentlessly, coercively relaxing. Everything here is so simple and easy. Doing what makes you most comfortable is so... simple and easy.

And he is soaked through from a mishap at the lagoon, which is not comfortable, so Lelouch's first impulse is to fix that, even though far from being in a locked room (or bathroom, or once Euphie's closet), he's currently outdoors where anyone could see him...

...he's going to pull his shirt up over his head, exposing a truly nasty-looking scar on his chest. ]

((ooc: if your character is the type to recognize these things, it's a pretty new scar, and he got it from being stabbed between his ribs and through his heart with near-surgical precision!))

Jun. 27th, 2016



Day 382 - Pleasure Prison Mingle



Jun. 21st, 2016



Day 381 Video/Action: Open


So, we're on day three of whatever this is. And I can't tell you what it's going to be. We've had situations like it before. We've had worse. I'm sure a few of you remember. [There were times the power was off consistently and things got cold and air got thin.] I can tell you being on day three of anything is rare, and I expect something big to follow. Big could be a lot of things.

That means we need to be ready. And when I say "we" I don't just mean the Defense Force. I mean all of us as a community of people. We didn't choose each other and didn't choose this life, but we need to choose each other now. We don't know what's coming or if anything is even coming, but that doesn't change how we should respond—together. We need to be watchful, flexible, and concerned with our neighbors' safety and well being.

The Defense Force is here for that. We have a dispatch line. Call us. We've been tracking this situation since it started. Help all of us out, by helping us get the biggest picture possible for what's happening. It doesn't have to be something life threatening, but definitely call us for that too. It can just be something that's unusual or doesn't make sense. That means a lot of calls, but it's okay. It's part of the job and that doesn't just go today or when I open up a line to everyone. It's every single day and you'll need to know that because we're getting through this. There's going to be a tomorrow and a day after and one after that.

Put yourselves in the best situation you can. Now, we've scouted supplies and we're still doing good, so I want people to make sure households have blankets and warm clothes. It's not something we usually need a lot of here, but it will come in handy if temperatures keep dipping. I am not saying hoard these things. You go, you get just what you need. Because, remember, we're watching out for each other here. If you're running out of a resource vital to you or you need help you call dispatch or me or any force member you know.

You have ideas? Self heating structures, ways to make the food supply stretch if needed, secure crafts that might be able to make it to the surface if we could get through the dome, anything that's going to prepare for the common good? Talk to us. Let us help work on those plans, so they can get accomplished faster.

Keep each other's spirits up. Talk to people. Listen. Do something generous or kind just because you can. Just because we're not going to fall apart when they make the lights flicker. We're stronger than that if we stand together. If we don't let fear paralyze us. If we don't limit our thinking or go selfish. We're Marina Fucking Nova, and the wardens can't break us.

[She didn't expect to go on like that. She had a few bits of sensible precautions and reminders to deliver, but it just got more impassioned as it went on. She cares. She cares more than she usually shows. She cares more than she even realizes. These people—even the ones she hasn't met yet are her people now. Her protectorate. Her community. Her team. Her family.]


[She can be found doing a careful sweep of the prison with a notepad and everything so she can record any details that might be useful. She's going to go through all of the facilities while she's at it.]





[Private to members of the Defense Force, Spencer Reid & Himself (Spooderman)]

So um, hi guys...

Not that anyone's panicking or anything. But uh, just for the curious... At what point are we going to start panicking? Asking for a friend.

Should someone come up with a PSA before people turn storefronts into disasters out of Black Friday shopping videos? Y'know, shoving each other and pulling hair, yanking flashlights out of kids hands, knocking over...

[Not important.] Not critiquing! Just suggesting.

Jun. 20th, 2016



Day 381 Roughing It Mingle


[Inmates, are you enjoying the slow dribble of water coming from your faucets? What about the way the power goes out briefly just as you were about to save something? How about the crisp chill in the morning after temperatures dropped overnight? And maybe the most heinous of all, with no new deliveries coming in anyone who only likes fully yellow bananas with no brown spots is now out of luck! Okay, so it's not exactly the worst thing that could be happening, but it is day three and things are only getting worse even if it's only gradually.]


Jun. 13th, 2016



Day 380: open video / open action - afternoon

[Damon is bored. BOOOOOOOOOOORED. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORED. Which is why he posts this video from the Blood Shack.]

Well, since the whole point of these social networks is to whine about your stupid problems, I guess I might as well join the "cool kids" [exaggerated air quotes] and complain about the shitty service we've been getting. Where are all our little robot slaves, picking up the trash? And why didn't anyone tell me they were cutting off my blood shipments?

Speaking of which, the Blood Shack is hiring. Servers. [There's a bit of a fang in his smile; you can probably guess how exactly you'll be serving.]

[posted a few minutes later]

I can't believe I forgot to post a pointless picture of my lunch that nobody cares about! Here it is.

Hashtag Delicious.

[ open action ]
[Damon is hanging out at the Blood Shack, bored and restless and cranky. Bother him at your own risk.]

Jun. 11th, 2016



Day 379 [Open video/action] Backdated to noon

[So Sebastian kindly offered to take the place of all maintenance bots. The Wardens don't recognise a good deal when they see one.]


[There's Sebastian, cheerfully smiling, composed, perfectly immaculate in his butler uniform as always.]

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Please excuse the interruption to your day – I will attempt to be brief. I have made some of your acquaintances already, but for those I have yet to meet: I am Sebastian Michaelis, head butler of the Phantomhive household.

[A small, polite bow at the camera. Even if you haven't been introduced some might have seen Sebastian's smiley, proper self around: waiting on his young lord or Madam Red, or recently helping out at Yuuki Kuran's Nine White Orchids flower shop. And now this:]

Given today's technical difficulties [Veridical wouldn't say if they were having trouble with the bots or not, so Sebastian passive-aggressively goes with the less flattering interpretation of her words] I thought to offer my services, should anyone have use of them. Anyone unaccustomed to cooking, or who would simply prefers not to cook their own meals, is welcome to stop by The Bistro in sector 2. Since it is currently unmanned, I will be using it for the time being. [Veridical kinda sorta said it was okay!]

I will do my best to accommodate any request. I am no professional chef, but I am accustomed to cooking for nobility, and have years of experience with preparing and serving banquets.

Thank you for your time, and do have a good day.


[True to his word, Sebastian has claimed The Bistro restaurant as his place of operation for the day. Please come by and ask him to cook things for you. Or bake things. Please save him from this crushing boredom of not having enough to do.

Anyone passing by just might smell the lunch he's preparing for Ciel and Madam Red: grilled salmon on a spinach bed with duchess potatoes and garlic mushrooms. It smells delicious - surely you want some? Please come inside and give him things to do.]

Jun. 1st, 2016



Day 378 | Open Action

[Action; Sector 4; outside the new flower shop]

[Between forced sleep and a grueling heatwave, Yuuki's managed to keep herself plenty busy despite whatever shenanigans are tossed around the domed prison. From gardening, to gathering supplies and lots of set up she's barely remained still in one place for more than a few minutes. Anyone who frequents sector four may have seen her around much more often, in conjunction with a new shop that has come together rather nicely over the course of the last few days. It settles in nicely among the businesses and brick buildings. Beautiful flowers and plants decorate the entrance, with an elegant yet simple sign overhead that reads 'Nine White Orchids'.

The sign that would indicate that they're open is flipped around to indicate that it isn't yet. But the door is propped wide open with a wedge which proves that someone is inside. A soft, feminine voice can be heard humming inside, lyrics heard intermittently. The sweet, dulcet tones reach outside the shop, intertwining invisibly around anyone within hearing distance. Be careful not to listen too closely, or it's possible to find oneself inside the shop without really thinking about it.

But then maybe you're the type who would have peeked inside anyhow?

Otherwise, the girl humming to herself might set foot outside on her own, a pot of flowers in hand, should one remain unaffected or linger outside the door.]

[Private to Yuuri Shibuya]

Yuuri-kun, can I talk to you if you have a moment?

(OOC: Her singing voice can have an enchanting affect on people (Particularly vampires if relevant or desired). Feel free to use that if you like. Otherwise feel free to resist or remain unaffected! She's not intentionally doing anything. Her desire to do well and be able to draw people into the shop is simply leaking out. Here's a Permissions Post for anyone who might find it useful.)

May. 18th, 2016



376 ♦ action

Just as it was nearly every day, Zero was out and about around the Dome. The need to keep going could be accredited to constantly being busy back home. Although that was mostly work, and not having any time for leisurely things. So he'll fill his time here with whatever.

One of those things was of high priority: The stables. He doesn't even always take one of the horses out, instead just relaxing or napping, much as he'd do at home. Sometimes - like today - he'll have a bag of apples and carrots. He'd come to favor a white one, and while she ate, he continued to brush her.

The arcade was another place. The video games were all more or less new to him, and not something they really had back home. Of course it was any of the games that involved a gun that caught his interest first, even if they proved to be almost too easy eventually. Skee-ball was also something he automatically excelled at, given his marksmanship skills.

In general he can be found around and about anywhere. Be it at Raw enjoying a (huge) bowl of ramen, picking up ingredients at the Convenience Store, or shopping around at Bull's Eye, etc etc. Feel free to come across him!

( for Yuuki )
No green thumbs here )

( for Ichiru )
You can only run so far. )

[OOC: DREAM AFTERMATH STUFF IS MORE THAN WELCOME. Please feel free to switch to action/brackets, I'll follow. Also he has a red bracelet which I'd love to exploit. Just saying. :''') ]



[action] Day 376 - Open

[ After searching the entire dome for Subaru, signs of Subaru, signs of Seishirou, and signs of Fuuma -- and finding none of them -- Kamui gave up temporarily and found somewhere to live.

Today, he grudgingly ventures out for things which will be useful. He can be found looking for clothes in the Row, since he's still wearing his orange jumpsuit. Or maybe he's in the Pet Cafe, collecting his cat (little grey girl with big green eyes).

Much later, he's lurking near the Defense Force, appearing as though he's looking for someone.

And finally, since there's blood freely available, no one will mind if he takes the Convenience Store's complete supply, right? Right. He has a few nice, big bags. ]

May. 11th, 2016



[Day 375] [Video]

[ Click. Have a very pretty teenager wearing the most affably self-deprecating smile you've seen recently, Marina! ]

Thank you very much, Wardens Verdical and Conscienti, for the spirited welcome. [ A chuckle; casually pushes his bangs out of his eyes. So harmless. ] I'm sure we all feel much better for it.

[ Lelouch holds eye contact with the video a moment more; violet and intelligent and watching you for any sign that you might not have felt better, because he has doubts, you see -- but perfectly normal, and normal even without the contacts. Which is not acceptable, FYI. ]

Well! As bracing as this morning has been, [ His smile shifts ever so slightly. ] it's no excuse to take leave of one's manners. My name is Lelouch. [ Just... that, for now. ] I'll be looking forward to meeting you all.

Ah, and I do have one question, if any of the veterans are feeling generous enough to answer it...

[ Gesturing eloquently. ] These... "rehabilitation points". I've never heard of a prison putting a numerical value on something like that before! [ Smile! Even more affably self-deprecating than the first. ] An example would be appreciated.

May. 6th, 2016



374 ♦ dreams

( unwilling vampire )

[A rather young-looking Zero, around the age of 13, has been wandering the Dome for some time, now. He has no real destination in mind, but instead is just trying to figure out where he is, in general, and how he even got here. It hardly takes much for him to grow frustrated; upset, as well, but that part won't outwardly show.

All he knows is that this place definitely is not home.

At some point he winds up near the Blood Shack. It's as if on instinct alone that he finds the place. He's already keen to the presence of blood in the air as it is with being a vampire hunter. . . . Only, it's been hardly a month since he was turned into a vampire— the very thing he now loathes with every fiber of his being. He still keeps a bandage wrapped around his throat, while also in part to hide a rather large "tattoo" on the left side of his neck.

The very heady scent of blood in the air affects him belatedly, hitting his senses like a ton of bricks. And immediately is he both desperate and hateful. He initially can't even breathe, trembling where he stands with a hand clutching his chest over his heart. The desire to enter the Blood Shack to ease just how much he's physically aching is overwhelming. His other hand moves to claw at the side of his throat where that woman sank her fangs into him. Turning him into an unforgivable monster.

. . .So he turns to run, scrambling to get as far away as he can from such horrible temptation.

He isn't fully paying attention to anyone who might be in the area, only glaring at them before sneering. His eyes are a brilliant and bloody red, unbeknownst to him.]

What are you looking at?

[ OOC: Replies will come from [info]hatefully! Also, Zero can sense vampires, just as an FYI to any who might comment. ]

May. 4th, 2016



Day 374 | Shared dreaming

[ Something that is red is....?]

[It's snowy. The wind is strong, pushing against your body. It makes it difficult to stand against the blizzard that blots out the sky turning everything to white. It's cold, too, the area mountainous with only scattered trees. The only thing you can be thankful for, is that you seem to be dressed appropriately for the weather. But the more you wander, freezing in the elements, you'd really like to get out of the storm and into somewhere warm. Looking down to try and keep the snow from hitting your face, you glance down, and that's when you see it.

In a world covered in white, red stands out.


It covers the ground, staining the snow in a bright color that can't be missed. That's when you hear it, though. There's a voice up ahead. Looking up, you can clearly see a man. Smiling as though he had just won a prize, he speaks down to a little girl no more than five years old who stands in the midst of the blizzard.]

Are you lost, little girl? [The smile widens and he reaches down toward her. A snarl overtakes him, and lips parting, pointed fangs are clearly visible as he grabs her roughly] If that's case, then may I drink your blood? [The child is petrified, her eyes widening as the man grabs her, forcing her head to the side as he easily restrains her within his grip.]

...! Sto-- [She starts to cry in a young, terrified voice. You know and realize immediately that if you don't do something, he'll bite her.]

[Disciplinary Committee]

Hold it right there!

[With a hand held out dramatically, she points at you. It's dark, but thanks to the lamps that decorate the many crisscrossing paths of Cross Academy, you can both see each other clearly in the dark. Upon inspection, the one who's suddenly stopped you is a long haired brunette, dressed up in a black school uniform. You might not know her, but usually she is recognized as being the Headmaster's adoptive daughter and the younger sister to the infamous Kaname Kuran.

Adjusting an armband near her shoulder, she places her opposite hand on her hip.]

Don't you know it's past curfew? I'm going to need your name and class number.



374 - open dreams

[ Cabin in the woods ]

[ It's quiet out here. Not silent, but quiet. Peaceful is the word, perhaps, for the stillness that permeates every inch of the landscape. Wide stretched fields, deep dark woods with a heavy scent of pine and damp moss, the lingering sweetness of manure that follows along on the breeze. It's late summer, with the chirp of crickets and berries ripening in the outskirts of the woods.

You approach a cabin. It's small, two tiny rooms and a tinier kitchen, a rickety porch and a roof that may not survive another winter. Across the yard, an old barn that houses nothing but a rusted over tractor and a handful of chickens, happily cooing and roosting in the hay. This hasn't been a farm in a long time but someone is living here. Vegetables grow behind the house, a clothing line is stretched out between two gnarly old apple trees in the yard, the clothes still damp and smelling of soap. No electricity, no running water, if you need the bathroom you'll have to settle for the outhouse.

Care to explore? ]



374 ★ Shared Dreaming

a ★ thors

spoilers for cold steel's end game )

b ★ field study

[ The first thing you notice is the fact that you're wearing an unfamiliar uniform with a red blazer. The next is the fact that you're carrying a device that's just a bit bigger than the average cell phone. When you flip it open, you notice it has colorful orbs set inside it.

Rean finds you while you're looking over this device. ]

You're probably wondering what that is, right?

[ He's wearing a similar uniform to yours which, he says, means you're in his class (Class 7). He doesn't recognize you, however, which he doesn't think is that big of a problem. ]

It's alright. Anyway, if you don't mind helping me with my requests, I'd really appreciate it. I've got three going on right now.

[ * In this dream, Rean will be lucid. But it's okay! This is the laid back dream where you get to do mundane stuff like fish/gather stuff/deliver things/fight random monsters etc. ]

May. 3rd, 2016



[ day З74 ] second entry♘ dreams ➳ action (open)

[ You find yourself in a wide snowy open. The wind is soft and there light snow falling. From the corner of your eyes, you can see a boy bundled up in a coat and ear muffs. His pale face was tinted with a slight pink as he blows against his mittens to warm himself up. It's one of those days where he's feeling good enough to be outside, and while grabbing onto another boy who looks completely identical to him, he turns back and waves at you. ]

C'mon let's play in the snow!

[ He chimed, a bright lit smile on his pale face as he grabbed you with his other free arm and attempting to make you run along with him on their adventures. ]

I hear near the entrance of the woods you can find rabbits and foxes.

[ He will continue to pull you along to humor him and play little hunting games with him until he starts to cough. His brother calls to you to help them out and the two of you help him back to their warm home. His brother tells you that he's unwell and he often gets cold. Once the three of you made it back to their warm toasty home, you are greeted with two adults, one female with a loose ponytail and the other a man who was a spitting image of the two boys but much older. The two of them pats the three of you on the head as they ushered you all inside.

The coughing one of the two boys was placed on the couch by the fire with a blanket. He seems to be very happy despite the cold and despite the fact that his health is unwell. The parents tell you it's going to be a bit before dinner and you should stay. ]
Trigger Warnings: Blood, Vampirism )