MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'piper+halliwell'

Jun. 27th, 2016



Day 382 - Pleasure Prison Mingle



May. 8th, 2016



Day 374 - Dreaming Event - Open

It was a good day to sleep in, yes? Yes. So, Piper was going to do just that. She had a late night at the restaurant, anyway, so sure. It was the perfect excuse, and she didn't have a breakfast service.


  1. Mother's Day

  2. Demon Hunting

  3. Secrets Revealed

  4. Player's Choice

Event Planning Thread if you want to work something out before tagging!

May. 2nd, 2016



Day 374 Shared Dreaming

Dream 1: Family Time
[Sam is seated at a dining room table filled with what looks like a traditional Thanksgiving meal of turkey and every starch you've ever seen and "salads" that have nothing to do with vegetables not to mention a row of pies just waiting for afterward. He's sitting at one end smiling and laughing and apparently holding up his end of some lively conversations except everyone else at the table—as far as you can tell—is dead.]

Dream 2: Too Long (That's what she said)
[Your face is cupped between Sam's hands and your lips are already together so you might as well kiss back, right? It's been a long time for him, and he's prepared to make this worth your time.]

(OOC: Death warnings for dream 1 and sexy warnings in dream 2. Plotting if you have other ideas or need to discuss anything. You're welcome to just jump in!)

Apr. 4th, 2016



370 - Fear Itself: The Revenge



Feb. 22nd, 2016



Day 364 - Newbie Welcome Reception

Hey, everyone. We had a lot of new people arrive yesterday. It's the biggest group in a while. [She wondered if that said something about the state of the prison, but she kept going through her message without missing a beat.] I just wanted to let everyone know that the Day After Welcome Mingle is happening over at the Sizzle & Sear tonight. It's basically a way to help the newbies get to know people around them. So, newbies and oldbies can all come down and hang out. There will be comfort food and drinks.

If you have anything from home in the way of a recipe or comfort type meal you want me to try making for you, I can definitely give it a go. Just let me know, okay?

I hope to see you all tonight.


[At the restaurant, Piper was definitely doing her thing. It was a little harder with such a large group now that she had lost her hostess Inara again to the system glitch, but she was handling it pretty well, and Sam was a great help when he wasn't focused on the bar.

Standard menu is available, as well as traditional comfort foods that Piper already knows... like mac & cheese, etc. She's also looked up a few Russian dishes after Checkov requested them a while back, so there's a couple of them around, too.]

Feb. 8th, 2016



362 - Mistletoe Bot Mingle!

[Pucker up, inmates! It's that day again—your favorite prison holiday! And, of course, the wardens provided lip balm stations for your convenience.

(OOC: Mistletoe Bot INFO)

Jan. 25th, 2016



360 - Instant Replay Mingle

[Maybe you're at the media store or educational center to play your disc. Maybe you're just out and about somewhere contemplating what you saw or whether to see it. Either way, you're bound to run into someone!]

(OOC: Instant Replay Event Info)

Jan. 4th, 2016



Day 357 — Body/Mind Swap Mingle

[Everything may be a bit topsy turvy today. Maybe you lost your head. Maybe you lost everything else. Or maybe you're perfectly you and it's just your friends and neighbors who don't make any sense.

Good luck going out and about to figure out your new surroundings.]


Oct. 26th, 2015



DAY 347 : Haunted Hotel Mingle


[You have a lot of baggage for your stay. Not the kind you stuff free robes and toiletries into. No, the kind of baggage that helps drive the sort of scenarios you experience. Your fears and your hang ups. Or maybe not everything is about you after all and you have a perfectly random, horrific time. Either way, the adventure starts now. Ring the bell for service.]

OOC: Haunted Hotel Info/Plotting

Oct. 24th, 2015




[ it's voice only today. leia could have easily put on one of her many alusteel game faces, but she doesn't have the energy for it today. ]

I regret to inform you that Luke Skywalker has vanished from the prison. [ her tone is flat, listless and detached, as if she were reading a pre-written speech off a holoprompter instead of telling the prison her twin brother's gone. ] We don't belong to this place, and while I doubt any of us enjoy seeing those we're attached to -- both from our homes and not -- leave the prison, it's for the best that they don't remain.

Sep. 12th, 2015




[ those forced required to attend the IDENTITY CRISIS therapy group find themselves directed to a back room of the library. there are snacks and beverages located against one wall, another table on the opposite side with a stack of mirrors, and a circle of chairs in the middle -- otherwise, the room is quite barren. perhaps to prevent those in attendance from getting too distracted... ]

An identity crisis is a time in life when an individual begins to seriously look for answers about the nature of his or her being and the search for an identity. Most teens go through periods of defiance against parental figures and other authorities. Though kids may make extremely poor choices when they choose to defy their parents, they are often participating in a deep exploration of self that will help them determine what they will do and who they will be as they enter adulthood. However, this crisis is not restricted to adolescence and the emergence into adulthood. It can occur at any time, and many people label the midlife crisis as a crisis of identity. Some people find their values, choices, or paths inappropriate after major life changes, such as divorce. Furthermore, nations and communities can suffer these crises, too, as they grow or respond to major changes. Allowing an identity to emerge before making important decisions or changes seems psychologically sound.

Who are you? Who do you think you are? Who are you supposed to be? Who are you really? Discuss if you find yourself uncomfortable answering any of these questions. Elaborate on why you may find that you cannot answer them.

Look into the mirror. Who do you see? Is it who you expected to see? If not, share who you want to be able to see when you look at your reflection.

Where were you when you began to question your identity? What were you doing? Was there a particular moment or event that sparked this questioning? Discuss and share.

( ooc → feel free to add your own activity or discussion!
group therapy information | tl;dr blurb from wisegeek )

Sep. 11th, 2015



Day 340 Video | Open Action

[Video | Private to everyone excluding Kitty the elder]

[The video goes out in the morning, before all the therapy and inevitable drama. Ianto looks predictably business-like even for this message.]

Hello. I know it seems like it's shaping up to be a busy day this morning but it's also Kitty's birthday. We'll be hosting a party in our flat this evening if anyone would like to stop by. It's a surprise, so please try not to utterly ruin that aspect for her in the few hours between now and then.

[Open Action]

[Fastforward to evening and party time. Somehow Ianto has found the time between therapy sessions to get the apartment he and Jack share tastefully decorated and throw together some food and, of course, coffee. He's not sure how many people will be feeling up to this after spending the day talking about their problems but even if no one attends he suspects she'll still appreciate the gesture. He's told Kitty to come over for drinks and talking, conveniently leaving out the bit where people are going to jump out and yell surprise when she arrives.]

Sep. 8th, 2015



[Day 340] Not Quite Normal Group Therapy Mingle

[The Not Quite Normal Group Therapy Session was set up in one of the workshop rooms in the Education Center. The individual tables were pushed together into one with the chairs around it to promote a sense of belonging for the outcasts participants.

Activities were fairly free-form with a loose structure of a schedule. Introductions, bonding activities, and snacks. There were also name tags for all to wear, already printed with their names. Paper and pencils are provided.]


My Name Is...
Go around the group and ask each young person to state his/her name and attach an adjective that not only describes a dominant characteristic, but also starts with the same letter of his name e.g. generous Grahame, dynamic Dave. Write them down, attach to their name tag, and refer to them by this for the rest of the session.

Catch Me if You Can
Everyone creates two parallel lines facing one another, opposite someone they don't know very well. Partners introduce themselves to one another, having about a minute to talk back and forth about things like hobbies, likes/dislikes, unique features. Both lines then turn back to back. They have one minute to change something small about themselves, like how their hair lies, what hand their watch is on, remove or add glasses, etc. The change should be discreet, but visible. Once time is up, the lines turn back to face one another again. Each person has two minutes and three guesses to identify the change in the other person.

Fact or Fiction
Everyone writes on a piece of paper THREE things about themselves which may not be known to the others in the group. Two are true and one is not. Taking turns they read out the three 'facts' about themselves and the rest of the group votes which are true and false.

Snacks will be served! Take a break and talk casually to others.

Bonding Activities

What Makes You Unique
Everyone shares something unique about themselves. Show and tell if possible. Discussion welcome.

What Makes You the Same
Break apart into smaller groups of two or three. Each person must find 10 things they have in common with the person/people they're talking to.

Unique Isn't Bad
Each person talks about a time when the unique thing about them helped themselves or others. Alternately, each person discusses how they could re-purpose their uniqueness if it's something they see as bad in themselves.

Worries in a Hat
Participants anonymously write down a worry or fear related to their unique attributes and drop them in the large hat. Specificity with anonymity is encouraged. For example, "I'm worried that having magical powers and special duties because of these powers will interfere with having a family." Each person then picks a random card from the shuffled hat, reads the worry out loud, and attempts to explain what the person who wrote the worry means, trying to describe their own understanding/reflection of the person's emotions associated with the worry. The next person then picks. If someone picks their own worry, they place it back in the hat, reshuffle, and pick again. If someone figures out who wrote the worry, they must respect anonymity and not say who it was. After all the worries in the hat are read, the group can then discuss common fears and themes among what was in the hat.

Free for All
Feel free to make your own activity until the end of the session!

Have fun with your new friends! Post session chatting is encouraged.


{OOC: Group Therapy Event Info}

Sep. 7th, 2015



[Day 340] Murderers Anonymous Therapy Group

[You'll find the Murderers Anonymous group in one of the rooms at the Education Center. Snacks and drinks are provided. Chairs are set up in a circle in the center of the room. The door will be kept shut for privacy.]

[Paper and pencils and materials are provided on tables throughout the room. Feel free to move around.]

Warm Up
- How do you feel today? Circle all that apply. Why do you feel the way you do? Pick some other other emotions on the chart and discuss those. ("I feel angry when...", "It makes me happy when...")

- Fold a piece of paper in half. On one side, draw a representation of the part of you that is dangerous, violent, or evil. On the other side, draw a representation of the part of you that is kind, nurturing, and good. Share the result. Explain why you drew what you did and how you feel about each aspect of yourself.
- Silhouette Collage - Make a silhouette of yourself and fill your head with whatever is going on in your brain. What do you think about? What do you like? Dreams. Fears. Hopes.

- Write your own eulogy. What would you want to read at your funeral if you were to die tomorrow?
- Write a eulogy for someone who has died/could have died as a result of your actions.

- Discuss this paraphrased quote from Elie Wiesel: "Violence is a form of communication for a person who fails to find words." What are you trying to communicate?
- What are your views of death and the afterlife? What happens to us after we die?
- Do you have any regrets? Things you would take back, do again differently...
- Do you feel murder is justifiable? Explain your position.


((OOC: Feel free to add in your own activities or prompts! Info.))




[The Loss/grieving therapy group was directed to the pet cafe. There are treats for humans and animals alike as well as activities to keep you busy and sharing and growing.]

Animal therapy
Talking about painful things is always easier when buried under kittens.

You look at them and discuss of course!
[Examples: A and B (Don't worry about actually taking that test.) Use any inkblot you find or make up!]

There will be a handout with the following instructions:
Go through the alphabet with a partner, taking every other letter. Come up with a word that starts with your letter which you associate with someone or something you miss and explain what it means to you. [Example: (you) A — Apples — Dad always peeled his apples first, but then he'd eat the peel too. (partner) B — Baseball — My dog had this ratty old baseball he took everywhere. He always slept with his head on top of it.]

Card prompts
There's a table full of cards to get conversations started.
— Finish the sentence: "Today, my grief feels like..."
— Finish the sentence: "Today, I'm really missing..."
— List 5 things you don't miss about what you lost.
— What is the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning?
— What would you say if you had the chance to speak with someone you've lost again?
— What do you think they would tell you they want for you?
— Name 3 things you will do to fill your time and the void left behind.
— And many more...

(OOC: Don't let these prompts limit you. Be creative, if you want a different kind of prompt or activity then run with it! It's fine if your ideas require additional supplies too. This is everyone's post. Mingle! INFO)




[Welcome to the Family Issues group therapy located in a room at the education center. There are tables, chairs, prompts and various supplies along with food and beverages and a bot to keep an eye on things. Enjoy!]

There are family member photos everywhere. Make sure to use them to prompt conversations.

Roleplaying exercise
There is a hand out that explains roleplaying each other's key relatives including:
— Tell the person how you feel and what you needed from them.
— Express frustration/anger with the foam bats provided.
— Hug it out.

There's a poster with the following instructions.
Word associations: start with a word that makes you think of family and then go back and forth with a partner, occasionally stopping to discuss what the words represent.

Card prompts
There's a basket of cards to get conversations started.
— What do you think of when you think of family?
— Who are you closest to in your family and why do you think that is?
— Who are you most distant or confrontational with in your family and why do you think that is?
— Have you lost a family member? What happened?
— What is your earliest memory?
— What was your childhood like?
— What sort of stressors were there in the family? (Separation, divorce, moving, loss of job, births, deaths, abuse)
— And many more...

(OOC: Don't let these prompts limit you. Be creative, if you want a different kind of prompt or activity then run with it! It's fine if your ideas require additional supplies too. This is everyone's post. Mingle! INFO)

Sep. 2nd, 2015



[ video ]

So, apparently, the prison bots have decided I'm now recovered enough that I need to carry out my punishment from being murdered several days ago, so here I am.

[And here also was a "friendly" reminder bot with taser at the ready in case she chickened out.]

That being said, I'm not really good at actually performing something artistic, so we have two choices. I could do a one-time cooking show or a magic show.

Or a combination of the two. So three choices. I'm kinda... not sure what...

Aug. 31st, 2015



DAY 339 — Morning Greeting

Good morning. Great? Mediocre? That's really up to you. Why should I impose my adjectives upon you? Then again I am the warden here, so good it is.

I would advise you to spend your hours wisely. They are your most important resource after all.

Rebecca Crane, your request is ready.

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Veridical unless otherwise requested. Warden request post | Mail submissions)

Aug. 3rd, 2015



335 - Daffodil Dive mingle

[ Chuck hadn't anticipated all these people showing up on the day of the grand re-opening, but there's food and drink a-plenty and what's a few more guests, really?

The Daffodil Dive, once known as the infamous Devil's Compass, has seen a deep scrub and a fresh coat of paint, warm and inviting in yellow and orange, with the occasional friendly skull painted on the walls and bar. There's flowers and fragrant herbs in pots and vases, adorning the tables or filling up dark corners. Lit candles illuminate the room, with plenty of food laid out a couple of the tables — pies (savoury and sweet) and cupcakes, fresh fruit and vegetables, little hors d'oeuvres, more elaborate dishes courtesy of Piper and Sizzle and Sear. The bar will be open, champagne glasses already filled with bubblies both alcoholic and non.

Come! Enjoy your time in prison! ]

((ooc: Official reopening party log of the Daffodil Dive! 4th wallers and regulars equally welcome! Please feel free to assume invitations have been scattered around the dome. ))

Jul. 19th, 2015



Day 332 Video.

[ Facilier did not enjoy being accused of murder, he really didn’t. And as such he has spent the morning at home but now he has decided to do something about all of this and that is why you can all see him on the video. He is quite huffy and has a sarcastic sneer as he speaks.]

Well isn’t this the cat´s meow and a kick in the can? I have never snuffed anyone in my life. [ He looks both sad, apologetic and angry.] The big cheese in this joint is using me like some kind of fall guy.

No, listen. Piper, listen to me… no one was in their right mind yesterday. You and Sam thought you were married… I would never do something like that, I wouldn’t! [Unless you have a huge amount of money and a daughter that would inherit everything and was at a marriageable age.] Y´all have to believe me, I might be a common poor sinner but I ain’t no killer.