Posts Tagged: 'yasiel'

May. 29th, 2024



Yasiel [10pm]

If you see a grey-haired woman with glasses wandering around, don't interact with her.


Even if she might walk through walls.


One of the gifts I received was haunted by her.


She's my grandmother. Her name is Rosalinda.

I can almost guarantee she won't like you, so it's best not to try and reason with her. She appears to know things about people here, or is pretending to. I wouldn't give any credence to what she says at all.

In fact, she'll likely leave quicker if you ignore her.

Any help with this would be appreciated.

She was incredibly powerful in life, so I don't think this is going to be fixable in one night. And I think [...] I need a break before trying to wrangle her again. I'll be available in the morning.

May. 15th, 2024



Hiroki (1:02 pm)

With the trend of punishments being barring us from being comfortable in our rooms I have to wonder if the overlords are suggesting we coordinate a slumber party. That seems like the kind of weird thing they might do.

[PM to Leya]
I saw that you are missing a bed today. How are you other than that?

May. 13th, 2024



[PM to Gwen, noonish]


I heard what happened. I'd like to check in and possibly do an exam.

Do you feel well enough to come to the clinic? Or I could go to you.

Apr. 21st, 2024



Yasiel [10:21 AM]

I can't help but think all of this holiday cheer will come with a price. Tread carefully.

Do I have to participate in

Do I have to

Must I

Do you want me to participate in your thing?

What do I ask for, for the girl who has every vibrator and rope in the land?

Or Gable?

Apr. 20th, 2024



[09:52am; Public]

Well, it is the season of giving, ja? If there are things you need, put them here. Perhaps together we can get all of them for you.

[PM to Cal]
I am not certain how to go about this, but [...] Ram is interested in [...] us.

Do you
Are you

What do you think about [...] this?

Apr. 17th, 2024



Yasiel [morning]

Anyone else starting to get their eyes back?

Anyone dead? Or hurt?

Or was this really just another exercise in bullshit inconvenience?

I'm assuming this means you'll have yours back sometime tonight. If you're not busy, I'd like to work on that thing we talked about.

I'm gonna come around and tidy up with lunch once I get done here. Being blind is messy business.

Apr. 15th, 2024



Marco V [10:08am]

So do you guys see again yet or should I get back in the elevator? Yesterday was fucking boring so if I'm gonna be in the elevator to help people again you guys gotta start bringing me snacks or books or fucking something.

Apr. 8th, 2024



Yasiel [8:30 AM - public]

I won't be in the clinic today.

I urge everyone to stay put as much as possible to be safe.

If there really is an emergency, you could call Ford's room.

Mar. 28th, 2024



Ravi [early evening]


Thank you for the books.


I still can't find where you chased my smallest screwdriver off to.


I want

I need


How do you

If I wanted to learn some magic for self-defense [...] would any of you be able to teach that sort of thing?

Mar. 10th, 2024



G.H. - 5:28 PM [PM to Yasiel and Ford]

Are you both safe?

Yasiel, I know Shay had a clinic shift with you. If I do not hear from you in a few minutes, then I will make my way down to the clinic.

Feb. 28th, 2024



Yasiel [9:45PM]

I'm impressed at your dedication to putting away free food. Buffets must hate you all.

Plants tomorrow?

Princess, I need a favour.

Feb. 25th, 2024



Queen of Tarts - 11:24 AM

So much for putting together a breakfast feast for people

Hope people are enjoying the all you can eat pancakes. What are your thoughts on gingerbread houses?

Feb. 9th, 2024



Queen of Tarts - 4:24 PM

I am starting my Christmas/Hannukah/Winter Holiday baking spree. How is this different from any other day in this very questionable purgatory? Absolutely nothing, except there's far too much snow outside right now, and I'm supposed to go pick up a very fussy cat in 3 hours.

Hit me with your favorite treats, the less traditional American, the better. I want things from your Grandma, Nonna, Babushka, Gran, Abuelita, Bubbe, Oma, Nan, and any other name you may have for the best baker in your life. Other than me, of course.

Otherwise, we are going to have gingerbread. Lots and lots of gingerbread.

Jan. 20th, 2024



Little Goth Scientist - 11:16 PM

I'm glad to be finally warm again.

[PM to Yasiel]
Is it true you're back? I don't know why they'd lie, but

[PM to Ram]
Are you okay? We haven't seen you around and I want to check in.

Dec. 22nd, 2023



Marco V [9:51am]

I feel like I should say Ari because I'm mad at him but being mad isn't the same as hating someone. Not that I hate anyone here.


Dec. 12th, 2023



Queen of Tarts - 2:20 PM

If anyone was looking forward to brownies of the regular or weed kind, you're going to have to wait a little bit longer. Someone put salt in the white sugar. So that's a few batches ruined.

Check back in a few hours. Everything will be clearly marked. But for those who want a sneak peek:

Double batch of Cosmic Brownies - includes weed

Dulce de Leche Brownies - safe for all

Regular Brownies - vegan

Dec. 9th, 2023



G.H. - 8:30 AM

[Private Message to Shay, Yasiel, and Ford]
Would any of you have some soap or body wash that I borrow? It seems mine was [...] tampered with.

Dec. 8th, 2023



Marco V [9:57am]

Okay so I don't think I'm punished today, unless this doll that looks like me is the punishment. Like it's gonna take over and switch bodies with me or something. That's not a thing, right?

I hope it's not that because tiny me is kinda rad as hell otherwise. We have the same hoodie.

Dec. 3rd, 2023



Little Goth Scientist - 10:16 AM

I know everyone many of us are anticipating Thanksgiving celebrations later today. Thank you, Birdie, Sabina, and Linds, for putting everything together.

But I was wondering if I might ask for some assistance tomorrow from as many of you as are willing.

I am looking for books regarding magic, preferably any spellbooks or grimoires. Some of us here are cursed, and I hope to find some way to assist in breaking these curses. Unfortunately, the library is large and not organized in any obvious way.

If we can split all the bookshelves among many of us, we might be able to go through the entire library (relatively) quickly and see if it contains what we're looking for. I'm asking for an hour or two to get through as much as possible. Whenever you might be available.



Tyler Ford [10:12am; public]

Happy Thanksgiving, kids!