Posts Tagged: '%23day+059'

Dec. 12th, 2023



Queen of Tarts - 2:20 PM

If anyone was looking forward to brownies of the regular or weed kind, you're going to have to wait a little bit longer. Someone put salt in the white sugar. So that's a few batches ruined.

Check back in a few hours. Everything will be clearly marked. But for those who want a sneak peek:

Double batch of Cosmic Brownies - includes weed

Dulce de Leche Brownies - safe for all

Regular Brownies - vegan

Dec. 9th, 2023



G.H. - 8:30 AM

[Private Message to Shay, Yasiel, and Ford]
Would any of you have some soap or body wash that I borrow? It seems mine was [...] tampered with.

Dec. 8th, 2023



Marco V [9:57am]

Okay so I don't think I'm punished today, unless this doll that looks like me is the punishment. Like it's gonna take over and switch bodies with me or something. That's not a thing, right?

I hope it's not that because tiny me is kinda rad as hell otherwise. We have the same hoodie.




Day 59.