Posts Tagged: 'julie'

Apr. 15th, 2023



Marco V [10:04am]

Okay so yeah, I guess I outed myself but it's still fucked that I was put in that position, that fucking sucks.

I've been mostly clean for over a year, the heroin was a punishment for not hitting someone at random, Hey remember when Dietre fucking stabbed someone when they asked him but I couldn't even and by some fucking miracle I haven't done it yet, because boy, does this fucking place make me want to dissociate as much as possible.

Hollis I owe you a tarot reading, if anyone else wants one I guess I'll be in the seance room. The dope's not in my bathroom anymore, don't go in my room, you can't have it just because I don't want it.

I feel like I should write something here to make this end in a good way but really I feel real weird about this.

Apr. 8th, 2023



[No Subject]

[public, 8:46am]
If it’s any consolation to anybody, I put zero thought into the answers for that quiz. Reading through all that, none of it’s any of my business to know anyway. Hopefully that’s the worst thing to happen today.

[PM to Jesse, 8:51am]
Hey. Saw they had your name on that crappy list. Sorry they did that to you.

[PM to Julie, 8:55am]
How’s you doing? Haven’t seen you for a while.

Mar. 20th, 2023



JuliettaVienetta | 9:29am | Public

I deeply apologise for the amount of chocolate-containing treats that are about to disappear from the cupboards, but I need these. Sorry and thank you.

Feb. 28th, 2023



[10:15am; Public]

I am looking for fishing equipment. Has anyone seen such things around the town or the tower? I intend to go looking near the docks if I cannot find any thing here.

[PM to Daphne]
Forgive me, but you said something at the fey gathering I wish to ask you about. You are formerly feytouched, you said? [...] And you implied that your gifts did not carry over when you were turned. Is that true?

Feb. 25th, 2023



Cecilia Rynbë - 7:30am

If people are still in agreement, let's do a vote on establishing house rules (or not) tomorrow in the ballroom at 1 PM, please.

And just as a reminder, the emergency clinic has started. It's in the south lounge on p3, stop in if you need any medical help. I'll be on my way there shortly. We've got plenty of volunteers for the next few days but I'll always have sign-up sheets in the kitchen for the future.



JuliettaVienetta | 2pm | Public

I really just want to survive.

Maybe pick up some more exercise I guess.

Feb. 11th, 2023



Cecilia Rynbë - Public - 9:49am

Ideally I would have liked to broach this topic at the meeting we tried a few days ago, because it seemed like the sort of thing to discuss in person, but maybe this is better. Give everyone a chance to read it, think on it, and come back to it later.

I would like to propose a vote establishing house rules. Yes, I know the knee-jerk reaction a lot of you are going to have is 'absolutely not.' I understand, but please hear me out and read this in full before you call me an authoritarian moron.

I am not proposing anything outlandish or over the top. I am proposing three simple rules (which I will explain later in this post), and of course opening the floor to any other submissions. I would propose we vote on each proposed rule individually, with majority ruling. What happens when rules are broken would again be something everyone has to vote on, but I am putting forth only non-violent suggestions. Chores, room arrest, that sort of thing. Yes, I just heard some of you roll your eyes. Room arrest is something that can have an impact on anyone, even a vampire. If that's not serious enough, temporary banishment from the tower perhaps for very serious offenses. There are other buildings in town with heat, water, and food. It could be done.

We have seen a lot of conflict here amongst ourselves, and I shouldn't have to tell you why that's bad it's bad enough we're on edge from the people that put us here. I really feel like we need to at least try to live together as a community. People should not be afraid to leave their rooms. People should not be afraid to go to the kitchen. What's more, we know of two instances where our kidnappers made violent deals with people on the inside. We don't know if there have been others, but we have to assume it will happen again. Having a system in place may at least give pause to anyone offered such a deal.

Here are the three rules I am proposing. All are open to amendment.

1. Do not cause physical harm to each other. I understand with, say, vampires, this wording could be problematic, so I'll add without explicit consent. Biting, kink, fight club, whatever it may be, consent is key.

2. Clean up after yourself in public spaces.

3. Respect quiet hours. I would propose a set time of night (say, for example, midnight to eight AM), where you try not to create too much noise near where people are sleeping. Go nuts in the bar or outside or whatever, but people need their rest. We could vote on the hours to designate as quiet hours as well.

That's it. I would like to invite everyone to at least consider this, sleep on it, and maybe tomorrow or the day after we could gather to vote on whether or not to enact any house rules and what punishments we would be comfortable with as a whole. It would give people time to consider any other suggestions they'd like to put for a vote.

Hate this idea? Then show up and vote against it. That's fine. I know it's impossible to please everybody, and I'm not about to try. I just want to try and keep us safe. None of us want to be here, but let's not add to each other's problems.

Feb. 12th, 2023




[PM to Angel | 9:34am]
I thought you were going to come over with breakfast are you okay?

[PM to Angel | 9:56am]
Okay this is bollocks I'm gonna come over. You better not have been kidnappednapped again.

[Public | 10:34am]
Angel is also not here anymore.

Feb. 11th, 2023



santiago [9:18 am]

Someone wanna explain this to me?



Hunter [10PM, public]


Feb. 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

[day 19, 9:20am; PM to Julie]

Are you okay? I imagine you’re tired of being asked that, so I’m sorry. Is there anything you need, anything I can do?

[PM to Dietre]

Are you okay? They didn’t hurt you, did they?

I tried to find you, when I heard they were coming after you. I’m sorry I couldn’t find you, couldn’t help.

Feb. 4th, 2023



Cecilia Rynbë - 8:49AM

[PM to Angel, Grayson, and Yasiel]

So what happened last night? I could fill in the blanks and assume they offered him something to cause trouble, but what happens now? Is Dietre still locked in his room? Is he off his meds?


Theo and I are still giving first aid lessons in the bar at 11 AM. We'll cover basic first aid, CPR, and the Heimlich maneuver. Please let me know if you plan on attending so I can be better prepared.

I'm also still willing to give self defense lessons, so don't hesitate to reach out.

[PM to Julie]

Hey, you don't know me, and I spent the better part of yesterday trying to figure out if I should do this or not, but if you need someone to talk to I'm here. I'm a trauma survivor and I can't know exactly what you're going through right now, but I know I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I'm sorry that happened to you, and I'll help however I possibly can. Even if you just need someone to get really loud and obnoxious on your behalf. I'm willing to advocate for you however you need.



Leather Jacket Guy - [PMs; 6:45pm]

[PM to Julie]
Hey, holding up okay? Do you need anything?

[PM to Cecilia]
Sorry about the meeting. It was going great right up until that last bit.



Marco V [8:42pm]

You know what, at this point, if you're gonna do some dumb shit that's gonna hurt people physically or emotionally, can you guys do it on P1 since that's a fucking hellscape now? I'd prefer if you all would fucking stop but since people here seem to fucking need to, I'm designating a fucking floor to you.

[Private to Julie]
Wanted to talk to you more at the meeting but everything happened real quick. How are you? Want me to break his fucking piano? Or is there anything else I can do for you that's not getting you food?

[Private to Leya]
How you doing? You still in panic mode or has your brain gone numb yet?




dietre, whos responsible for the earlier
incident refuses to answer questions
until tmrw

hes been warded into a room
yall can go about ur

itll be handled tmrw

Jan. 26th, 2023



Queen of Tarts | 5:45 PM

Okay, peeps, what exactly do people want to see when it comes irredeemable junk food? I'm talking totally worth the nutritionally-empty calories. I need some inspiration here or I'm going to end up with peach macrons that look like butts.

In other news, what do people do around here when they're not stuck in garbage piles or cursing people they don't know? It's only been three days and I'm bored out of my tiny little skull.

Hey Angelman, I don't know how tight you are with the local witches who aren't massive tools, but what's your read on them I can see why you give the collective vampire nest a great big side eye.

Jan. 23rd, 2023



cuervito | public | 2pm.

[After this this.]

figured it was high time to clarify for those who know me and those who dont since i get much backdraft from being public on what my previous profession was

a lot of yall see the word hunter and u dont ask urself what it could mean. u just fill up with hurt and rage. i dont blame u. there are hunters who hunt for sport, ppl who kill outta vendetta. when somebody says theyre a doctor though, doctors always got a speciality. u wouldn't go to a proctologist for a broken arm
i was a bounty hunter not a sports hunter, not a killer w any vendetta. like boba fett or the mandolorian. tho i think boba fett had a vendetta. anyhow my cousin and i was given a price. we chose our assignments based on ethics where im from. ended up living in the diné nation reservation territory, or what yall colonizers at times call incorrectly and understandably so considering not many know the historical context, navajo territory

anyhow a lot of yall have bad experiences w the types of hunters who aint bounty hunters like i was, but we call sports and vendetta hunters

while i don't think yall would wanna know the types of things and people i have had the great displeasure of ever knowing existed in order to judge whether i ought to have taken the bounty on them or not, if u would like ur spine to tingle and to have urself some nightmares tonight to confirm some of my exp, by all means inquire

but i'd like yall going forward to kno im not the type of hunter whose ever hurt one of ur friends or ur family

unless ur friend, or ur family, was a murderer of children, women, or somebody who used their supernaturalness to take advantage of the innocent and weak

in which case, i regret nothing

before i got taken, i was not actively a bounty hunter, but hunting an entity pretty sure none of yall have ever encountered or ever will, since i aint seen a one NDN here

i was hunting it on account of it murdered my wife. tore her to pieces for no reason other than these types like violence

and if u think i ought not to have been hunting a creature such as that, valer madres

Jan. 22nd, 2023



Little Goth Scientist - 1:15 PM

I'm sorry.

The fire and carnage and carnage on P5 was my fault.

I came back to my room yesterday to find several things taken from my room. Including my necklace and watch, both of which carry high sentimental value. In the case of the necklace, monetary value as well. The loss, combined with other factors, caused me to lose control in a way I never have before.

People have a right to be scared. I injured several people and put the entire tower in danger. I could do it again

If you know anything about necklace, please let me know.

I cannot stress how sorry I am for my behavior and the stress and danger I put everyone through.



Group PM: Julie & Marco

think we might need to
get up on our practice.

not sure what else there
is to say.

too much going on and
we're all, all of us,
ultimately powerless.

if either of u feel
up to it, could plan.

Jan. 21st, 2023



[No Subject]

[Day 17, 8:16am]
Hey. I just came back up to my room… P5 looks great, the hall, my room, all of it. Looks like nothing ever happened up here.

Hi. Do you need anything? You better now?

Not sure what happened or why, but it doesn’t change anything. I still think you’re good people.

Hey. I’m Hollis. The witch from yesterday. How are you feeling? Are you doing alright?

It’s Hollis. The guy from yesterday. I didn’t see you around after all that yesterday. You okay?

[known witches]
So… I just heard everything from last night. I wasn’t even thinking about the network after everything here on P5 yesterday, I was right in the middle of all that, so I’d missed everything else that happened later. It’s a lot to take in. I think in the beginning, we were talking about wanting to practice our craft together and to be there for each other. That hasn’t changed for me.

Thanks so much for the help last night. I didn’t realize how much all that smoke had gotten to me.

Hey. Haven’t seen or heard from you in a while. You still here? okay?