Posts Tagged: 'nathan'

May. 14th, 2024



winter | 9:58AM

Anyone else dealing with the case of the missing bed? I'm not very amused.

Mar. 15th, 2024



Gwen Rose ★ [9:36am]

Okay, let's try this again. There are a bunch of people still unaccounted for, at least in a public sense, so maybe check in this time? Maybe? Please? Look, here's even a list of people that I didn't hear about, so if you're on the list or have seen someone on the list, please say so.



Then there are some weres, who couldn't check in but should probably check in now? I know where a few of you were but please check in:

And finally, Sabina you checked in but please check in again <3

[PM to Ravi]
I heard you had a rough night, though I don't know the details. Is there anything I can bring you?

Feb. 3rd, 2024



Nathan Johnson | Day 67

--Yesterday, we revealed that two of your own had set an uncontrolled fire in town, potentially endangering the entire building. Several of you expressed displeasure with this, calling it thoughtless and irresponsible. Our question today is: should Ford and Maya be punished for their actions? Why or why not?--

When it all comes down to it, they only destroyed the things that would give back to the earth anyway, honestly. Once that ash is spread evenly, it'll nurture the soil and more life'll spring from it. While it was a fast way to go about it, everything dies eventually to start the cycle again. So no, I don't think anyone deserves to be punished. Just wish I hadn't heard all about it

--Who else do you feel deserves to be punished and why?--
I really wish you'd stop trying to turn us prisoners against one another. We might all be different, but it should be us again you all, not us against ourselves. Just kindly leave us all alone, please.

--Who do you feel deserves to be rewarded and why?--
It'd be nice if the weres got to treat a full moon the way they're used to dealing with it, without some Uno Switcheroo card dictating how they act. It's more about dignity than a reward, so maybe just leave them be this time around.

Jan. 14th, 2024



Nathan Johnson | Day 64 | 9:12am

The trees are screaming.

Dec. 31st, 2023



Nathan Johnson | Day 62

I've restocked the sideboard up on P7 if anyone is wondering. I felt like some may need it, judging on the entries I'm seein.

PM to Winter )

Dec. 23rd, 2023



Nathan Johnson | Day 61 [10:12am]

This seems like a right nice way to cause a revolt inside the tower.

I’d have to say someone I don’t really know, but it’s still not fair, but I’d choose Anja.

Dec. 12th, 2023



Queen of Tarts - 2:20 PM

If anyone was looking forward to brownies of the regular or weed kind, you're going to have to wait a little bit longer. Someone put salt in the white sugar. So that's a few batches ruined.

Check back in a few hours. Everything will be clearly marked. But for those who want a sneak peek:

Double batch of Cosmic Brownies - includes weed

Dulce de Leche Brownies - safe for all

Regular Brownies - vegan

Dec. 1st, 2023



Nathan Johnson / Day 58

Well, I'm real tired of some things here, that's for sure.

But I'd like to announce that I have some real nice marijuana ready for others. It's been a big process that I got as a reward and thanks to Cecilia we've been able to quickly grown the first crop. It's a tasty blend called Sugar Candy that has a nice relaxed effect without the hangover of something more autumnal.

I have dime bags available for people who want it, free of charge. I just would like people to use it responsibly and outdoors if smoking it. I hope to get some tasty treats made thanks to the bakers and cooks in the tower but those'll be marked and left on the counters in the kitchen I think.

Please keep being kind to others and if someone says no to an offer, please respect their wishes.

Aug. 25th, 2023



Nathan Johnson / Day 47

Sorry for being quiet. Hope everyone's doing well. If I can help anyone with somethin, just let me know and I'll be happy to do what I can.

[Private to Winter]
Hey beautiful. You doing good? If you have the inclination, I'd like to spend some time with you, maybe go see that new restaurant with the animals?

[Private to Birdie]
Hi Birdie, I'm real sorry to read about what happened to you, I just didn't know how to say it without getting mad on your behalf. But that's not why I'm writin you. Have you ever made or baked with cannabutter? It's butter made from cannabis. I got gifted some seeds as a reward and I and Cecilia have been maturing them. There's still some work to do before they're ready to be decarbed but I thought maybe we could make some treats and it'd help make the weres less mean angry agre aggresi mean during the next full moon? Just wanted to pick your brain, is all. I'm all thumbs when it comes to baking.

[Private to the males of the tower]
This might be weird and I don't mean anythin by it, but would anyone like to have a guys night? Me and my road crew buddies would get together and just goof off and I'm kinda missing that now. No idea what we'd do besides drink and bowl, but was just wonderin.

Edited to add: [Private to Linds]
Hi there, nice to meet you. I got some marijuana seeds as a reward and all the things it takes to grow em. As an earth elemental and someone who enjoyed smokin back home, it's my pleasure to get them goin. I talked to Cecilia about maybe we could turn some into cannabutter for the were during the full moons to either help them relax or incapacitate them if that's what they want. Birdie said that you may be a better resource for that. Any interest in discussing further?

Jul. 29th, 2023



Nathan Johnson | Day 43

I'm a little suspicious about all these gifts. It's weird that only certain people got em. Doesn't seem right.

The project's coming along nicely from what I can see. Whenever you get a chance to stop by, just knock. You don't need to message me first. Appreciate your help. Do you know who the other Elementals are? I know Eris hopefully went home, and I know you and me, so that leaves three others, right? I don't wanna call them out in case they're keeping it a secret from everyone, but I think we should get together. Maybe not like a tea party that the Fey talked about, but somethin.

I don't think it's right that you didn't get a phone. I don't have much need for one so I was wondering if you'd like it? There's a camera on it so you can take pictures and the like. You're welcome to it., but I'd hope you'd keep it and not give it awa But if you don't want it, that's fine too. I hope you fared fine during the full moon.

I hope Hollis got to take his plant with him, and that his daughter likes it.

Jul. 22nd, 2023



Cecilia Rynbë - 9:50am

Like Ram said, don't go walking anywhere without shoes today.

Things were bad last night, but as far as I know everyone injured is deep into the process of healing and expected to make a full recovery. Please be mindful of their need for rest and privacy, as healing is more than just a physical act.

I am going to take a nap. I was up all night in the clinic and I need that. When I wake up I will help out however I can, and feel free to come get me for emergencies.

That said, I have a list of things that need doing or would be helpful. Feel free to add to it.

Public space clean-up: Stairwells, foyers, etc. 2-4 and 7 are particularly bad. The stairwell on 3 is nightmare fuel The bowling alley needs some work. Apparently the conservatory saw some action needs some attention, but I haven't seen it myself.

Laundry. There's huge garbage bag full of bloody soiled bloody linens and towels in the clinic. Ordinarily I would love to throw these away and call it done, but we can't guarantee replacements, so it's worth attempting to save them. Hot water, bleach.

Clinic volunteers. I was supposed to be on the morning shift, but Oliver relieved me so I can take a nap. He's supposed to work 2-8 PM though, so it'd be great if someone could cover for him. Look, I realize clinic shifts aren't exactly thrilling, but even if you don't want to take a full shift, pop in and ask whoever's on if they want a break to go walk around or use the bathroom or make something to eat. Offering an hour of your time isn't much. Sign-up sheets are always in the kitchen for the future.

Like I said, feel free to add to the list. I'm out for a couple hours at least. Try not to be assholes to each other today. If you have questions you think I can answer I'll get to them later today.

[Edited 1 minute later to include:] If you helped out last night in any way, by staying with someone or escorting people to safety or dealing with trauma or whatever it is you did, thank you. Last night could have been so much worse than it was, and it's because we actually have some pretty great people in this hellhole. Be good to each other.

Now I'm going.

Jul. 7th, 2023



Patti B. 12:00 PM; [Public]

Hello. I have um, a question for anyone out there that can read this. What's your favorite book? If you don't like books what's your favorite plant?

Jun. 27th, 2023



winter | 9:45AM | PM to Nathan

Hiiiiii!! What did you get?

Jun. 25th, 2023



#1900NOUN - Public, 11:28am

Excuse me? How do I reach someone that works here? Maintenance? Housekeeping? Room service? My door won't unlock and I really need to send these clothes out to be laundered.

Jun. 24th, 2023



Cecilia Rynbë - 1:16 PM


So here's the deal. They gave me my dog.

Neptune is an incredibly intelligent and well trained dog with multiple certifications under his collar, but he is still a dog. A real one And I have absolutely no idea how animals react to certain [...] scents. Or experiences. Obviously we're going to have to find out, but I don't want to overstimulate him. He's also very protective of me I'm also incredibly protective of him

I have a clinic shift starting at 2, and he'll be with me if you want to come introduce yourself. PetSmart doesn't exactly offer courses for introducing your pet to the supernatural, so I kind of need to play it loose here. I'll let him feel people out and see how it goes.

A few notes, he's always gonna be with me. He's not going to be roaming without me. If you see him without me, that probably means I'm in trouble. If you see us around, feel free to say hi or to try and play with him. Just remember he's a dog dog without special strength and if anyone hurts him I promise to murder you with my bare hands.

May. 20th, 2023



winter | 9:30am | Public

Egypt. I've been a lot of places, but that's one place I've never seen.



Nathan Johnson - Day 34

I'd love to see more water. The Pacific Ocean or even the Gulf of Mexico, so probably Seattle or New Orleans.

Who's coming with me?! Majority rules.

Apr. 11th, 2023



winter | 1:12PM

So annoying.

Apr. 7th, 2023



Sabina Zafrani 🍷 - 9:01am



Omg you guys

Well! This was certainly a spicier morning than anyone signed up for. Everyone doing okay? Anyone on the list need anything? I'm gonna make breakfast for the clinic shift, I'm happy to be on room service today if anyone is feeling exposed violated embarrassed poorly.

Apr. 4th, 2023



Nathan | Day 21

I've gutted some pumkins pumpkins the right way for the seeds in case anyone wants to make a jack-o-lantern without the mess. They're in the kitchen, off to the side on the counter. Help yourselves. I put peanut butter on one with some holes to see if the birds will eat it. So far, no takers.

Private to Winter )

Private to Warinder )