Posts Tagged: '%23day+044'

Aug. 10th, 2023



#2070FECO [PM to Edwin; night]

Don't suppose I'll hear back tonight. Just checking to see how you're doing.



Little Goth Scientist - 7:36 PM

[All Known Weres––Yes, even you, Theo]
Just so you're aware get it, the were Ari mentioned in his post just over an hour ago was Edwin. He went into a frenzy for unknown reasons. Thankfully, Cecilia was a total badass and helped stop him. He's in the clinic now.

The third floor is slightly banged up, but the new kid Arlo was cleaning the worst of it. I think Eunmi was the only one injured.

Do we need to talk plans about frenzies? This is the second one in like a month.

[Yasiel and Ford]
I'm okay. Just a little bruised. Nothing food and sleep can't fix.

Aug. 8th, 2023



[11:42pm; PM to Known Witches]

I have a favour to ask of you. Some may know [...] I was bitten on the night of the full moon. Some may know also that my left eye is a prosthetic. Beneath it is an orbital implant. I am unsure how these will interact with [...] a transformation, and Grayson did not know either.

Is there a way they could be enchanted to remain where they are, or perhaps to conform to [...] whatever size the socket may be?

Any help you may be able to offer in this matter would be appreciated.



[6:14pm; Public]

So there's a pissed off wolf-thing on the third floor. It attacked Eunmi. Cecilia is there too, and another [...] dog-thing. I think it's Poe.

Is there another full moon? Are all the weres freaking out?

[6:16pm; PM to Bastien]
Stay in your room just in case. I'll be there soon.

Aug. 7th, 2023



G.H. | 8:45 AM

I apologise for my behavior yesterday while you and your friend were seeking out answers for questions that should have been answered well before that by any one of the other vampires here, including myself. I took my annoyance and frustration over multiple matters out on you, which you did not deserve your friend, however. I hope, by now, that your most pressing concerns have been addressed. But if not, I will endeavor to answer what I can in a timely manner.

I understand that you likely want little to do with me at this point. However, if you are ever hungry and are unable to feed via the clinic, I have blood set aside that I will share.

Did you need want to go on another run?

Are you done being a brat annoyed at the fact I did not join you yesterday evening for movies?

I apologise for not joining you yesterday, but I think I was truly better off by myself for a few hours.

Aug. 6th, 2023



Little Goth Scientist - 11:16 AM

I know you're probably sick of hearing from me by now, but we've figured out a little more about the subject numbers thanks to several people putting their minds together. If you care or if it matters

More information and Poe-ificiation )

Out of curiosity, what would hurt/humiliate a witch most? And before you ask, I am not asking about any of the witches here.

I know I should have reached out sooner, but I wanted to give you space after the full moon. I just want to share some really good advice I got once.

Sounds like there were extenuating circumstances that caused loss of control. You're not the only one who has to live with that risk factor, just the unlucky one who had to deal with it this time. We're in a tower full of people capable of going on a batshit destruction spree at any time. Be gentle with yourself.



Gwen Rose ★ [2:08PM - Public]

Hello! I'm keeping this public because I don't want to freak out anyone who only just learned htey were feytouched by PMing them, but hello fellow feytouched! I'm Gwen, and I want to introduce myself to you all because you're all new! I'm the only one who has been here for a while who is still feytouched. How strange and sad, but also, I'm very excited to meet all of you in this new group!

I'd love to meet you all in person! I occasionally hold little gatherings of feytouched people with tea and snacks and drinks, where we can all chat and learn what being feytouched means to each other. I call it my Court of Fey, even though it's not really a court so much as it is just a little gathering. Would you all like to get together and talk about feytouched stuff? I can help you learn fun tricks to do with your glamours, and we can just meet and become friends!

Would any of you be interested in that?

Aug. 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

[11:35am; PM to Grayson]
I wanted to apologize for my behaviour during your visit. I had taken a sedative and was not entirely present. Poe had told me that a panic attack might [...] trigger a transformation, and I have them often enough that I have been prescribed the sedative to help keep me calm. I was afraid. I took one. I thought you deserved to know.


I have several questions now, if you are willing to answer them.



Subject #91070FECO | 8:30 AM

what are we even supposed to ask for? this is the nicest place i've ever stayed are you sure there's no chores needing done and the library is practically across the street. im sorry i couldnt find any books about vampires. i looked though! though i couldnt tell how books were supposed to be organized

are we sure its okay if we borrow them?



Edwin [8:47am - Private to Oliver]

Can I ask what you think of today's thing? There are some convincing arguments against in Cecilia's post, but [...] I'm still debating. Communication is off the table, but I wonder if just information is.

Aug. 4th, 2023



Leya - 8:50am

There are things I would like, sure, perhaps even dearly love, and yet... no, thanks. I am a coward. I have suffered enough

I'm setting up shop in the barber shop today! Noon to five. Walk-ins welcome. ;)

[PM to Theo]

How are you? Are you getting out at all?




(PM to Royal; 9:15am)

I can check in the other way but wanted to ask like this first. How are you today?



[8:41am; PM to Bastien]

Is there anything you want? I could request it for you.



Cecilia Rynbë - 8:04am

Oh God, not this again.

Guys, it was bad last time. I asked for my dog, they gave me a task I was never going to agree to, and they gave me my dog's collar soaked in blood. They let me believe he was dead until very recently. It was absolutely crushing.

I can't tell you not to do it, but think very hard first, because they don't pull punches.




Day 44.