Posts Tagged: '%23day+026'

Mar. 30th, 2023



Leather Jacket Guy [PM to Linds]

I don't suppose I could potentially ask you for a kind-of-last-minute favor that you can absolutely say no to?

A friend has a birthday tomorrow, and we have a couple other things planned for her, but a sweet treat would be great too. I'm currently juggling a sick, stubborn witch and I have a shift tonight, but I'd be up for being an extra pair of hands if you're willing and you need some extremely amateur help?

Mar. 28th, 2023



Cecilia Rynbë - 2:20pm - Public

We're gonna try something new in the clinic and see how it goes. The idea has been floated that vampires may not always be fed in the future, and we should maybe have a system in place to see what options are available.

The clinic is going to start taking volunteers for blood donation, and vampires can submit request for donors. Clinic volunteers will match people accordingly.

Donations will be tailored around the comfort levels of the donors. If you want to donate, but wish to do so only under supervision of the clinic, that's fine. If you want whoever's on shift to step outside while you donate, that's okay too. If you want to be bled by a medical professional and healed either by a witch or vampire without ever seeing the vampire you donate to, we can do that. We need to gauge interest to see how many people actually want to do this so we can build schedules accordingly.

One of the points in doing it this way is making sure nobody's being fed on too frequently, or that no one's getting too [...] possessive. If you have a private arrangement for feeding, great. If you don't, we're gonna try this as an alternative.

Sign up sheets for donors and vampires are in the clinic, or you can message me privately. If you are interested in donating, we ask that you disclose if you're privately donating to anyone else and how frequently, and your [...] preternatural disposition. Different groups have different effects on blood when consumed by vampires. For instance, psychic blood makes vampires a little [...] disoriented. So whoever is receiving the donation would probably appreciate knowing what they're getting into beforehand.

If you're a vampire who would like to receive donations, again, sign up in the clinic or message me privately. If the demand is high and donor interest is low, we'll have to consider prioritizing and rationing accordingly, but we'll try to start without that.

Again, the goal is to make sure everything happens as safely and comfortably as possible. We'll have zero tolerance for anyone making anyone involved uncomfortable. Try not to ruin this for the people that might need it



Shay - Public, 2:00pm

Don't cut into the birds. They explode.

Mar. 27th, 2023



nom de plume - public, 10:15am

Has anyone else noticed the displays at the store are from classic films? They are fantastic recreations. I would think that might actually be Tippi Hedren's costume if I did not know it had been given to a museum.

Ah, more to the point, though, I wanted to reach out to other psychics. I have not met many of you yet, but I think I will not have an opportunity like this, with others like myself to speak to and possibly learn from. Would anyone else be interested in meeting? It would not have to be a formal thing, or even involve everyone at once if that feels overwhelming. I only thought it [...] might be beneficial to reach out, if nothing else, so we can possibly identify one another for support.



Oliver [public; 10:56am]

Edwin and I made a couple of jack-o-lanterns yesterday, and I roasted up the seeds this morning. Left a batch on the counter for anybody who wants some. One container's plain old salt and pepper, the other's salted caramel.

If anybody else decides they want to go carving, if you'd rinse and save the seeds from them too, I'd be much obliged. This is just about the only snack I know how to make in bulk.

[PM to Alexis]

You know who Mister Rogers is, right?

Mar. 26th, 2023



[No Subject]

[11:31am; Public]
I will be going fishing this afternoon at two o'clock, if anyone wishes to join me. [...] I have a single rod only, but I can assist in making others if necessary.

[11:36am; PM to Ravi]
Thank you again for repairing my glasses. I would have had a very difficult time without them.

[11:42am; PM to Shay]
Hello. You said you intended to hunt the birds that have appeared. If you do, can you look inside their stomachs? I am curious to know what it is they have been eating.

[11:53am; PM to Ram]
I would like to speak to you about something, if it is alright. [...] In person, preferably.

Mar. 25th, 2023




Day 26.