Posts Tagged: '%23day+006'

Nov. 3rd, 2022



[No Subject]

[11:34pm; PM to Daisy]

That guy you were talking to. Yasiel. Be careful. He knows what I am and seemed happy when I got hurt. He might try to hurt you too.

Nov. 1st, 2022




[10:49PM, public]

I didn't think it needed to be said, but it's likely a good idea that we're all careful with what we're given in this place. There's no telling if anything will be replaced once it's broken or gone.

Watch where you're going when holding something fragile.

Nov. 2nd, 2022



Ms. Liu

[Private to Ram, afternoon]
What do you think about this wish thing? Think you'll do it?

[Private to Ford, afternoon]
So, where do you stand on this newest monkey paw-flavored twist?

Oct. 30th, 2022



Subject #5530LICO - 09:37 am

Uh... Has anyone seen Kaia? Pink hair? Pretty noticeable.

Oct. 29th, 2022



Subject #2501FECO - 10:37 AM

I know some of you might have already answered these questions, but a couple of us are trying to figure out how the subject numbers are assigned.

If you could share the following, that would be helpful:
Blood type (if you know it):

If you'd rather not share this information over the network though I'm pretty sure the kidnappers already know it, I'm going to be in the craft room for the next few hours to talk face-to-face.

[Edited - 11:02 AM]
If you could also include your subject numbers, that would be really helpful!

Oct. 28th, 2022



[No Subject]


Movie night was really nice. Thanks, everyone who came. It was really weird to doze off there and wake up in my room. Didn’t like that at all. It’s weird… I used to like being alone. Having time to myself. But that’s not even a real thing here. They’re always watching, listening.

There is something I want. But it doesn’t seem like a smart idea to do what they want. I’m just not sure.

Oct. 29th, 2022



Subject #2604FECO

[8:10am, public]

Oct. 28th, 2022




[ 10:06am ]

the kidnappers, they play fair or no?

u ask for something, they'll give it if u do their task?

or they like enough to trick u instead?

Oct. 27th, 2022




[ 8:20am ]

The true mind fuck for me is, am I a coward if I don't ask?

I fucking want so badly to know what the quest is.

Ingenious marketing tactic using the word QUEST.


[ added: 8:30am ]

If somebody receives an epic high fantasy quest in exchange for their Lululemon or Cherry Bliss Freeze or whatever, please contact me if you need a rogue in your party.



[No Subject]

Hey everybody. I was thinking yesterday about how some people here only have the clothes they were brought in, and in some cases, weren’t really dressed for all this. I was given a couple extra pair of clothes yesterday, and… is there anybody who needs anything? I’m a large men’s shirt, 33” waist pants. I even have an extra pair of shoes if someone has none and need them. They’re size 11 men’s.

Oh. That’s awkward. Offer still stands. No deals needed. If you need something, let me know.
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[8:39am; Public]

What are you asking for?

[8:43am; PM to Bastien]

I couldn't find
Did your room
It felt like it was mov


How are your hands?




Day 6.