Posts Tagged: 'simon'

Nov. 24th, 2022




So, hey, not quite sure if this is where I post my breakfast order…or the bank information for my ransom.

Little guidance?


[updated: 15 minutes later]
Ok. Wow.

There are a lot of...unique...people here. Neat-o, neat-o. And we're all just, um, cool with each other's uniqueness, right? Live and let live, and no rough stuff of any kind?





I regret saying anything about the second floor hallways. This is far worse. That color scheme is abysmal. [...] And I do not appreciate being moved so far from the piano. This was entirely unnecessary.




Yes, okay. You got me! It is a very good senior prank. I am a little concerned about the IV (it looked very real!) but I will not mention it to Principal Murray.

Now, unlock the door, please.

Nov. 18th, 2022




[9:03am, public]

Okay, so for ease of fucking access, here's a list so far of who is checking out where so we don't miss anyone in a hole somewhere.

If you're taking a spot, say so. If there isn't a place listed that you know exists, say so. I've only heard all of this shit through word of mouth and haven't gone outside because I'm a loser.

Tower: It's-a me, Simon-o
Other tall building Restaurant: Team Vamp (whatever the fuck that means) Daisy, Gable and Ford
Hospital: Gwen and Riley
City Hall: Julie and Charlie
Grocery store: Damarcus and Jesse
The docks: Damarcus and Jesse
The river: Poesy
The thunderdome: Sasha, eventually. Presumably when she stops bitching.
The lighthouse: Tanner and Ram
School: Tanner and Ram
The wharf: Sadie
Country Club: Taissa and Leila

I know that the note specifically says that people aren't in "the house", but I can check all of the floors pretty easily with the shit I can do that I can explain later, maybe. It won't take me too long (the searching, not the explanation), I don't think. Who knows if they're counting the lobby or any of the floors we can't actually go on. When I'm done doing that I can team up with whoever, just let me know where to meet you.

Okay, list is full, as we know it so far. If any buildings and shit are still missing let me know. I'll check back after I'm done with the ghost tower search and before I head out in the physical.

If anyone hits a spot where they can't get inside something and they think somebody is in there, let me know ASAP and I'll get over there.

Long story short, I go through walls. I can't physically do shit once I'm in there, but I can go in and check to see if anybody is inside or what the situation is without other people getting into potentially super shitty situations. Keep me posted.

Nov. 17th, 2022




[Day 9, 8:51am, public]

Anyone wants someone to go with to search, we can meet up in the kitchen and go from there. I’ll have something of Cricket’s to hopefully make finding her a little easier.

Nov. 10th, 2022





Well, everyone else is fucking doing it.


I'm gay.

Phew, glad to get that off my chest.

There's no way to protect yourselves, you kids are just gonna have to deal with it.

Going to bed now, I've got a big day tomorrow.

If anyone decides to eat me while I'm sleeping, that's fine, just don't steal my shoes. Having to walk barefoot into hell first thing in the morning sounds fucking awful. Thanks.




[11pm, public]
I'm a goose and I'm terrified



Marco V [11:08pm - Public]

[...] Is this my punishment You guys can't be doing this shit my grasp on reality is SO BAD ALREADY

Are you guys for real, or what's the joke here?

Nov. 8th, 2022




[ 6:00pm: public. ]

Goodbye, cruel world!

Please play 'Ghouls Night Out' by Misfits at my vigil.

hell is where you wanna be.





Good evening, asshole overlords. Just a reminder (thank you, Cal, and sorry to everyone else for slacking), please go fuck yourselves.

See you tomorrow for my punishment. :)



aka cal

[5:22PM, public]

Resident rocker Ford used to be Clifford Gibbons. First, solid upgrade. Second, full permission was given for me to share that. I asked. Twice. Third, the assholes in charge can go fuck themselves. Just in case none of us have said that enough yet today.

Nov. 3rd, 2022



PM to Shay - 8:15am

If you'll let me copy your music files onto my computer when you get your phone I'll throw this bullshit.



Marco V


Cool, great, love exsisting out in the world and having everyone arounf me flinch because they're worried about me jumping ayt them, what a great fun day fpr me to have.

It doesn't matter if I say here i', not doing it because that's the point right?

None of you people who need to go into rooms better fucking come near my room or i'll change my mind on th fighting.

Oct. 24th, 2022




[7:47pm, public]

So… I’m usually not the most people-y of people, but I’ve been kind of spooked about the whole missing people thing today and don’t really want to be by myself tonight. Anyone want to hang out tonight in that really nice lounge on the 3rd floor of rooms, the one with all the big couches?

Oct. 20th, 2022





My glaaaaaasses. I can see with my glaaaaaasses.

Fucking finally.

Good morning, asshole overlords. Please, once again, go fuck yourselves. :)

<3 your #1 parasite



[No Subject]


my wonderment of the day:

if you look in the mirror and think you're unattractive, couldn't it just be that you're not your type?

Also, what's between paragon and parasite?

[Private to Cecilia - 9:01am]

What was your reward??



Marco V


Sure didn't wake up expecting to be called a parasite today. Didn't realize this place was run by LAPD.

Oct. 13th, 2022



[No Subject]

[9:47am; public]

open gogle

open google


google how to open door


how to fx keyboard

i miss the music from my younger days


youtube jim croce





Currently, right at this very second?

My fucking glasses.

Good morning and go fuck yourself. :)

Oct. 12th, 2022




[8:49 PM - Public]

Quick PSA just in case this needs to be stated why does this need to be stated? because apparently for some God-forsaken reason we've got one of those locked in this place with us:

Just as you wouldn't get into a random person's van, or accept unwrapped candy from a stranger on the sidewalk, or extract blood without the assistance of a medical professional, if a random woman LARPing as a vampire asks you to remove bodily fluids for the sake of feigning her way to a state of nirvana, just don't.

There's a reason "Stranger Danger" exists.