Posts Tagged: 'dietre'

Feb. 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

[day 19, 9:20am; PM to Julie]

Are you okay? I imagine you’re tired of being asked that, so I’m sorry. Is there anything you need, anything I can do?

[PM to Dietre]

Are you okay? They didn’t hurt you, did they?

I tried to find you, when I heard they were coming after you. I’m sorry I couldn’t find you, couldn’t help.

Feb. 4th, 2023



Yasiel [6:30PM]

Do you want my help tomorrow

If there's anything I can do to help you tomorrow, let me know.

If you need me tonight, I'll be at Ford's.

Hey, kid.

You've probably seen by now it was Dietre who hurt Julie. I don't know why yet. I'm almost positive this will keep happening if they're going to keep offering people things that are important to them. So watch your back, alright?

If you need me tonight, I'll be at Ford's.

I understand why you might have done it. I hope you're ready for the possibility it won't last, whatever it is.

If you need me tonight, I'll be at Ford's.

Thanks for taking care of Dietre.

If you need me tonight, I'll be at Ford's.

I saw you wearing the bracelet.

If there's ever anything I can do to get it back, let me know.

Thanks for hanging out.

Sad we didn't get through the whole list.

Jan. 30th, 2023



[No Subject]

[10:52am; PM to Cal]
Leya has given me the necklace. It works!

[10:53am; PM to Dietre, in German]
I have a wonderful thing to show you. And how is the new piano? I heard there was quite the expedition to retrieve it.

[10:55am; PM to Gwen]
I no longer require that the others do not look me in the eye at your meeting. Leya has very kindly [...] provided a solution to that problem, and I will be able to look at your faces safely.

[11:00am; PM to Leya]
I cannot thank you enough. If there is anything I can do to return the favour, please let me know. I am in your debt.



[No Subject]

[Private message to TPTB - 1:10PM after this.]

I would like the piano in my room, thank you.

Jan. 26th, 2023



[Yasiel, 7:30PM - public]

The bracelet was a gift from my sister just wasn't a bracelet. It was from the most imp a very important person on the outside. They took it away and I thought I'd never get it back, so I jumped at the chance and I'd do it again.

I'm sorry Daphne had to go through that.

I kept my word. She asked for the bracelet in return. I gave it up. Fucking cu

Gable took away the memory of how to cast the curse in the first place. I gave him the instructions given to me. I have no knowledge of it anymore.

Clipped for 2039321 PMs )

Jan. 22nd, 2023



PM to Dietre + PM to Poe


Hey sweetie, you wanna do me a favor sometime? Probably not today, but it's totally cool if you don't wanna.

It'd involve a lot of blood.


Where tf are you? You don't have to tell me what happened, but holy fuck??

Jan. 21st, 2023



[Yasiel, 8:05AM - public]

[screenshot of the message given to Yasiel]

I didn't know where the blood came from.

I didn't know she was a vampire.

I didn't know what the curse would do.

The thing they took from me was worth it to try anyway.

I'll still continue to abide by whatever the council decides.

Jan. 18th, 2023



[No Subject]

[10:02am, pm to Dietre]

I checked the piano this morning. I’m so sorry, I had no idea it was tampered with like that. I did check my violin, it’s fine

I do hope a fix can be found.

Jan. 17th, 2023



Yasiel [1:21PM]

We found a piano.

It's in the country club.

We'll need some help moving it.

We found a piano. We'll need some help getting it here, but we can probably do it today.

I found a new piano for Dietre. I need help moving it.

It's done. A complete stranger. Now give it back.

Jan. 12th, 2023



Yasiel [7:45 PM - public]

Hope you all enjoyed dinner. Something came up.

You good?

Thanks for hanging out with Dietre earlier.

Have a fun day?

You eat all the fortune cookies?

Don't fucking talk to me anymore.

Don't even fucking look at me

Jan. 6th, 2023



dietre 3:13PM

[PM to Daisy]
Are you familiar with many people here? If I asked you to identify someone, would you be able to?

[PM to Yasiel]
I apologize for missing breakfast. I was forced to participate in that ridiculous game.

[PM to Theo, in German]
What happened to the books in the library? They were gone last night.

[PM to Bastien]
How are you today, Bastien? I had an unpleasant morning, I do hope you had a better one.

Dec. 31st, 2022



Yasiel [8:30 AM - public]

Anyone knows what the fuck that message was about?

Check Ford off the list.

Or don't, in case you wanna try it yourself. 10/10.

Great job last night, by the way.

You did great. I knew you would.

[Poe and Dietre]
Come find me when you want your breakfast made.

You left your rings here.

Dec. 20th, 2022



Little Goth Scientist - 12:15 PM

Dammit. Someone has to do this.

Okay, I have seen a lot of things going back and forth. Thank you to those that have reached out to various werecreatures to ask what we wanted. A number of solutions were presented and currently what we've settled on are the following:

  • We would like to use the empty rooms on P7 and P8. Each bitten were will be in their own empty room. I believe we need at least seven rooms. Those who have rooms on those floors do not have to give up their rooms, but you won't have access to them after 6 PM to be safe. Please grab whatever you might need for the night.

  • Witches, can you ward each doorway so people cannot leave until sunrise or 7 AM to be safe? If possible, can you also include the ability to dampen any sounds or smells coming from the public areas? Some witches are also working on a mass sleeping spell for the weres for the evening. Don't fuck up my necklace

  • Vampires and born weres can be stationed in the public areas of P7 and 8. We should still investigate ways to disable the elevator and the stairwell access between P6 and P7.

  • People should probably avoid P4, 5, and 6 during the night put distance between bitten weres and people who do not have strength and speed on their side. That leaves plenty of public areas for people to gather and/or crash for the evening. Grab the things you might need for the evening. And those who have rooms on the lower floors maybe let others use your bathrooms or a place to decompress if it's just too many people. Be a bro.

Edit: If you can affect people's mood, particularly if it means keeping people calm, that would be quite useful. Someone who knows more about magic, please confirm, but that might help any sleeping spells take effect.

Dec. 19th, 2022



Marco V [9:11am - Public]

Are we in space?



dietre - 9:02AM


[private to daisy]
Should I be concerned?

[private to yasiel]
I believe you that you're a witch now.

[sent a few minutes after the previous two. private to theodore.]
You've shown concern for me, and so [...] I think you should not stay in the library tonight.

Dec. 13th, 2022



Cecilia Rynbë - PM to Dietre - 4:01pm

Hi, Dietre. I know you and I have never met face-to-face, but my name is Cecilia, and I'm the nurse in p1. A couple of your friends were worried about you today and reached out to me. I just wanted to check in and see how you're holding up, and if there's anything I could do for you.

Dec. 10th, 2022





Was ich vermisse, ist, dass ich meinen Vater nicht getötet habe, als ich die Gelegenheit dazu hatte.


Nov. 26th, 2022



Ya Mum [12pm | public]


Nov. 24th, 2022





I regret saying anything about the second floor hallways. This is far worse. That color scheme is abysmal. [...] And I do not appreciate being moved so far from the piano. This was entirely unnecessary.

Nov. 16th, 2022



[5:42pm; public] t.h.

Hallo. The black dog with the striking eyes, does she belong to a person here? If yes, I have fed her today. I hope you do not mind.


Also, I will be sleeping in the library tonight. Please do not be alarmed.