Posts Tagged: 'gable'

May. 11th, 2024



G.H. - 9:30 AM

[PM to Shay]
Would you be able to retrieve my blood from the kitchen for the day? We had a new vampire arrive today who has been starved for several months. You should also be able to retrieve her bag.

[PM to All Vampires]
In an attempt to be transparent, I wanted to let you know that a new vampire has arrived this morning. Maritza de Luna. She has not fed in months and bit someone. I was able to intervene before any lasting physical injury could be sustained.

Currently, Maritza is in my room and partaking in what blood I have saved.

[PM to Gwen - added at 10:30 AM]
Thank you for allowing me to check in with you. How are you feeling? Are you someplace you feel comfortable?

May. 1st, 2024



G.H. - PM to Birdie - 8:30 PM

[PM to Birdie]
I was hoping that I might be able to request a favor from you. Would you be wiling to teach me how to cook a simple dish or two?

Mar. 29th, 2024



Gwen Rose ★ [9:36am]

[PM to Ford]
Would it be weird if we actually did set up a talent show, or maybe the two of us could set up like a little holiday shindig and you and I can do some holiday music and duets? I could use a good musical review. Or just an audience.

[PM to Ravi]
Hi! Just wanted to check in again, see if you needed anything from the kitchen.

[PM to Benny, Arlo, and Anja]
Hi! I haven't set up anything for the feytouched in a while, maybe even since before any of you got here! Would any of you guys like to have a gathering any time soon? Not today, just in the future.

[PM to Theodore]
Do you think me trying to keep the fey court going is silly? I've slacked on it, and I asked the current crop of feytouched if they'd like to get together but I worry that I'm the only one who's going to be into it, and also that as soon as we meet they're all going to get removed because that seems to keep happening.

[PM to Gable]
Hi! I just wanted to thank you again for getting me to my room the other night. I appreciate it.

Mar. 10th, 2024



G.H. - 5:28 PM [PM to Yasiel and Ford]

Are you both safe?

Yasiel, I know Shay had a clinic shift with you. If I do not hear from you in a few minutes, then I will make my way down to the clinic.

Mar. 9th, 2024



Subject #2070FECO [public; 5:11pm]

Fuckers made the moon come back. Got five minutes. Get where you need to be NOW.

Feb. 5th, 2024



G.H. - 9:30 AM

Yesterday, we revealed that two of your own had set an uncontrolled fire in town, potentially endangering the entire building. Several of you expressed displeasure with this, calling it thoughtless and irresponsible. Our question today is: should Ford and Maya be punished for their actions? Why or why not?

I do not like what you consider punishment. If they should face the consequences, it should be of our collective choosing as we were the ones affected and nothing that you choose will be proportional to their actions.

Who else do you feel deserves to be punished and why?
No one. For the same reason given above. Your punishments are cruel and borderline sadistic. I do not want that on my conscience. I have enough to feel guilty over.

Who do you feel deserves to be rewarded and why?
I am inclined to say, everyone. However, you will likely think that is too vague. If I must select a specific group of people, I would suggest the weres. The full moon should not be a point of worry, concern, and/or terror. They deserve a peaceful night.

Jan. 24th, 2024



Tyler Ford [8:32am; PM to Gable]

I'm so sorry.

I wish I could say I didn't have any idea it might come to that, but obviously after what happened with Ari I knew it was a possibility.

You're not an expendable friend, though I can't imagine this does anything to fucking prove that. Just after the whole blood fiasco we had that conversation once I stopped being a shit it sort of felt to me, out of everyone, like we had kind of an understanding. I'm sorry if that was presumptuous, and I know that doesn't make this any less shitty, and I wish I could have asked or warned you ahead of time. That still wouldn't make any of this right.

Dec. 29th, 2023



G.H. - 10:59 AM

It has been discovered that Yasiel has been taken and removed from the tower overnight. Given the question posed yesterday, are there other people that are now missing?

It should be noted that with Cecilia and Yasiel now gone, we do not have a trained medical professional in the tower.



Tyler Ford [8:14am; nothing sent]


Has anyone seen Y

Did they give Yasiel a new room

Yasiel's stuff is gone

Everything is fucking g

Waht the fuck doI do

What teh fuck

please just give him back. whatever the fuck you want

[10:12am; Group PM to Shay, Poe, Gable & Birdie]

Yasiel's g




am I missing someone I feel like I'm missing someone

the fuck do I do

Yasiel's [........] stuff is gone.

I don't know what to do what do I do

We don't have a doctor and Cecilia is gone and I don't know what to do if any shit goes down or about fucking anything

I don't know what to do and if wtell people theyr'e going to treat it lik some big fucking relief and I cantfucking do that right now but we cant just not tell them Ya teh doctor id gone

[10:33am; Private]

Please just tell me he's okay

Dec. 23rd, 2023



Oliver [8:53am; public]


Well, that was unnecessary


I don't know much about vampires, but I can only assume that all the mythos, or lore, or whatever it is that you want to call it came from somewhere. Purely running on the assumption that the older a vampire is the stronger (and frankly, more likely to be able to escape whatever crap you toss at him) they are, and my personal experience with how capable he is, I'm going to have to say Gable. And that's only because voting for myself apparently only gets me an electrical whooping.

Dec. 22nd, 2023



G.H. - 10:59 AM


Are the electric shocks really necessary?




This is tiresome. I have played your games for months now.



Krijg de vinketering.







Dec. 9th, 2023



G.H. - 8:30 AM

[Private Message to Shay, Yasiel, and Ford]
Would any of you have some soap or body wash that I borrow? It seems mine was [...] tampered with.

Dec. 3rd, 2023



G.H. - 8:30 AM

Over the last several weeks, I have been working to compile everything I can remember and have witnessed over the years regarding plants and herbal remedies. I know we share a common interest in plants. I have made a copy for you in the hopes that it might be of some use.

[Yasiel and Cecilia, separately]
Over the last several weeks, I have been working to compile everything I can remember and have witnessed over the years regarding plants and herbal remedies. I understand that we frequently have other means of healing, but I have made a copy for you in hopes that it might be of interest.

Nov. 11th, 2023



G.H. - 9:30 AM

Have I made you feel You are not a shit substitute.

You do not have to change yourself to fit in with me. Given how people responded to you versus me, perhaps it is I who may need to change.

You are enough


Sep. 9th, 2023



[08:42am; Public]

Doors are still broken.

This is so stupid

Aug. 27th, 2023



G. H - 11:20 AM

[Vampires - Unsent]
I hope the blood is worth it in the long run for you.

I do not know if reaching out is a good idea. My instincts tell me to give you whatever space you need, but I have been told advised that my instincts might not always be relied upon when it comes to interpersonal relationships. The last thing I want you to feel is pressured to speak to me if you do not wish to. I will respect any boundaries you set.

It should not be up to you to tell me how to make amends and yet...

I was not thinking of anyone but myself when I took the jacket from your closet. I can pretty up the words and claim that I was looking to complete my objective, but it was still selfish of me. I could not did not think of how it would affect you. That is not how friends treat one another. I have not [...] been a good friend. I think I ought to apologize for that before apologizing for any of my other actions.

I am sorry for my terrible behavior and taking advantage of our friendship.

I did do enjoy sharing moving recommendations with you. And though our music tastes are likely not the same, I would look forward to sharing those recommendations as well, if you are amenable. In the future. Whenever you would like.

Please do not feel like you are obligated

I am thinking of taking a survey and catalogue of all the plants in the conservatory. Is this something that might interest you? I would be more than happy to provide you a copy when I am done.

Aug. 18th, 2023



Locked to Clinic Volunteers

Oliver, Simone, you guys are amazing. Thank you so much. I wanted to ask but [...] well, I was too afraid they'd take it out on Neptune if I failed.

Should we move the clinic down there immediately? I don't see any reason not to. We could just post a note in the p3 lounge.




[To Ford - 6 AM]
When you have a chance, I would like to speak with you about yesterday's events.

[Edited at 8:15 AM to add a PM all Vampires]
I apologise for yesterday's deception and the boundaries I crossed. To Jessie and Linds, in particular, as I was the one who used Linds' computer to lure Jesse out of his room.

This is not how I would have preferred to obtain a steady and safe food supply for everyone, but relying on the clinic long-term was one terrible incident away from being unreliable. There was no guarantee that they would continue to provide us with food supplies again, and I wanted to ensure that we would all have enough to eat without potentially injuring those we care about or facing unexpected or potentially unwanted side effects from blood of unknown origins we do consume.

I am under no impression that I did not cause you harm. If you wish to offer forgiveness, I will accept it, but I also understand that any respect and trust that I may have been granted has now been vastly eroded, if not erased completely.

Aug. 13th, 2023



Tyler Ford [PM to Gable; noonish]

Hey, got a whiff that you came by. Everything cool?



Queen of Tarts - 11:24 AM

[PM to Jesse]*
I have been working on ways to cook with blood for vampires. Successfully, according to Ford. I have been working on and improving my recipes. I was hoping you would be willing to do some taste testing for me.

*Linds did not write this message, Gable did, posing as Linds, using her computer in her room, where she never signs out.