Posts Tagged: '%23day+005'

Oct. 27th, 2022



[No Subject]

[10:12 PM]

It's Yasiel.

Hay vampiros aqui.

I met him.

He came to the bar to gather up shot glasses and ask if you'd been there.

Oct. 24th, 2022




[7:47pm, public]

So… I’m usually not the most people-y of people, but I’ve been kind of spooked about the whole missing people thing today and don’t really want to be by myself tonight. Anyone want to hang out tonight in that really nice lounge on the 3rd floor of rooms, the one with all the big couches?



Subject #2070FECO - 1:14pm






[4pm, public]

Weird and busy day today on P6. Heard screaming and someone banging shit around. You people okay? Did you not pet the cat? I imagine it was there for a reason.

Sorry I fell asleep on you.

How are you doing today?

If you need more from me, you can ask. I'm good.

Oct. 23rd, 2022



Subject #7593FECO

[1:02pm; private]

I have destroyed your camera. I will continue to destroy it every day until I am released. I am not a subject.

Let me go. My dogs

Gott, hilf mir

[2:34pm; public]

I have read the networks. You say some have left. How? What did they do to be made unsuitable?



[No Subject]

[4:27pm; private]

I don’t know what’s happening, where the people are going, but I don’t want to go. I want to stay. I’ll do what you want. Whatever you want.

[4:34pm; public]

Hi. I thought people should know… Mier is one of the ones who is gone. She was on the 4th floor, just around the corner from me. Her room is completely empty. Do we know who else is gone? Maybe we should keep a list.



Subject #5530LICO - 4:20 pm

I'm just wildly uncomfortable with... i don't know... everything.

If you had to wager a guess as to why you were taken, what would you guess?

Also, has anyone looked into the numbers on our wrists. What happens if we stop wearing this stupid band?

5 5 3 0 L I C O -- what could this even mean?

Oct. 22nd, 2022



Day 5; 15:00

[Private to Marco]
Listen, I'm sorry. It was just...them knowing a lot (lol writing on their network so they know, right?). But I don't know where you live. I don't know where your room is and I got lost finding my room because this place and.

I'm just...sorry. You seem cool. And I was uncool. And an ass.

So I'm sorry, ok?



Charlie Spencer - 11:26am

I've agreed to do some baking for the meet and greet Daisy is throwing. Does anyone have any dietary restrictions or allergies I should plan around?

Oct. 21st, 2022



Nothing Sent - 8:06am

My name is Grayson. I don't know if I'm doing this right. Words words words words words. She sells seashells by the sea shore. Now how I do make it so the computer reads it back?









[9:28am - public]

what the fuck is this and who the fuck did it

Oct. 20th, 2022




[ 8:01am: Public ]

no estes chingando



[No Subject]

Thank you? For letting me stay?



#1580FECO | 8:14AM

I would appreciate it if you all stopped kidnapping me. Next time this happens, I will have someone's head.

If that girl was lying and this does not open the door I will find a way to remove her head first.





Good morning!

[8:43am, private to Subject #1090FECO]

Hey. I was given something overnight. Blood bags. Have you eaten yet?





Wow. Not to complain, but did they have to call us out by name?

Good news, though. I was given a message that the meditation room and gym both have a supply of yoga mats in them. I haven’t mentioned this to everyone yet, but I teach yoga. If others would be interested in practicing together, I’d be very glad to set up a time.



oo1 [d5, 12:01pm]

Wtf. A door I can't open. And I've been trying.

Just where tf am I? What's this? Who are you? HELLLLLOOOOO





[8:45 am]

I know that I put Beauty and The Beast as my favorite kids movie on my Tinder… but that didn’t mean I wanted the full stockholm experience. Still waiting for my dresser to start offering me different dress options.

Digs are nice though, I’ll give you that.

2/10; would not recommend to a friend.



Gwen Rose ★


Soooooo they gave me dance stuff? I have tap shoes. For the length of this gross rain today, I will probably be on and off up in the ballroom tap dancing because it's been DAYS and I am willing to throw so many more shoes if it gets me more shoes of my own.