Posts Tagged: '%23day+076'

Apr. 8th, 2024



Yasiel [8:30 AM - public]

I won't be in the clinic today.

I urge everyone to stay put as much as possible to be safe.

If there really is an emergency, you could call Ford's room.

Apr. 5th, 2024



Tyler Ford [8:12am; public]

Oh, fuck off. After all the shit we've been through already are we really supposed to be pissed that a few people decided to opt out of babysitting the rest of us because they just happened to get picked to be the cool kids? Some helped, some didn't. It's not all that different from the way things normally work around here.

[PM to Gwen; 11:20am]

I know it's going to be a pain in the ass because we can't actually take notes but want to come over to talk about secret shindig shit? I can meet you at the elevator.




Day 76.