Posts Tagged: 'alexis'

Jul. 30th, 2023



Royal / Day 43

Now the nerds have numbers of what the fuck everyone is. Congratulations. New people - watch out for the pie faced Asian chick. She’s a telepath with no fucking privacy filters so she will read your brain and spit back at you with her stupid gash of a mouth. Also watch out for people who ask too many questions or want to know all you’re info. It won’t help you get out of here. We’re all stuck until we’re not. Learn to deal with it. I’m outta advice.

Vamps, you’re down at least one. Tanner’s gone.

Gonna melt my brain with drugs because I fucking can so don’t bother me with your bullshit.

[PM to Marco]
Except you. Let’s get fucking high on gummies and forget this fucking place for a minute. Bring over your favorite pillow if you want, but I don’t really feel like leaving my room today.

Jul. 29th, 2023



Little Goth Scientist - 10:16 AM

In light of this morning's announcement and gifts?, I wanted to get back to the project of figuring out what the subject numbers mean. About a month ago, before the first full moon we experienced her, I we were able to figure out what most of the first numbers meant and have tried to fill in the blanks since.

1 - Vampire
2 - Werecreature
3 - Witch
4 - Elemental
5 - Psychic
6 - Feytouched
7 - Psychic Feytouched
8 - Unknown Psychic Elementals
9 - Unknown Feytouched Elementals
X - Human

We don't know which numbers Psychic Elementals or Feytouched Elementals are. If you have any additional information to help us fill it in, that would be great!

In addition to the 4-digit number, there's also a 4-letter suffix. Most are FECO, followed by LICO and EXCO.

Edited to Add: The three new people added today have a 5-digit number instead of 4-digit one.

We have had several people come and go since the last time I surveyed everyone. While I cannot get information from people that are no longer here, the bigger the data set pool of information, the better analysis will be.

If you have not done so already and feel comfortable providing any of this information, reply with the following:

Blood type (if you know it):
Subject Number:
Location Taken From:

You can private message me or meet me down in the bar where I'll be working for most of the day.



♥*A*L*E*X*I*S*♥ [12:32PM - PUBLIC]

two anyone who I chased I tried to murder had with me on the full moon? I'm sorry. whether I destroyed your door or worse. knowing you know I had no control over myself doesn't make it less bad

also they took eris on full moon day so
here's no morning yoga class anymore

sorry I didn't reply yesterday
I didn't feel like being a person

Edited to add

hey, are you any good at fixing things?

Jul. 7th, 2023



Shay - Public, 8:10am

All right, kids. Poe brought it up a couple days back but here's a general reminder that we are close to the next full moon. Last moon (as we all remember) they fucked us, but assuming we're not going to have a Benny Hill reprise this time around, we're going to try and make our original plan work.

The bitten weres are going to stash themselves around town in buildings or other places we can hopefully secure. If you're bitten, drop me a note so we've got you on the roster. If you're a born were, let me know if you'll be willing to post up nearby and help wrangle any of the bitten in case they get loose. The good news is that we should have fewer bitten than we did last time, which makes for easier coverage assuming we don't get bent over dry again.

For everyone else, stay inside. Ideally, our bitten friends stay in their cubbyholes all night and emerge hungry like snarly little butterflies in the morning, but you're risking life and limb if you also want to frolic under the full moon. Witches, maybe ward the doors and/or the elevator. Keep yourselves safe so we don't have to worry about you too.

Additionally, if there are any witches willing to try warding the were cubbyholes to help keep them in, please let me know so we can coordinate.

Jul. 6th, 2023



Tyler Ford - [10:14pm; public]

Hey, it's Ford! I just wanted to drop by to let everyone know I'm actually a self-righteous shitbag who's more concerned about my image and pretending to be a real boy than whether or not I'm a danger to the people I care about.

Anyone who wants to toss me a "told you so", load 'em up. Let's get some of that good ol' catharsis up in here for some of you little rascals. Let's have some fucking fun with it.

[Edit - three minutes later] And if anybody wants to toss any pointers about being a proper scary grr vampire, feel free to drop those too. I know Ari's got some ideas. Right Ari?

[PM to Gable - 11:29pm]
Hey, when you're around and you have a couple minutes can you toss me a message?

Jun. 24th, 2023



[Yasiel, 10:05AM - public]

I've received new gear for the clinic. If any clinic volunteers want to learn how to use it show up sometime when I'm on shift tomorrow after 8PM.

I didn't want to volunteer you to teach anyone, but if you'd like to, feel free. It's a stethoscope, otoscope, and manual blood pressure cuff.

[Separate PMs for Alexis, Birdie, Cecilia, Gable, Gwen, Poe, Ravi, Shay, Taissa]
Ford's a bit down with everything going on lately and I thought maybe some movies with friends would do him some good.

Meet about 6:30PM in the theater?

Meet me at the theater at 6:30.



♥*A*L*E*X*I*S*♥ [1PM - PUBLIC]

I've got my phone baaaaaaack ❤️

I can't call or message anyone or get into any of my accounts but my camera works and all my photos and videos are on here and they even gave me a little printer 💖💖💖

I stuck a bunch of selfies on my mirror already. does anyone know how to do root touch ups?

I also got a karaoke machine just for me (with several mics) so private karaoke nigh anyone?

Jun. 3rd, 2023




I'm a telekinetic.


May. 29th, 2023



Leather Jacket Guy [public;late morning]

Just wanted to give everybody a heads up in case they notice that Yasiel's room is gone. He's still here, they apparently decided to move him into my place/our place officially.

[PM to Ori]
Hey, just wanted to check in. Things good?

[PM to Ram - nothing sent]
Hey So, I know we're no Hey, just wanted to check in and see how you were do

[PM to Poe]
Out of curiosity and for no particular reason, what are you favorite colors?

[PM to Ravi]
I was meaning to message you last night after I got back but it slipped my mind. Sorry! Your workshop is cool as hell.

I also realized when I started poking around that I didn't actually know exactly what kind of scrap metal you needed, so I brought back some old oven parts, a couple gutter bits and some piping. I figured that was kind of a grab bag and you could get use out of at least something in there.

[PM to Bastien]
Hey hey, just wanted to check in and see how you were doing post-train and everything else.

[PM to Yasiel]
Hi, welcome home. Past me hopes past and current you didn't get too booboo'ed. If you're awake and feeling okay enough to be on the computer, you're awake and feeling okay enough to come smooch me. Even if I'm sleeping right now, do it. If you haven't already messaged Shay, message Shay.

You're also feeling okay enough to eat something, so eat something.

Also, if I forget to tell you when you come back, I already watered the plants.

Now smooch me.



♥*A*L*E*X*I*S*♥ [11:01AM]

listen up fives, a ten is speaking!

jkjk I know you're all gorgeous I just needed you're undivided attention for a sec 💋

one of my rings is missing. I thought I lost it at yasiel's party the diner but I've looked there and I can't find it. if anyone sees it can you give it back to me please? or just slide it under my door. no judgement. it's a thin gold band with little stars engraved on it that my sister gave me, so I'd really like to find it

thanks babes ❤️

May. 28th, 2023



Queen of Tarts | 10:41 AM

Hot take: I miss the birds.

May. 20th, 2023



ravi - 8:18am, public

Is there such a thing as a working vacation?

[approximately twenty minutes later]

I don't think it's fair to punish someone when your questions lack specificity.



♥*A*L*E*X*I*S*♥ [11:47am]

maybe a tour of all the glamorous european cities. london, paris, milan, lisbon, venice, barcelona. I want to eat good food in front famous landmarks and look cute ❤️

why did you make a promise you can't keep?

May. 18th, 2023



Queen of Tarts - 10:53 PM [Public]

You can find two types of cookies and a tart in the kitchen.

Remember, folks, sharing is caring. Or something like that.



Ram [5:25 PM - public]

Today's been a good day for naps.

May. 17th, 2023



[No Subject]

[public, 8:32pm]

I’m SO glad to be off that train!

Only just now getting back inside and into my room. I kinda want to go back outside, but after having that tiny train bunk for three days, my bed’s looking really comfortable.

I’ll plan on yoga in the ballroom tomorrow at 10:30 if anyone wants to join me.

Hey! You been over to the ballroom yet? I haven’t, I’m assuming everything’s how we left it. Bet you’re glad to be out of that cramped train, yeah?

May. 14th, 2023



♥*A*L*E*X*I*S*♥ [Locked to All Tower Cats Except Ram - 2:34PM]

does everyone know that ram made our pretend librarian theodore promise not to let anyone else use the window seat in the study?

at all. if ram isn't in the room you can't sit there. if you're in human form you can't sit there

imagine, a permanently reserved seat in a building we all have to share

just thought my fellow felines should be aware, now that we're all back in the tower

May. 13th, 2023



Leather Jacket Guy [11:41am - public]

So, apparently I really did end up in the tower during the weirdass train crap. So that's fucking fun.

[Individual PMs to Shay, Poe, Taissa, Birdie, Alexis and Gable]
Hey, I know it's been a rough few days, but just a heads up in case you wanted to do anything, it's Yasiel's birthday today.

[15 minutes later, PM to Poe, Taissa, Alexis, and Gable]
Small shindig at the diner at 6? No pressure if it's not your thing, just let me know when you know so we can do a head count.

Apr. 26th, 2023



Edwin [12:04pm - Private]

[PM to Birdie]
Thank you again for helping me cook yesterday. I probably would have made three more meals and picked the one that smelled the best, but the one we did was a hit, and the date went great! And now we're two very tall people in a very small train cabin. But it was a great night! Thank you again!

[PM to Alexis]
Hey! Sorry I missed your last PM, I saw it but then got sidetracked. We had our date last night, and it was very nice, and he was very sweet, and we've already planned more things to do together. He brought me a little Jack-o-lantern that he carved with heart eyes. I swooned. Now we're in the same cabin, so hopefully he finds snoring endearing.

Apr. 23rd, 2023



Yasiel [11:30 AM]

My guess is we're somewhere in the EU.

You good?

Doing ok?


Hey. Still here?

[Clinic Volunteers]
I don't fucking know

Still here?

Thanks for this morning. I feel much calmer.