Posts Tagged: '%23day+022'

Mar. 4th, 2023



♥*A*L*E*X*I*S*♥ [PM to Eris: 8:33pm]

want to come over again and make me moan?

Mar. 3rd, 2023



Tanner, evening network posts

Hey, I made a ton of chicken parmesan and garlic bread, it’s in the kitchen if anyone wants, help yourselves. Yes, I’m a vampire yet I can cook with garlic. I know, it’s crazy.

I saw all the new shelves and perches up today, nice!

What’s up? Can I stop by? I can bring some food up.



Edwin [6:58pm - Private to Alexis]

I fully lost track of time and I feel bad about this, but can I get a raincheck on a slumber party? Maybe tomorrow? I have one of these emergency shifts but I have a feeling that I'll be good for company after. Tonight I'm [...] kind of homesick and want to just chill on my own.

Mar. 2nd, 2023



Nathan | Day 22

After all the talk of this clothing store just right across the street, I think I'm going to try and find some sleepers, at least, before I go to bed tonight.

Would anyone like to come along? I'm sure some people who might feel better leaving the tower with a buddy, and I'm happy to offer that.

I'm Nathan Johnson, in case we haven't been introduced.



Leather Jacket Guy [public and pms; early afternoon]

Just a heads up to all the vampires in case you haven't heard yet, it's apparently our turn for test bullshit. Vile blood drinking, and a lot of it. They repeated the last one, so chances are they might do a repeat of this one too. So maybe don't sleep naked the next couple of days or so.

[PM to Taissa]
Sorry, got kidnapped this morning. Still up for a lesson? I'm finally upright and I'm ready whenever and I could use some awesome company for a while.

[PM to Shay]
Is it sacrilege if I listen to your sex playlist without having sex? It's amazing chill out music.

[Separate PMs to Ari, Linds and Jesse]
How you holding up? You did great this morning.

[PM to Theo]
I shouldn't have said anything in open view of everyone else when I was high. I'm sorry for that.

That said, there's absolutely nothing that warrants forcing your way into someone's head outside of maybe self-defense. Unless I'm missing some pretty crucial context, that's not why you did it.

I've met Yasiel, I know how easily he can get under people's skin and I know he and Cal busted the absolute shit out of each other. If Cal is [....] a friend of yours I fully understand being pissed and upset. As the guy who healed Yasiel and saw the way Cal left him, I'm pissed and upset, and him saying they're apparently "even" now isn't much of a comfort.

This isn't just about Yasiel, you hang out with the feytouched, who are also friends of mine. While I don't think they'd do anything to piss you off, after that it's hard not to imagine you deciding it's "not unwarranted" to use that against other people I care about, even if I'm not sure you actually would.

And I'm not asking you to stay away from them, and I haven't said anything to them. Overall you seem like a decent guy and I really want to just think of this as a fluke. But ffs, don't do that again. Please.

Mar. 1st, 2023



G.H. - 11:15 AM

[PM to Yasiel]

I feel like I ought to clear up a few matters.

I am not looking for a relationship. I do not believe I am suited

In the vast majority of my experience, when people reached out to me in the way you had, it was with the understanding that we could fill a mutually exclusive need. Sometimes it was because it could not be found with their current partner or because they could not trust others with such delicate matters. I thought that was what you were looking for, though looking back, I can see how I could have been mistaken.

I care about you. I was willing to be physical with you, but the emotional intimacy required of a friendship is where I find myself unmoored. I thought I could show my consideration and esteem through actions, but it is now apparent that I need to be specific with my words.

The longer I have been here, I have begun to grow... not comfortable, but more open by degrees. Perhaps not to the point that anyone wants, but it is not my nature to move swiftly.

[PM to Ford]
Are you alright? I understand that you were taken this morning.

Feb. 28th, 2023



birdie - 1:00pm

[PM to Yasiel, Taissa]

i need y'alls help. it's a lot to type here and i'm slow but i got a curse on me and i need help getting it off. if you're willing. and if we even can.



[10:15am; Public]

I am looking for fishing equipment. Has anyone seen such things around the town or the tower? I intend to go looking near the docks if I cannot find any thing here.

[PM to Daphne]
Forgive me, but you said something at the fey gathering I wish to ask you about. You are formerly feytouched, you said? [...] And you implied that your gifts did not carry over when you were turned. Is that true?

Feb. 26th, 2023



Edwin [10:30am - Private Messages]

[Private to Poe]
Hey! I haven't really heard from you since the [....] wrestling thing, our conversation just kind of dropped off and I wanted to give you some space while things settled down, or at least while other, equally distracting stuff drew your attention. I feel like that's happened, so I wanted to check in to see if you're okay, and also if we're okay. It's fine of you still feel weird about things, but I needed to at least check.

So, how are you? What's going on in your part of the tower?

[Private to Alexis]
So, when can I book an appointment for sending my fingernails to outer space? Also, how are things going?

[Private to Georgie]
There's a new person here that I think you'd get along with. Have you met Alexis? I feel like the three of us should get drunk some time, you two have energies that I feel like would click. And if I'm wrong, you have full permission to make fun of me forever.

[Private to Oliver]
I hope you don't mind, but I signed up to be part of the medical look-out with you tomorrow. I wasn't sure that I wanted to do the emergency response thing, but I also felt bad not doing it, so I figured trying it out with someone I like know might be the best choice. Are snacks or entertainment provided? Should I find a deck of cards?



PM - Ari, 8:07 AM

Back upstairs again?




I will come check.

Feb. 25th, 2023



lucy [8:32am]




Cecilia Rynbë - 7:30am

If people are still in agreement, let's do a vote on establishing house rules (or not) tomorrow in the ballroom at 1 PM, please.

And just as a reminder, the emergency clinic has started. It's in the south lounge on p3, stop in if you need any medical help. I'll be on my way there shortly. We've got plenty of volunteers for the next few days but I'll always have sign-up sheets in the kitchen for the future.




Day 22.