Posts Tagged: 'quinn'

Apr. 22nd, 2023



quinn [8:16am]

The Orient Express?

Apr. 11th, 2023



quinn [10:15am]

I don't have a fear of choking. Just sayin' ;D

Feb. 18th, 2023



[No Subject]

[8:12am; Public]

I'd like to keep learning French, I guess.




I’d love to form a tower fight club. Or drink more water.

Jan. 21st, 2023



Sabina Zafrani 🍷 [Public, 7:12pm]

Okay so... I mean I'm not trying to be nosy, but we all live here. What happened today? Other than the vampire attack, which is vile and terrifying. I evacuated when the smoke alarm went off. Is everything okay? Is everyONE okay????????????



DAISY | Public | 6:15

[ After she barely read Daphne's thing, because it's creepy sounding and fucking fire damage .]

Again, I'm leaving this post public for the sake of transparency to those who are unfortunately mortal.
blah blah vampire emergency blah )

Jan. 20th, 2023



Queen of Tarts | 4:08 PM

So we had a vampire bleed all over the place and apparently a magic dog set fire to like an entire floor. Did anyone think to check on the psychics or the witches? Hey, feytouched you alright? How about them elementals? Or are we just spinning a wheel to see who gets fucked next?

Jan. 7th, 2023



Alucard Caligari

[9:42am, public]

I am Alucard. It seems I’m the latest to find myself in this cursed place.



Quinn [8:58am]

Does anyone know how to put the Benny Hill theme music on this video?! Because I need it. Badly.

Dec. 31st, 2022



Yasiel [8:30 AM - public]

Anyone knows what the fuck that message was about?

Check Ford off the list.

Or don't, in case you wanna try it yourself. 10/10.

Great job last night, by the way.

You did great. I knew you would.

[Poe and Dietre]
Come find me when you want your breakfast made.

You left your rings here.

Dec. 19th, 2022



quinn [8:45am]

daaaaaang. so I guess there's a good chance some of us are gonna get eaten tonight.

Nov. 18th, 2022





Well, fuck's sake. If someone's going to be grading everyone on participation

Hi, new guy here.

So I kind of got the Cliff's Notes of what's going on from the past few days of network posts (kidnapped, barriers, neck thing, vampires, werestuff, which we're definitely going to have to swing back to), and I still have a lot of fucking questions. In lieu of having a breakdown for the moment I'm more than willing to take the distraction of helping out if someone needs an extra pair of hands somewhere.

Nov. 17th, 2022





team work? friendships? who are these people? punishments? what the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk is happening. jesus fuck.

Nov. 12th, 2022




