Posts Tagged: '%23day+020'

Feb. 17th, 2023



[No Subject]

[PM to Grayson]

Hey. I spent some time the past couple days focusing on my writing, a nice way to avoid all the drama there can be here. I think I finally came up with some questions. Think we could talk through some of them sometime? I promise, am pretty sure they’re nothing too invasive.

Feb. 16th, 2023



[No Subject]

[public, 8:40pm]


I know today hasn’t been easy for a lot of people. Today also hasn’t been the first, or only, day we’ve had losses here. I had an idea for something that might help people deal with these things as they happen.

I want to start a memorial wall. I was thinking one of the walls on the P4 Foyer. It could be a space where people can leave something in memory or in honor of their friends who are gone, a picture or a note, whatever helps.

I was thinking P4 since it’s near the art room and meditation room.

If no one’s dead set against the idea, maybe people can start putting things up there tomorrow afternoon.




[Emergency Clinic Volunteers]

If you're seeing this message, you signed up on the sheet on the fridge to be part of the emergency clinic. I figure enough time has passed for anyone who's interested to express interest. Once established, we can keep running sign up sheets either in the kitchen, or wherever we decide to stage this thing.

Which leads me to the first question. Where? Do we want this in a static location, or do we designate a volunteer's room at certain times of certain days? Putting it in one location makes it easier for people to remember, while moving it to people's rooms could open up for people taking longer shifts/having more to do in their own rooms/on the network while on duty.

The unfortunate truth is that we're all sort of tethered to our rooms for communications. Getting volunteers would probably be easier if we operate out of rooms, and we could just put up signs on all floors of where the emergency contact is at any given time.

If we go with a set location, I think I would nominate the north lounge on p3, or potentially the p3 or p4 foyer. There's comfortable enough seating for longer shifts, with a somewhat central location.

So I could see a decent argument either way. What is everyone else thinking?



Leather Jacket Guy [public; evening]

Poring one ot for Dais. Oneof te best

Sroy to everyon whos sad. your great i liek youu

I hgged a aweseome bird tody and it ws amaxing



Edwin [2:04pm - Public]

So here's something fun and probably temporary: If anyone wants to just have a fun and silly time today, the pool on P2 is currently a ballpit. No water, no weird spikes or razor blades or anything, just a big rainbow ballpit that could probably use a slide but is very fun without it.

Go enjoy!

Feb. 15th, 2023



Little Goth Scientist - 4:20 PM

Back in the tower and safely installed in my room.


How are you doing?

Thank you for all the snuggles. I really needed that.

Can I bring you anything?

I'm sorry. I realized I didn't check in with you. I know you were friends with Daisy as well. How are you?



Ram [5:10PM]

Anyone seen the white footed Garbage Cat that wallwalks, or did they get to stay?

Still about? I saw Theo is.

Still here?

Stupid fucking game meant everyone saw me so I might as well

I'm the cat.



Leather Jacket Guy - [PMs; late afternoon]

[PM to Gwen]
Hey, how did the shindig go?

[PM to Shay]
Hey, I wasn't sure if you were friends with any of the people who were taken out today. You doing alright?

[PM to Cricket]
Hey, so, weird thing. I'm kind of sorting through the bags of blood I have, and I think one of them is yours. I haven't recognized anybody else's so far, but I just wanted to make sure that was okay because it feels weird just to kind of have it when we're friends.

[PM to Vampires]
At the risk of sounding like a stoner, I don't suppose anyone would be willing to trade me a bag of psychic, would they?

Feb. 12th, 2023



Marco V [1:04pm - Private to Hunter & Ari]

Either of you guys wanna get high tonight?



[10:15am; Public]

If you are worried for the lack of magical healing, there is basic first aid information on note cards in the bar. If you did not attend the training yesterday and have questions, there are medical professionals here who can answer them. Please do not hesitate to do so.

[10:24am; PM to Dietre]
Ich weiß nicht, ob Sie das sehen werden, aber ich hoffe, Sie sind glücklich und sicher, wo immer Sie sind.

Auf Wiedersehen, mein Freund.



[No Subject]

[public, 11:12am]

Seems healing’s still fucked. Didn’t expect that. Glad we got plenty of antibiotics and bandages.

[PM to Shep]

Hey, man. How you feeling today? My foot’s still messed up, but it’s not worse than it was. It’s probably healing up, just being slow about it.



Leather Jacket Guy [PMs; 12:33pm]

[PM to Poe]
Saw the message about Daisy. How are you doing? Do you need anything?

[PM to Ari]
I saw about Daisy. I'm sorry. Are you and Bastien both holding up okay? Do you need anything?
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[PM to Poe; 12:20pm]

Sorry you lost your vampire friend.




[11:23am, PM to Jesse]

Hey. You still here, yeah? Please reply back right away if you are.

[11:23am, PM to Grayson]

Hey. Are you still here? Are you okay?

Feb. 11th, 2023



Cecilia Rynbë - Public - 9:49am

Ideally I would have liked to broach this topic at the meeting we tried a few days ago, because it seemed like the sort of thing to discuss in person, but maybe this is better. Give everyone a chance to read it, think on it, and come back to it later.

I would like to propose a vote establishing house rules. Yes, I know the knee-jerk reaction a lot of you are going to have is 'absolutely not.' I understand, but please hear me out and read this in full before you call me an authoritarian moron.

I am not proposing anything outlandish or over the top. I am proposing three simple rules (which I will explain later in this post), and of course opening the floor to any other submissions. I would propose we vote on each proposed rule individually, with majority ruling. What happens when rules are broken would again be something everyone has to vote on, but I am putting forth only non-violent suggestions. Chores, room arrest, that sort of thing. Yes, I just heard some of you roll your eyes. Room arrest is something that can have an impact on anyone, even a vampire. If that's not serious enough, temporary banishment from the tower perhaps for very serious offenses. There are other buildings in town with heat, water, and food. It could be done.

We have seen a lot of conflict here amongst ourselves, and I shouldn't have to tell you why that's bad it's bad enough we're on edge from the people that put us here. I really feel like we need to at least try to live together as a community. People should not be afraid to leave their rooms. People should not be afraid to go to the kitchen. What's more, we know of two instances where our kidnappers made violent deals with people on the inside. We don't know if there have been others, but we have to assume it will happen again. Having a system in place may at least give pause to anyone offered such a deal.

Here are the three rules I am proposing. All are open to amendment.

1. Do not cause physical harm to each other. I understand with, say, vampires, this wording could be problematic, so I'll add without explicit consent. Biting, kink, fight club, whatever it may be, consent is key.

2. Clean up after yourself in public spaces.

3. Respect quiet hours. I would propose a set time of night (say, for example, midnight to eight AM), where you try not to create too much noise near where people are sleeping. Go nuts in the bar or outside or whatever, but people need their rest. We could vote on the hours to designate as quiet hours as well.

That's it. I would like to invite everyone to at least consider this, sleep on it, and maybe tomorrow or the day after we could gather to vote on whether or not to enact any house rules and what punishments we would be comfortable with as a whole. It would give people time to consider any other suggestions they'd like to put for a vote.

Hate this idea? Then show up and vote against it. That's fine. I know it's impossible to please everybody, and I'm not about to try. I just want to try and keep us safe. None of us want to be here, but let's not add to each other's problems.

Feb. 12th, 2023




[PM to Angel | 9:34am]
I thought you were going to come over with breakfast are you okay?

[PM to Angel | 9:56am]
Okay this is bollocks I'm gonna come over. You better not have been kidnappednapped again.

[Public | 10:34am]
Angel is also not here anymore.

Feb. 11th, 2023



santiago [9:18 am]

Someone wanna explain this to me?



Leather Jacket Guy - [public; 8:12am]

Just a heads up for anybody who didn't see, vampire healing is botched at the moment. That means us healing you, and us healing ourselves.

Anybody who stashed some blood prior to yesterday for emergency healing purposes, you might want to check to see if maybe that's still potent.

For anybody who might have gotten any shitty prompts to start crap today, please fucking don't

Edit: PSA: Hurting people is bad, but especially today. So DON'T.

[PM to Yasiel]
What do you need? What can I do?

[PM to Gable]
Don't suppose you've ever heard of anything like this happening before? Or if there's anything to do about it?



Gwen Rose ★ [9:14AM - Public]

Hello my lovelies! I'm not involved in a weird foot torture thing today, but I got a note saying that more endurance tests are coming for the people who weren't tested yesterday. Just wanted to give a heads up!

Also the feytouched are commandeering the P1 bar at 2:30 for our Court of Fey! So in case there are any feytouched who have been quiet about it but maybe want some connection with the other feytouched, please pop in!

[Private to Georgie, Remy, Theo, Daphne, & Keegan]
So, are we all here? No secret other endurance kidnappings? I'd like to proceed as planned, so see you all at 2:30!



nom de plume - public, 8:02am

Dietre is gone.

I hope this helps some people feel safer.