Posts Tagged: '%23day+041'

Jul. 19th, 2023



Cecilia Rynbë - Shortly After Sunset

I need Birdie at the clinic. Find a vampire to bring you there.

I need vampires in the halls. Something's going on with the weres. I need you guys to subdue them.

If your room is warded, stay in your room. If not, find a safe place. Vampires please escort people who need it. Clinic and theater are warded - witches sound off on any other safe public rooms.

Do not roam the halls, do not go outside. Someone bring me Birdie.

Jul. 15th, 2023



Morning PM to Theo

Can you read Spanish?



[No Subject]

All the warding should be good to go. Just for the hell of it, I warded up the theater same as we did last time, so it’s a safe place for people to gather. I know we won’t have any dangers in here this time, but if it gives anyone extra comfort, it’s there. Maybe could even do another movie night again.

Jul. 14th, 2023



#6964FECO - 8:24am

Hello? What is this? I was not informed I was to be moved. I'm very confused. Where am I, please?




Day 41.