Posts Tagged: '%23day+035'

Jun. 3rd, 2023




I'm a telekinetic.


Jun. 2nd, 2023



Simone - Public, 8:59pm


Jun. 1st, 2023



Yasiel [8:30PM]

Sorry to anyone who got excited at seeing my things gone. I'm still here.

Good morning.

Did you end up going to Gable's? Did you see where I

Sorry I didn't say anything earlier darling, I hadn't seen any of what you posted. I've got your ring. I found it on the ground the night of the party. I can give it back to you tomorrow.



aka cal - public, midafternoon

Fucking Mars, whatever. Gonna be the first vampire in space.

fucking dumbass q&a bullshit games



Little Goth Scientist - 5:45 PM

Has anyone found any other dolls outside the theater? Asking for a friend.

How hurt are you? How are you feeling?

How was being a cat?

Does Yankees work?

I think I'd like to use the word Yankees. Because you said you're not into sports, and I don't think I'd bring them up in regular conversations with you, let alone sexytime conversations.

And I did what you asked. I really like nails. Trailing over my skin. Like all over.



Hunter [public, morning]

You know that cave Godzilla lives in deep beneath the ocean? Sign me up.

[added later afternoon]


May. 31st, 2023



Tanner [6:12pm, screened to the vampires]

Hey. I’m wondering, how much is there that we don’t know, or even don’t know that we don’t know, about what we are? I’ve been a vampire for twenty years now, and I’m still learning the occasional new thing, especially since being here. I know there’s some things that are the same for all of us, but also some things that are different. I’m just now starting to wonder if I can affect people’s dreams. Can anyone else do anything like that?

May. 30th, 2023



Leather Jacket Guy [PM to Shay - late morning]

Yasiel is back but I haven't had the chance to tell him about his room yet. Just wanted to let you know as soon as I could that he's back and safe and he'll message you a little later. We're probably about to hop in the shower, but I'll herd him to the computer before we crash if he's feeling up to it.

Also, on a related note of interest, Gable got himself a teensy bit boobooed because he forgot healing was off. He's okay, but if you wanted to just happen to swing by with some blood soup or something, maybe he'll let you dab his ouchies with aloe gel.



[PM to Edwin - 3:10pm]

Got any plans tomorrow, elf?



Warinder [9:30AM]

I apologise for not answering yesterday. I wasn't feeling very well. I is sometimes the nature of water to be a little melancholy. I'm feeling much better today.

My dream vacation would be somewhere where sky, land, and sea meet. I am partial to the fjords of Norway and the Arctic, or the waters of Glacier Bay, Alaska. Glacial water has different colour to it that is breathtaking to see up close.

I think I will go to the clinic again today to help out.



ram [10:45am]

Where the fuck do you think I want to go, you dicks?

[30 mins later]

can someone bring me some water

May. 29th, 2023



winter | 10:47am | public

What a gloomy day. I can't think of anything to do but hole up in my room eating cake icing with all my candles lit. Either that or I could roam around as a cheetah like in that WAP video.

Or the first vampire that messages me can have a free snack. None of that clinic shit. Too sterile.




[Day 35, 2:05pm ; public]

So weird question, but does anyone remember doing egg drop experiments when they were in school? Making something that would keep an egg from breaking when dropped? I want to try this and see how many different ideas might work.



Leather Jacket Guy [public;late morning]

Just wanted to give everybody a heads up in case they notice that Yasiel's room is gone. He's still here, they apparently decided to move him into my place/our place officially.

[PM to Ori]
Hey, just wanted to check in. Things good?

[PM to Ram - nothing sent]
Hey So, I know we're no Hey, just wanted to check in and see how you were do

[PM to Poe]
Out of curiosity and for no particular reason, what are you favorite colors?

[PM to Ravi]
I was meaning to message you last night after I got back but it slipped my mind. Sorry! Your workshop is cool as hell.

I also realized when I started poking around that I didn't actually know exactly what kind of scrap metal you needed, so I brought back some old oven parts, a couple gutter bits and some piping. I figured that was kind of a grab bag and you could get use out of at least something in there.

[PM to Bastien]
Hey hey, just wanted to check in and see how you were doing post-train and everything else.

[PM to Yasiel]
Hi, welcome home. Past me hopes past and current you didn't get too booboo'ed. If you're awake and feeling okay enough to be on the computer, you're awake and feeling okay enough to come smooch me. Even if I'm sleeping right now, do it. If you haven't already messaged Shay, message Shay.

You're also feeling okay enough to eat something, so eat something.

Also, if I forget to tell you when you come back, I already watered the plants.

Now smooch me.



♥*A*L*E*X*I*S*♥ [11:01AM]

listen up fives, a ten is speaking!

jkjk I know you're all gorgeous I just needed you're undivided attention for a sec 💋

one of my rings is missing. I thought I lost it at yasiel's party the diner but I've looked there and I can't find it. if anyone sees it can you give it back to me please? or just slide it under my door. no judgement. it's a thin gold band with little stars engraved on it that my sister gave me, so I'd really like to find it

thanks babes ❤️

May. 28th, 2023



Queen of Tarts | 10:41 AM

Hot take: I miss the birds.

May. 27th, 2023




Day 35.