Posts Tagged: 'grayson'

May. 29th, 2024



Yasiel [10pm]

If you see a grey-haired woman with glasses wandering around, don't interact with her.


Even if she might walk through walls.


One of the gifts I received was haunted by her.


She's my grandmother. Her name is Rosalinda.

I can almost guarantee she won't like you, so it's best not to try and reason with her. She appears to know things about people here, or is pretending to. I wouldn't give any credence to what she says at all.

In fact, she'll likely leave quicker if you ignore her.

Any help with this would be appreciated.

She was incredibly powerful in life, so I don't think this is going to be fixable in one night. And I think [...] I need a break before trying to wrangle her again. I'll be available in the morning.

Apr. 20th, 2024



Ram [9:10 am]

[Birdie, Grayson, Cal, Theo]

What do I say to Oriana.



[09:52am; Public]

Well, it is the season of giving, ja? If there are things you need, put them here. Perhaps together we can get all of them for you.

[PM to Cal]
I am not certain how to go about this, but [...] Ram is interested in [...] us.

Do you
Are you

What do you think about [...] this?

Mar. 22nd, 2024



[No Subject]

[03:20pm; PM to Grayson]
Ram said he is with you. If there is anything either of you need, please let me know. I wish to help how I can.

Mar. 16th, 2024



Subject #2070FECO [10:21am; public]

Gonna make this real simple.

Leave the weres alone. Don't care how you think you want to handle us. You ain't gonna do shit unless you get asked.

Anybody wants to cause trouble, or somebody's feeling raw about their friend and gets it in their head to do something stupid about it, I ain't got no qualms with taking it out on your hide.

Only warning.

Mar. 15th, 2024



Subject #2070FECO [9:21am; public]

Ain't even gonna say why the hell you picked me?

Mar. 9th, 2024



Subject #2070FECO [public; 5:11pm]

Fuckers made the moon come back. Got five minutes. Get where you need to be NOW.

Mar. 4th, 2024



Marco V [9:55am]

Hey can someone from one of those cold places come out here and tell me how to know if it's safe to ice skate on a lake please?

Mar. 2nd, 2024



[10:12am; Public]

That is three rewards now. Four, if you will count not interfering during the moon. I cannot help but wait for the other shoe to drop.

Feb. 9th, 2024



Queen of Tarts - 4:24 PM

I am starting my Christmas/Hannukah/Winter Holiday baking spree. How is this different from any other day in this very questionable purgatory? Absolutely nothing, except there's far too much snow outside right now, and I'm supposed to go pick up a very fussy cat in 3 hours.

Hit me with your favorite treats, the less traditional American, the better. I want things from your Grandma, Nonna, Babushka, Gran, Abuelita, Bubbe, Oma, Nan, and any other name you may have for the best baker in your life. Other than me, of course.

Otherwise, we are going to have gingerbread. Lots and lots of gingerbread.

Feb. 4th, 2024



#2070FECO [PM to Cal; morning]

Morning. Theo said you had some worries about some things. Thought maybe talking to me might help.

Feb. 3rd, 2024



Subject #2070FECO [morning; public]

Yesterday, we revealed that two of your own had set an uncontrolled fire in town, potentially endangering the entire building. Several of you expressed displeasure with this, calling it thoughtless and irresponsible. Our question today is: should Ford and Maya be punished for their actions? Why or why not?

You wanna make them clean up what they can of the mess or something, sure. You gonna pull some sick crap, no.

Who else do you feel deserves to be punished and why?
We punish just fine on our own. Don't seem like nobody's going out of their way to hurt anybody anymore, so nobody.

Who do you feel deserves to be rewarded and why?


And Linds. She's always cooking for people.

And Theo. Turned him and ruined that nice library for him. I ain't got much way to do right by him.

And Ram. He ain't done nothing to deserve what you did.

Jan. 19th, 2024



Edwin [11:45am]

My head's a little foggy still, I think I'm coming out of the other side of the plague, but this should still be a conversation that we need to have now.

Full moon's coming up fast. The weres have started plans, but since TPTB can make this a public problem if they want, and we need magic help anyway, we need to talk plans. I think we know where we can hide away on the night of, but I feel like everyone else should have plans for that night for their own safety.

Can I wrangle a few witches for wards for that day? Can everyone else set up a buddy system? Should we all talk about this?

EDIT: I'm going to take a walk out into town to check on all the hidey-holes we were looking at and make sure they're still viable after the fire. If any of the witches or weres want to come see those spots so we know what we're dealing with, you're welcome to it. Otherwise I might be able to draw up some kind of map.

Also, I know that in our last chat, some weres were looking for ways to be sedated. If that's you, don't forget to work out how you're going to get sedated before the day of.

Dec. 22nd, 2023



Subject #2070FECO - 8:31am


Nov. 11th, 2023



Little Goth Scientist - 1:36 PM

Is it just me, or does it feel like it's going to snow soon? We don't know what day it actually is, but it's probably late November right?. That's typically when we start to see snow in Boston.

You're the first person to ask about my glasses.

They are spelled to help with some mild colorblindness, but for the most part, they're for show. People aren't going to think you're a potential predator when you have glasses and look like a stereotypical nerd librarian.

[...] Ford is very right, you know

Arthur doesn't know the extent of... everything. He's not like you or me. Just a mundane man often too busy with his career. But he's always supported me when it counted. So please don't punch him.

But Joel. You can punch Joel.

I wish

You are an incredible person.

Aug. 11th, 2023



Edwin [9:35am]

Hi, everyone.

So, I was the were who was making trouble on the 3rd floor yesterday. I want to thank Ari for warning everyone to stay out of the area, and I want to apologize to everybody here, especially the people who I came in contact with. I'll be sending all of you private messages after this post, because you each deserve one.

I'm sorry if I've caused any sort of worry or grief, especially considering how recent events have already given people reason to fear weres. I want to assure you that this isn't something that happens regularly. I haven't gone into a frenzy like that in years. I thought I was handling some of the things that have been happening here and some of the things we've been learning better than I actually was. The more we learn about TPTB, the more unsettled I am, and the combination of worrying about my family, finding out that the scale of this experiment is bigger than I imagined it was, and learning that they can mess with how we work as supernatural creatures all came together too closely to each other and hit me harder than I thought it would. I'm letting it settle and trying to accept that these things are out of my control. I'll do better at talking out my fears and hang-ups in the future, so I don't get to this point again.

I should also add that in that state, it was the wolf and not me that was in control, and that I would never choose to hurt anyone here. I really hope that that's clear. It's the same as any full moon, even though it wasn't a full moon. I'm trying to be accountable, but there were no conscious decisions made by me.

If there's anything that I can do or any questions I can answer, I'll be around the tower all day, trying to clean up my mess in that foyer. I hope you all understand, and that none of you will be afraid of me as a person, but if you are, I understand and hope I can make things right by you in the future.

Sorry again.

[Private to Poe]
I am so, so sorry that I hurt you, and I am equally as grateful that you were able to stop me. Did learning playing and wrestling help? I know it's goofy to hope that it did. Are you okay? You're all healed up?

[Private to Cecilia]
Thank you again for both stopping me and healing me. I'm so sorry that you had to, but I'm still extremely impressed that you could. Explain that again to me? I was still pretty groggy when you told me in the clinic. Are you okay?

[Private to Eunmi]
I don't know if I can express how sorry I am for hurting you. If you're afraid of me, I fully understand, but please know that if I had any control over what the wolf was doing, none of this would have happened. If there's anything that I can do to make up for what happened, please let me know. [...] I can bring you room service today, if you'd like. I can even leave it outside your door if you don't want to see me.

[Private to Ari]
Thank you again for warning everybody, but even more for helping Eunmi. Did I hurt you at all?

[Private to Grayson]
Hey! Thank you for checking in, I should have done the same for you, but like I said, I've been handling all the new news pretty badly. I'm okay, though. Are you okay? Also, did Ram find you? He was looking for you yesterday. I smelled you by the caves after the full moon so I pointed him there, but I realized later that I think you've been in your room.

[Private to all Weres]
I hope none of you think I made the weres look bad. I'm embarrassed.

[Private to Oliver]
I don't know when you'll see this but I hope your quest was adventurous and exciting. Will it feel more quest-y if I'm an elf later?

Aug. 10th, 2023



#2070FECO [PM to Edwin; night]

Don't suppose I'll hear back tonight. Just checking to see how you're doing.



Little Goth Scientist - 7:36 PM

[All Known Weres––Yes, even you, Theo]
Just so you're aware get it, the were Ari mentioned in his post just over an hour ago was Edwin. He went into a frenzy for unknown reasons. Thankfully, Cecilia was a total badass and helped stop him. He's in the clinic now.

The third floor is slightly banged up, but the new kid Arlo was cleaning the worst of it. I think Eunmi was the only one injured.

Do we need to talk plans about frenzies? This is the second one in like a month.

[Yasiel and Ford]
I'm okay. Just a little bruised. Nothing food and sleep can't fix.

Aug. 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

[11:35am; PM to Grayson]
I wanted to apologize for my behaviour during your visit. I had taken a sedative and was not entirely present. Poe had told me that a panic attack might [...] trigger a transformation, and I have them often enough that I have been prescribed the sedative to help keep me calm. I was afraid. I took one. I thought you deserved to know.


I have several questions now, if you are willing to answer them.

Jul. 29th, 2023



Little Goth Scientist - 10:16 AM

In light of this morning's announcement and gifts?, I wanted to get back to the project of figuring out what the subject numbers mean. About a month ago, before the first full moon we experienced her, I we were able to figure out what most of the first numbers meant and have tried to fill in the blanks since.

1 - Vampire
2 - Werecreature
3 - Witch
4 - Elemental
5 - Psychic
6 - Feytouched
7 - Psychic Feytouched
8 - Unknown Psychic Elementals
9 - Unknown Feytouched Elementals
X - Human

We don't know which numbers Psychic Elementals or Feytouched Elementals are. If you have any additional information to help us fill it in, that would be great!

In addition to the 4-digit number, there's also a 4-letter suffix. Most are FECO, followed by LICO and EXCO.

Edited to Add: The three new people added today have a 5-digit number instead of 4-digit one.

We have had several people come and go since the last time I surveyed everyone. While I cannot get information from people that are no longer here, the bigger the data set pool of information, the better analysis will be.

If you have not done so already and feel comfortable providing any of this information, reply with the following:

Blood type (if you know it):
Subject Number:
Location Taken From:

You can private message me or meet me down in the bar where I'll be working for most of the day.