Posts Tagged: 'cecilia'

Dec. 3rd, 2023



G.H. - 8:30 AM

Over the last several weeks, I have been working to compile everything I can remember and have witnessed over the years regarding plants and herbal remedies. I know we share a common interest in plants. I have made a copy for you in the hopes that it might be of some use.

[Yasiel and Cecilia, separately]
Over the last several weeks, I have been working to compile everything I can remember and have witnessed over the years regarding plants and herbal remedies. I understand that we frequently have other means of healing, but I have made a copy for you in hopes that it might be of interest.

Nov. 14th, 2023



PM to Ford - 11:36am

I wish you had seen fit to share any of that with me in private.

[...] I keep coming back to the fact that you worded it as if saying it to me, and under the assumption that I'd end up reading it. That bothers me. That you would choose such a medium, rather than ever expressing any of that to me. If I'm being honest, it hurts. Because I did feel like I could talk openly with you and you'd do the same, and clearly I was very wrong. Because you never gave me any indication whatsoever of those feelings. Something 'landing like a slap' or being put in your place. You've never, ever told me I made you feel those ways. Had you, we could have figured it out together and moved on.

I do not trust easily. I do not warm to people easy. I do not make friends easy. I do not feel the need to apologize for any of those things, or explain what traumas they may or may not be rooted in. I always felt like you and I were on, if not the same page, at least neighboring ones within the same chapter. Come to find out I was wrong, and to find out in such a way. Which, again, you seemed to be operating under the assumption that I'd read what you were writing and think 'yeah, this is a good medium to air this out.' To use your words, it landed like a slap in the face.

[...] It honestly reads a little like you resent me for not trusting you? Or not trusting you enough, quickly enough? If I'm taking that the wrong way I'm open to correction, but again, the way you have chosen to air your grievances and disappointments in me hurts. It comes totally out of left field for me.

[............] Also, because I keep coming back to it, "you maybe lost one of the only people who was trying to be your friend" is a low thing to say. Particularly when you weren't being honest with me to begin with.

Sep. 1st, 2023



Cecilia Rynbë - 7:30am

Now that we have the proper supplies, I'd like everyone to consider coming down to the clinic and donating blood in case of an emergency.

There have been a few points in time in which we weren't able to heal by magical means, even with vampire blood. I hope it would never come to it, but in the event that we were in such a period and someone was injured badly enough to need blood, having a supply of your own blood on hand is the absolute best case scenario.

I'm on shift at the clinic from 8a-2p today, feel free to drop in if that's something you're willing to do. If you'd rather I come to you so you can donate in your own room, I'm willing to do that too. Just drop me a line.

Aug. 18th, 2023



Locked to Clinic Volunteers

Oliver, Simone, you guys are amazing. Thank you so much. I wanted to ask but [...] well, I was too afraid they'd take it out on Neptune if I failed.

Should we move the clinic down there immediately? I don't see any reason not to. We could just post a note in the p3 lounge.



Marco V [9:28am]

Okay two things:

1. If we have a clinic with network connectivity and shit can I have my phone back?

2. RAINFOREST CAFE MOTHERFUCKERS. Have you ever been? There's a thunderstorm every 20 minutes and robot elephants and gorillas and now a robot gorilla waiter. And there's gonna be a Tracy Tree and you can get Safari Fries or you can get MCDONALDS FRIES, so this is basically the coolest thing they coulda put in town.

So yeah sorry if you ate my food yesterday, thanks for saying it was good. I actually didn't think the broccoli was that bad, or the shrimp. I don;t know why I did the rice like that.

Anyway I'm grabbing my phone and gonna go check out my prize, I'm gonna name the gorilla waiter. Unless he already has a name tag. LOL IMAGINE A GORILLA WITH A NAMETAG.

[PM to Leya]
You got a pet?! What'd you get, what'd you name it? Is it soft?

Aug. 4th, 2023



Cecilia Rynbë - 8:04am

Oh God, not this again.

Guys, it was bad last time. I asked for my dog, they gave me a task I was never going to agree to, and they gave me my dog's collar soaked in blood. They let me believe he was dead until very recently. It was absolutely crushing.

I can't tell you not to do it, but think very hard first, because they don't pull punches.

Aug. 2nd, 2023



Little Goth Scientist - 7:36 PM

Cut to save the flist because Poe is a massive nerd )

Jul. 31st, 2023



Cecilia Rynbë - Various PMs - Late Afternoon

[PM to Royal]

Hey, I wasn't going to try to have this conversation today, but it's looking more and more like I need to before things get worse than they are now. Here's the thing. I figure you're probably just reverting to your standard coping mechanisms and I see glimmers of a decent person in you from time to time, but you cannot be threatening people and expect to get away with it. It's not okay. We're dealing with enough without taking it out on each other. And before you say it, no, she should not have aired your personal business, and I'm going to try and have a talk with her about that, but that doesn't make any of it okay. You've kind of got a history of being a troll antagonistic, particularly to women on the network, and that's one thing. Telling someone to harm themselves or threatening to do it yourself is another. Please knock it off. Do not force me to escalate this.

[PM to Eunmi]

Hey, I wanted to let you know that I'm gonna try and have a talk with Royal about the way he's been talking to you and/or about you. That's not okay. But for the record, it wasn't cool of you to out him. I don't know how your powers work, and maybe you can't help get in people's heads, and I get that. Airing their secrets publicly is going to make you enemies, fast, and kicking someone out of the closet before they're ready is kind of gross. Maybe you didn't realize you were doing that?

I would just advise a little more caution about that kind of thing in the future. We're all just coping the best we can here.

Please let me know if there's any more trouble with Royal, because I take threats very seriously. I'm not going to let that slide.

[PM to Clinic Volunteers]

Marco has offered to donate his phone to the clinic. He's asked if it would be better to give it to a witch or healer, and I know Ford really wants one for Yasiel ideally we'd all have them because this stunt is utterly ridiculous, but for now I feel like having one in the clinic is a good idea. [...] When I was working during the full moon, I could hear screaming, and I felt so cut off from everyone. I didn't know if I should run and help or stay to treat anyone that turned up. It was a terrible, helpless feeling.

I wanna know what you guys think, though. If you guys think it's better to go to Birdie or Yasiel, I get it completely. I just don't want to make decisions for everyone, so I thought we could talk it out.

Jul. 30th, 2023



Cecilia Rynbë - 12:14pm

We've had an influx of newcomers over the past few days, and I generally try to catch everyone's first post and offer some of the basics, but I wanted to re-address something here.

We are 43 days into captivity. A handful of us woke up in this place on what was day 1 and went through figuring things out as we went. Some days they take people out, some days they put new people in, and sometimes people that disappeared come back. Those that have come back have different stories of where they were in the time between.

The majority of us We've tried to make the best of the situation, rally together, and establish some sense of order. There are house rules, posted in the kitchen, and it's been agreed that major infractions - such as harming someone else here - will be discussed as a group and voted upon, possibly resulting in chore duty or room arrest.

That's not what I want to talk about. Also in the kitchen, you'll see a clinic sign-up sheet. In the event of an emergency, it's been too unreliable to use the network to reach out for help. Today is the first day anyone has had mobile network access, and I really hope in time that's something everybody will have. In the meantime, we have a clinic, and keeping it going is very important.

I've drawn and posted floor maps of the tower in every foyer near the elevator. You'll see on p3 there is a room marked south lounge/clinic. That's the room we've utilized for clinic space. We try to have someone there at all times in case of emergency. We are short on volunteers, and we always need them. Ideally, we'd have two people there at all times for things like bathroom breaks. Sabina does come in and bring food to people on shift, or stay there for a few minutes so someone can use the bathroom if they're there alone, but we always, always, always need more. Help is so dearly appreciated.

We keep as many medical supplies there as we can (and you'll notice on the maps I've also marked locations of first aid kits and fire extinguishers), including vampire blood for major emergency healing. Vampire blood donations, again, are always welcome and deeply appreciated. We also have sign-up sheets in the clinic for those willing to donate blood to feed vampires (which can be done in a variety of means, whatever the donor is comfortable with).

You do not necessarily have to have first aid skills to volunteer at the clinic, but we are more than happy to teach anyone who wants to learn them - at any time. Just reach out. Any medical problems you may have, please reach out, no matter how minor.

And here's the big one: if there is anyone who got a phone today who would be willing to donate it as a clinic phone, to be used by anyone on a shift, that would be absolutely amazing. There is no phone in there, and right now we have to run on knowing that people will come to us if they can, or be brought to us. It would be wonderful if we can make that point of contact easier.

Thank you for reading this, please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.

Jul. 29th, 2023



Little Goth Scientist - 10:16 AM

In light of this morning's announcement and gifts?, I wanted to get back to the project of figuring out what the subject numbers mean. About a month ago, before the first full moon we experienced her, I we were able to figure out what most of the first numbers meant and have tried to fill in the blanks since.

1 - Vampire
2 - Werecreature
3 - Witch
4 - Elemental
5 - Psychic
6 - Feytouched
7 - Psychic Feytouched
8 - Unknown Psychic Elementals
9 - Unknown Feytouched Elementals
X - Human

We don't know which numbers Psychic Elementals or Feytouched Elementals are. If you have any additional information to help us fill it in, that would be great!

In addition to the 4-digit number, there's also a 4-letter suffix. Most are FECO, followed by LICO and EXCO.

Edited to Add: The three new people added today have a 5-digit number instead of 4-digit one.

We have had several people come and go since the last time I surveyed everyone. While I cannot get information from people that are no longer here, the bigger the data set pool of information, the better analysis will be.

If you have not done so already and feel comfortable providing any of this information, reply with the following:

Blood type (if you know it):
Subject Number:
Location Taken From:

You can private message me or meet me down in the bar where I'll be working for most of the day.

Jul. 28th, 2023



Subject #91070FECO | 11:30 AM


is anyone there? i woke up and the door's locked. there's been a mix up of sorts. willem d'arcy is on my wristband and my name's arlo mcgavin. looks like it mighta been spelled wrong or something too.

i tried calling earline to come pick me up, but the phone wouldn't work.

[OOC: Yes, Arlo has been trying for over 3 hours to get out of his room]

Jul. 23rd, 2023



[PM to Cecilia - 12:37am]

Who did I hurt? How bad was it?

Jul. 22nd, 2023



Cecilia Rynbë - 9:50am

Like Ram said, don't go walking anywhere without shoes today.

Things were bad last night, but as far as I know everyone injured is deep into the process of healing and expected to make a full recovery. Please be mindful of their need for rest and privacy, as healing is more than just a physical act.

I am going to take a nap. I was up all night in the clinic and I need that. When I wake up I will help out however I can, and feel free to come get me for emergencies.

That said, I have a list of things that need doing or would be helpful. Feel free to add to it.

Public space clean-up: Stairwells, foyers, etc. 2-4 and 7 are particularly bad. The stairwell on 3 is nightmare fuel The bowling alley needs some work. Apparently the conservatory saw some action needs some attention, but I haven't seen it myself.

Laundry. There's huge garbage bag full of bloody soiled bloody linens and towels in the clinic. Ordinarily I would love to throw these away and call it done, but we can't guarantee replacements, so it's worth attempting to save them. Hot water, bleach.

Clinic volunteers. I was supposed to be on the morning shift, but Oliver relieved me so I can take a nap. He's supposed to work 2-8 PM though, so it'd be great if someone could cover for him. Look, I realize clinic shifts aren't exactly thrilling, but even if you don't want to take a full shift, pop in and ask whoever's on if they want a break to go walk around or use the bathroom or make something to eat. Offering an hour of your time isn't much. Sign-up sheets are always in the kitchen for the future.

Like I said, feel free to add to the list. I'm out for a couple hours at least. Try not to be assholes to each other today. If you have questions you think I can answer I'll get to them later today.

[Edited 1 minute later to include:] If you helped out last night in any way, by staying with someone or escorting people to safety or dealing with trauma or whatever it is you did, thank you. Last night could have been so much worse than it was, and it's because we actually have some pretty great people in this hellhole. Be good to each other.

Now I'm going.



[No Subject]

[9:41am; Public]
What happened?



Royal | Day 42

Gonna go gain 500 pounds then pass tf out. Someone go clean up the bowling alley.

You’re fucking welcome.

Jul. 21st, 2023



G.H. - 9:30 AM

[PM to Ford & Yasiel]
How are you doing this morning? Do you need anything from the kitchens?

[PM to Bridie]
How are you faring this morning? Do you need any herbs or plants from the conservatory?

[PM to Shay]
How are you doing? Do you need anything?</b>

[PM to Cecelia]
Is there anything I can do? Would it be helpful to restock any first aid kids or supplies in the Tower?



chirp chirp [8:10am]

I’m back I guess. We’re not the only ones.

[PM to Cecilia]

You’re still here right!?

[PM to Ford]

You still here?

Jul. 19th, 2023



Cecilia Rynbë - Shortly After Sunset

I need Birdie at the clinic. Find a vampire to bring you there.

I need vampires in the halls. Something's going on with the weres. I need you guys to subdue them.

If your room is warded, stay in your room. If not, find a safe place. Vampires please escort people who need it. Clinic and theater are warded - witches sound off on any other safe public rooms.

Do not roam the halls, do not go outside. Someone bring me Birdie.

Jul. 6th, 2023



PM to Maya, Late Afternoon

Hey, you don't know me. I know Eunmi called me a bot, but I'm not. I'm a nurse, my name is Cecilia, and I just wanted to see how you're doing.

Jul. 4th, 2023



PM to known vampires - morning

Someone update me. Has anyone checked in with the new vampire? Is someone able to educate her or do I have to do it?