Posts Tagged: 'edwin'

May. 28th, 2024



Edwin [2:41pm]

First off: In the next few days I'm going to take all the watches in Felicitas that aren't digital. Eunmi got me my watch repair kit from home and I'm itching to use it, but I'd like everyone to at least go check and make sure that I'm not grabbing anyone's family heirlooms that they don't want touched. I know TPTB has a habit of putting personal items there, so please double check.

Though, if anyone does find a family timepiece, or really any jewelry down there that's not silver, and they want it cleaned or repaired, I'd be happy to do that for you.

But the real reason I'm making this post:

To my wizards and warlocks, barbarians and bards...

Hi. Maya got me a giant gaming table and I need to use it, and I know some other D&D stuff was gifted that also needs to be used. So let's get serious about our escapism or our escape, but I'd take both and set up something.

You'll have to excuse me if we've discussed this before, but since we haven't started anything yet, let's cover everything.

Has anyone DMed before, or would you be willing to here? I'll admit that I had been hoping somebody else would, but now that I have a big pretty table that I can hide behind and surprise everyone with monsters with, I'm coming around to the idea.

Since we don't have jobs aside from clinic shifts, stress cooking, and surprise challenges, nor do we even know what day of the week it is, do you prefer playing earlier or later in the day?

What class and race were you interested in playing? You don't need to stick with this when it comes to making a character sheet if something else comes to mind, I'm just curious for now.

Have you played before, or is this your first time? Newcomers are welcome; again, we have basically nothing else to do here but learn new things.

I'm sure I'm forgetting things, so please feel free to just tell me anything else regarding getting a game together. The time has come.

Oh, and even if your gift was not one of the ones mentioned in this post, I do just want to thank everybody from the bottom of my heart for the gifts. Everything was so kind, and it made a tough day better seeing how generous everybody was feeling. I know I gave out some strange gifts, but I put effort into making sure that if TPTB was going to spend money on gifts we requested, that some of that money would go towards helping artists and small businesses, so if I did get you something that makes you scratch your head, please know that it was purchased from someone who put effort into making a thing.

May. 13th, 2024



Maritza - Public, 2:00pm

Good afternoon everyone. Please forgive any mistakes in this message; I am unfamiliar with computers and have only learned how to post things here this morning. This is a difficult message to write on its own, and it is not the first impression I would have chosen to make, but as we all know, in this place we are very often given little choice in anything. So I ask, in advance, your forgiveness if there is any to be had and your patience if there is not.

My name is Maritza de Luna; given that news travels fast and bad news even faster, some of you may already know that I am newly placed in the tower. I am a vampire, and I am the one who attacked one of your own this morning. To that person, whose name I will withhold for their privacy, I offer again my deepest apologies and assurances it will not happen again if I have any choice in the matter. I do not normally drink from the unwilling and never so roughly, but when I awoke this morning in an unfamiliar room, it was after having been starved of any blood for several months. Indeed, I suspect it was their intent that I do so, as I have since learned that newcomers here typically must post to this network to unlock their doors. My door was already unlocked, and I regret that I did not know of the blood we are given in our rooms.

Unfortunately, that is not the only bad news I bring to you today. I do not think there is a gentle way to break it, so while I am asking your forgiveness I may as well request it for the heavy-handed way I must do this. Simply put, this is not the first experiment I have been part of. Gable informed me you are aware that others are being run in various other locations, and that this particular one has been running for three months.

My former experiment, which took place in an underground bunker from which there was no egress, lasted approximately sixty years. As the only supernatural in the group, I am also the only survivor.

I imagine there will be questions, all of which I will answer to the best of my ability.

[Private to Gwen]

Please do not feel obligated to read any of this or respond to it now, if you are not ready, or at all if you are never ready. But I must say once again that I am deeply sorry for hurting you. If there is anything I can do to make amends or to ease your mind, you have only to ask. Until or unless I hear otherwise from you, I will endeavor to keep my distance.

May. 12th, 2024



Ram [morning]

The fuck they mean by first Christmas celebration?

All good?

May. 10th, 2024



[No Subject]




Apr. 20th, 2024



[09:52am; Public]

Well, it is the season of giving, ja? If there are things you need, put them here. Perhaps together we can get all of them for you.

[PM to Cal]
I am not certain how to go about this, but [...] Ram is interested in [...] us.

Do you
Are you

What do you think about [...] this?

Apr. 19th, 2024



Gwen Rose ★ [8:44am]

Hey, this solves a problem, that's fun! Okay, before anyone else plans, I'm going to put this out there:

Your most musical tower-mates, Ms. Gwen Rose and Mr. Ford- (Hey Ford, this is embarrassing but I don't actually know your full name? ANYWAY) -would like to invite you to join us for our Very Merry Tower Hostage Holiday Celebration!

So Ford and I were talking and we'd like to host a holiday party for all of us, the night of five days from now. We don't have all the details worked out, or all the decorations, but please come join us for holiday cheer, and snacks and drinks, and maybe some games, maybe some caroling, and a second, totally opt-in handmade gift secret santa gift exchange.

I think we all love an excuse to dress up fancy, so come in your fanciest outfit, or your comfiest because it's totally acceptable to want to spend Christmas in a onesie. I think it'd be really fun if people can come and make it so we can take part in everyone's holiday traditions, whether they're attached to a specific winter holiday or just something that they grew up doing. I am serious about singing carols, so I hope some of you will join me in that because that's my holiday tradition, otherwise I'll be the night's lounge singer, and yes I will climb up onto the bar if you don't join me.

We were also thinking of having a gift exchange, and that is entirely optional if you'd like to join but it will be a secret santa exchange, so if you do want to take part, please let me know by TOMORROW so we can throw everyone participating's names in a hat and let you know who you are making a gift for. There aren't actually many rules for the gift exchange aside from actually put in effort, so it's actually great that TPTB are doing gifts so this way people who are intimidated by being creative can still have a gift exchange. If you're not intimidated by being creative, consider joining our gift exchange!

We don't have everything for the party planned out, so if anyone wants to help with that, I will let you tell me exactly what you want for Christmas from TPTB and write that down on my gift list to them. (Sabina I wanted to reach out to you specifically, but also I didn't want to force you into anything so you tell me how you're feeling about things?) I will post updates if anything changes, and a reminder to finish your gifts for secret santa the day before!

We'd love if you'd join in our Holiday Celebration! <3

Mar. 31st, 2024



Edwin [12:41pm]

Is this thing working? Is it this button? I think it's this one. I think I've got it. Wait do I have to say periods? Wait, is it writing now? Uh. Hmm. Delete delete delete delete delete delete delete. That's probably enough. Wait, did that? Um, delete delete delete delete. Okay. Period? Hello, this is Edwin, period. It sounds like I am not the only one who is blind, period. I'm going to turn into a wolf just to see if shifting triggers a healing. Thing. No. Delete delete delete. Supernatural healing. Period. I just want to let people know that if you're walking around and stumble across a big dog, it's just me, I'm not feral, and I won't hurt you, period. If my vision comes back, I'll even lead you around. Like a big fluffy guide wolf. I think I missed a period. Enter? New line? Enter. I won't be able to talk to use this thing again once I'm a wolf, so oh god damn it, should I have been doing commas too? No, delete delete delete delete delete delete uh delete delete delete? Jesus. Okay. This is going bad so I just wanted to assure people that if you crash into me before your sight comes back I'm not going to hurt you. Period. Fingers crossed this works. All of this is terrible. And send? I hate every part of this. Off, device. This button? Just talk?

Mar. 15th, 2024



Subject #2070FECO [9:21am; public]

Ain't even gonna say why the hell you picked me?

Feb. 16th, 2024



Edwin [10:45am]

Just a note to all the weres, yesterday I made a metric ton of pasta dishes, so if part of your full moon process is filling up and then being tired later like mine is, help yourself to as much as you need, because that's what it's there for.

Everyone else, I know it's come up but once again, if you could please stay in the tower after maybe 4:30 today, I think we'll all be happier for it. There are wards set in place (thank you again to the participating witches) but let's all still make good choices tonight, because we don't know what's going to go wrong.

If anyone has any questions or concerns, go for it. I think we've got things figured out at this point, though.

Feb. 5th, 2024



Edwin [8:27am]

Yesterday, we revealed that two of your own had set an uncontrolled fire in town, potentially endangering the entire building. Several of you expressed displeasure with this, calling it thoughtless and irresponsible. Our question today is: should Ford and Maya be punished for their actions? Why or why not?
Honestly? I think both Ford and Maya are great, but yeah, probably-- but not by you guys. In the real world I'd expect that they'd be served a fine or community service, but I don't want to say yes and then you put them through psychological torture. If I thought that you might take them out of here on the weekends to clean up trash off the side of the highway that'd be different.

Who else do you feel deserves to be punished and why?
Various politicians and public figures, and viewers like you. Yeah I expected that shock, that's fine Again, I don't think that anyone in charge should be responsible for punishing the people here. I don't have an answer you'll like here, I don't think we need to be rushing to punish people.

Who do you feel deserves to be rewarded and why?
The weres and anyone else that you've used their biology or abilities as weapons against other people here. And not just a we decided not to ruin your life and the lives of those around you during the most turbulent part of the month, though that would sure be nice.

Jan. 24th, 2024



Ram [afternoon, public]

Wasn't here.

Spent the last three days looking at my own house and never getting close to it.

Bullshit as usual.

Glad you all were miserable, too.

Thanks for looking for me.


None of that was sarcastic.

Been using the cellar under the school for my moon room. Plan to go there this time, too.

Can I still count on your for a suck drink what the f repeat of last month? Or will you be busy with Theo?

Jan. 19th, 2024



Edwin [11:45am]

My head's a little foggy still, I think I'm coming out of the other side of the plague, but this should still be a conversation that we need to have now.

Full moon's coming up fast. The weres have started plans, but since TPTB can make this a public problem if they want, and we need magic help anyway, we need to talk plans. I think we know where we can hide away on the night of, but I feel like everyone else should have plans for that night for their own safety.

Can I wrangle a few witches for wards for that day? Can everyone else set up a buddy system? Should we all talk about this?

EDIT: I'm going to take a walk out into town to check on all the hidey-holes we were looking at and make sure they're still viable after the fire. If any of the witches or weres want to come see those spots so we know what we're dealing with, you're welcome to it. Otherwise I might be able to draw up some kind of map.

Also, I know that in our last chat, some weres were looking for ways to be sedated. If that's you, don't forget to work out how you're going to get sedated before the day of.

Dec. 31st, 2023



Oliver [12:30; public]

So, obviously we've got something going on today. I don't want to assume a connection, and I know that some of the people who were voted for yesterday are still around, but the two that disappeared were also on that list and we haven't heard from everybody yet.

I've pulled the names of people I've already seen on the network. If you're one of the people below, please check in. If anyone lives on the same floor as any of these people would be willing to do a check-in, that would be much appreciated:

Hunter - accounted for
Anja - accounted for
Bastien - accounted for
Benny - [...] accounted for
Simone - accounted for

[PM to Edwin]

Are you okay? Anything weird happening this morning?



Nathan Johnson | Day 62

I've restocked the sideboard up on P7 if anyone is wondering. I felt like some may need it, judging on the entries I'm seein.

PM to Winter )

Dec. 29th, 2023



Little Goth Scientist - 8:42 AM

We're about a week from the full moon. I think, by now, we understand that we don't know what could happen. It might be worth starting to put together a plan for this month to make sure everyone is as safe and comfortable as possible.

I'm open to discussing it here, or we can meet and discuss it over coffee or something.

[Yasiel and Ford]
Would you be up for a Christmas movie night? Ford, have you ever seen Elf?

Dec. 22nd, 2023



[10:13am; Public]

I'm sorry, have I done something? I don't even know half of you.

Dec. 23rd, 2023



Oliver [8:53am; public]


Well, that was unnecessary


I don't know much about vampires, but I can only assume that all the mythos, or lore, or whatever it is that you want to call it came from somewhere. Purely running on the assumption that the older a vampire is the stronger (and frankly, more likely to be able to escape whatever crap you toss at him) they are, and my personal experience with how capable he is, I'm going to have to say Gable. And that's only because voting for myself apparently only gets me an electrical whooping.

Dec. 22nd, 2023



Edwin [9:45am]

Morgan. And bring back Cecilia.

Dec. 3rd, 2023



Little Goth Scientist - 10:16 AM

I know everyone many of us are anticipating Thanksgiving celebrations later today. Thank you, Birdie, Sabina, and Linds, for putting everything together.

But I was wondering if I might ask for some assistance tomorrow from as many of you as are willing.

I am looking for books regarding magic, preferably any spellbooks or grimoires. Some of us here are cursed, and I hope to find some way to assist in breaking these curses. Unfortunately, the library is large and not organized in any obvious way.

If we can split all the bookshelves among many of us, we might be able to go through the entire library (relatively) quickly and see if it contains what we're looking for. I'm asking for an hour or two to get through as much as possible. Whenever you might be available.

Nov. 25th, 2023



Queen of Tarts - 10 :24 PM

Fucking turkeys

I was going to have a whole quippy post, but honestly, I'm too tired for that.

I think I've mentioned in the past that I play Dungeons and Dragons (nerds are cute, okay?) and if I haven't, welp I play Dungeons and Dragons. And honestly, the hardest thing about it is the scheduling around everyone's lives. Since time is something we have way too much of and the obligations are at a minimum, who would be interested in starting up a game?

I've no interest in being the DM/GM, but I'm happy to help with character creation. As well as making dice.

Unless our ever-present voyeurs would like to gift us all with a bunch of dice sets and a few 5e reference books. Oh. And mini-figs. Battle sets. A whole Dimension 20 dome.

Edited to Add: Are there any witches that can summon or fabricate or transfigure some dice? I will trade baked goods.