Posts Tagged: 'el%C3%ADas'

Dec. 20th, 2022



Little Goth Scientist - 12:15 PM

Dammit. Someone has to do this.

Okay, I have seen a lot of things going back and forth. Thank you to those that have reached out to various werecreatures to ask what we wanted. A number of solutions were presented and currently what we've settled on are the following:

  • We would like to use the empty rooms on P7 and P8. Each bitten were will be in their own empty room. I believe we need at least seven rooms. Those who have rooms on those floors do not have to give up their rooms, but you won't have access to them after 6 PM to be safe. Please grab whatever you might need for the night.

  • Witches, can you ward each doorway so people cannot leave until sunrise or 7 AM to be safe? If possible, can you also include the ability to dampen any sounds or smells coming from the public areas? Some witches are also working on a mass sleeping spell for the weres for the evening. Don't fuck up my necklace

  • Vampires and born weres can be stationed in the public areas of P7 and 8. We should still investigate ways to disable the elevator and the stairwell access between P6 and P7.

  • People should probably avoid P4, 5, and 6 during the night put distance between bitten weres and people who do not have strength and speed on their side. That leaves plenty of public areas for people to gather and/or crash for the evening. Grab the things you might need for the evening. And those who have rooms on the lower floors maybe let others use your bathrooms or a place to decompress if it's just too many people. Be a bro.

Edit: If you can affect people's mood, particularly if it means keeping people calm, that would be quite useful. Someone who knows more about magic, please confirm, but that might help any sleeping spells take effect.



[11:21am; PM to Poe]

Hola. I know you are very busy, so I am offering to help. I am very good at the herding of cats, so to speak. High schoolers, you know? This group is not so different.

So. You tell me where they need to go, I will make sure they get there. Supplies also. I will be the airport traffic man. Okay?

Dec. 19th, 2022



Sabina Zafrani 🍷 [9:19am]

Wow so ummm this is a lot and I'm useless which doesn't feel great. Is there anything I can do?

[...] I don't want to be alone tonight. Just gonna put that out there. Yeah.



Leather Jacket Guy

[8:33am, public]

Hey, just tossing this out here for some exposure with everything else going on so it can either go on the "possible" list or get knocked off it.

I know we have a whole bunch of super cool psychics and witches around, but does anyone know how to make anyone else fall asleep, or create some kind of sensory deprivation thing? Asking for a bunch of really furry friends.

Dec. 10th, 2022



[9:51am; Public]

Well, of course I miss my students. They are probably very worried for me. And my principal, she is surely tearing her hair out because now she will have to ask Mr. Moore to sub in and the man does not know art from his left foot.

But most of all, I miss my slippers. They look like little sharks, you know, but with the mouths eating my feet. Adorable!

Dec. 8th, 2022



Fisher: 8:30PM [public]

So the big ol' forest-y situation outside - are those woods, like, safe? Do people actually go out there?

Also: my room's freezing. Not cool great.

Dec. 5th, 2022



[12:34pm; Public]

Okay, okay, I am settled down.

I am sorry for being sassy about if you are French. To the person who said my car was outside: very funny joke. I am not mad! I am impressed.

And this store? Crazy stuff. I found a gangster hat and also one of those [...] onesie? The big things with feet. A very good thing too, because it is very freezing in my room and I think I would die if I did not have it.

Now! My name is Elías Salgado, I am an art teacher, and I am happy to meet you all. Not happy to be here, but I think that is normal.

Oh, and I am a werewolf. There is no one here very scared of wolves, is there? Sometimes I like to stretch my legs, but I do not want to start any screaming.

Dec. 4th, 2022



Little Goth Scientist - 10:30 am

Would all of the werecreatures who feel comfortable doing so please private message me so I can facilitate a conversation among all of us?

So the full moon is likely going to come sooner than any of us would like to think. I don't know how knowledgeable you are about werecreatures, but some of us aren't very... friendly when the full comes around.

Myself being one of them.

Usually, I can hole up alone on an isolated farm and have ways to keep me asleep during the night, but given what has happened so far I don't think that will be the case this time. I think whoever is doing all of this will try to mess with us. I need to have a backup plan. I don't want to hurt anyone.

Ugh. Which is a long way to say, would you be willing to feed from me before the full? And not just a little feed. I need to be lethargic that not even transforming will fully heal me. Or I could feed multiple vampires, I think. If that's okay. I've already fed Cal. Or is cross-feeding like double dipping at a party? I don't know if that's proper etiquette among vampires. So please forgive my ignorance.

Nov. 26th, 2022



Ya Mum [12pm | public]


Nov. 25th, 2022



Subject #4773FECO - 9:45 AM

What. The. Fuck.

It's one thing to fuck with me, but I have responsibilities to get back to. Now you're fucking with them.



Sabina Zafrani 🍷 [Public, 1:13pm]

Guys, I figured out how to add an emoji to my name! It's a wine glass! Isn't that fun??

So it looks like the witches and the vampires are having private parties, so neat! I was thinking about trying to get us all together tonight, but since those two groups are busy, how about brunch tomorrow? We could do it picnic style since there's so many of us, maybe take advantage of all that space up here on p8 (I love it up here, oh my gosh there's the cutest little conversation pit, HOW FUN!), and I'll make mimosas and quiche and I know the vampires can't have any but I'll still give you guys fancy glasses and cocktail umbrellas so you can feel included! Sound good? 11 AM! RSVP please so I know how much food to make.



Little Goth Scientist - 9:34 am

[Individual PMs sent to Ford, Jesse, Tanner, Daisy, Cal, Gable, 1790EXCO (Hunter), Ari, and Natalia]

As you may or may not know, I've been working on the mystery surrounding the subject ID numbers. While I haven't figured out what the letters mean so far, I've figured out that the first number identifies what species you are. In your case, a 1 indicates you're a vampire. I've only told other vampires that a 1 means if you wanted to keep your species to yourself, but I cannot guarantee that others won't figure it out soon enough as I tell them what their numbers mean. But it should help identify new vampires who post on the network when they arrive.

[Individual PMs sent to 2070FECO (Grayson), Shay, 281*FECO (Elías), Ram, 2690LICO (Wesley), and Riley]

As you may or may not know, I've been working on the mystery surrounding the subject ID numbers. While I haven't figured out what the letters mean so far, I've figured out that the first number identifies what species you are. In our case, a 2 indicates we're some sort of werecreature. Like I've told the others, I'm a weredog. I've only told other werecreatures that a 2 means of you wanted to keep your species to yourself, but I cannot guarantee that others won't figure it out soon enough as I tell them what their numbers mean. But it should help us identify new werecreatures who post on the network when they arrive.

[Individual PMs sent to Birdie, Leya, Yasiel, Taissa, Hollis, and 3720EXCO (Fisher)]

As you may or may not know, I've been working on the mystery surrounding the subject ID numbers. While I haven't figured out what the letters mean so far, I've figured out that the first number identifies what species you are. In your case, a 3 indicates you're a witch of some variety . I've only told other witches what a 3 means if you wanted to keep your abilities to yourself, but I cannot guarantee that others won't figure it out soon enough as I tell them what their numbers mean. But it should help identify new witches who post on the network when they arrive.

[Individual PMs sent to 5051FECO (Marco), Charlie, 5121LICO (Sadie), Noah, Julie, Damarcus, 5641FECO (Sabina), 5311LICO (Gage), 5510EXCO (Angel), 5730LICO (Hiroki), Luca

As you may or may not know, I've been working on the mystery surrounding the subject ID numbers. While I haven't figured out what the letters mean so far, I've figured out that the first number identifies what species you are. In your case, a 5 indicates you're a psychic of some variety. I've only told other psychics what a 5 means if you want to keep your abilities to yourself, but I cannot guarantee that others won't figure it out soon enough as I tell them what their numbers mean. But it should help identify new psychics who post on the network when they arrive.

[Individual PMs sent to Gwen, Omri, and Remy]

As you may or may not know, I've been working on the mystery surrounding the subject ID numbers. While I haven't figured out what the letters mean so far, I've figured out that the first number identifies what species you are. In your case, a 6 indicates you're feytouched. I've only told others that are feytouched what a 6 means if you wanted to keep your abilities to yourself, but I cannot guarantee that others won't figure it out soon enough as I tell them what their numbers mean. But it should help identify new feytouched who post on the network when they arrive.

Nov. 24th, 2022




Yes, okay. You got me! It is a very good senior prank. I am a little concerned about the IV (it looked very real!) but I will not mention it to Principal Murray.

Now, unlock the door, please.